Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale January 2024 (Season 55)

I think there’s no question that the Little Prince deserves a nerf. However, I don’t think this should be the way it has to be nerfed, nerfing the damage of the prince would ruin its intended purpose of being an “Air Mighty Miner”. Nerf its hp instead so it dies to fireball. Might as well put poison back in its place.

I have mixed opinions with this one. On one hand, it is beautiful that Evo archers don’t have as much range as they used to have. On the other, I have a feeling that they will be more difficult to kill in offense, as the powered shots will be fired from a lower distance than before.

Absolutely unnecessary. Log bait is dead this season, and will be even more if this balance change is implemented. Leave goblins as they are (except the giant).

Any nerf to cards usually used in goblin giant or elixir golem are welcome to me. Although would be better if they simply nerfed the main cards.

Nope, terrible change. Barbarian barrel is fine as it is. They’ve got more stuff to worry about, come on.

Yeah, will help Evo recruits not being as annoying. However, please don’t nerf them any more! Any more nerfs and they will practically be regular royal recruits.

Ok change, however, I would nerf the bowler in other ways. Maybe reducing the range so it isn’t able to hit the tower from the bridge would be best.

Another pointless change. Giant skeleton’s hp is fine as it is, if they want Giant Skeleton to be more mainstream they should buff the hit speed or increase the bomb damage to troops.

Guards should for no reason be able to survive arrows. Nerf their regular health as well (which will probably only come to use in this interaction anyways).

Sure, why not.

Pretty cool change. Bomber’s damage is good as it is, but a bit extra damage wouldn’t do any harm.

This would be an annoyance more than anything, and I hope this doesn’t change many interactions. If they really want to, go with it I guess.

PLEASE :pleading_face:, my poor archer queen needs it to stay afloat in this current meta. An increase in the duration would be the perfect change it needs to go out of the shadows again.

I personally like it, though I am not a goblin drill player and don’t know if this would be better or worse for the drill.

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That little price NERF was a need, like just after it’s release, it was all over the game while there was barely any suitable counter to that card. I loved that nerf. It was satisfying NGL.

Nerf Goblin Giant health.


Glad to see that some of the weaker champions got their buffs. Guards’ new stats seem really good, I do expect some higher usage rate now that they survive Arrows. I also think the Little prince, Evo recruits, and Evo archers nerfs are justified. The new Goblin drill rework seems good.
However I don’t know how to feel about the Goblin nerf. Is something like a Goblin barrel getting one hit less now? And the Evo mortar isn’t really that good at the moment, and the Goblin nerf definitely made it worse now. I also don’t think Rage deserved the nerf.

GY is NOT overpowered. If you can’t deal with the skeletons is means your deck is too expensive or you don’t know how to save a card to counter it.


My opinion on this:

LP: Good nerf. Doesn’t kill him, just make him less OP

Evo Archers: DEAD

Gobs: 2nd time they increase their fist hit time, half a second? really? Just remove Gob Barrel and Gob Drill for once.

Rage: Good nerf

Barb Barrel: No need to do it since you already nerfed evo archers and LP (which was counterd by barb barrel)*

Evo Royal Recruits: No need to do it, again.

Bowler: Insignicant nerf, he needed more.

Giant Skel: Good buff

Guards: Way too OP now

Skelly King, Good buff

Bomber: Good Buff

AQ/Golden Knight: Good buffs, they needed some love.

Gob Drill Rework: You already killed the gobs, why you waste your time in doing this rework ?


However, this is actually related to the introduction of evolution cards in Clash Royale. The evolved Barbarians, evolved Royal Recruits, as well as Goblins and Goblin Gang, make the game more favorable towards cards that can provide area-of-effect (AOE) damage. On the other hand, cards that offer single-target damage, especially melee units, find themselves in an awkward position if their damage output and cost-effectiveness cannot reach a high level. Another victim similar to the Golden Knight is the Prince, who struggles to perform well against these evolution cards and Goblins without having good means to deal with the Goblin Giant.

3 Goblins were one if the worst and most underused cards in the game. It’s better they nerf Goblins as a whole and compensate the other cards in other ways, for example the Goblin Drill rework, they just need to buff/rework Barrel

These balances look really good. I have some comments for SC

I don’t think the Barb Barrel nerf is necessary. Especially a damage nerf. I think a big spike to its usage is mainly due to its ability to snipe LP after it gets the guardienne. Barb Barrel itself is not in need of a nerf imo.

Bowler. As a Ram Rider player I hate that this card is everywhere, so… nerf, good. :+1:

Goblins: while the two elixir goblins are pretty OP in a lot of scenarios, it’s not right to throw cards like Barrel, Gang drill and mortar under the bus as well. I get that it’s hard to nerf goblins without nerfing the other goblin cards, but SC has nerfed them before without collateral damage from other cards featuring them. Evo Mortar is prolly the most balanced evo (maybe a little underpowered when compared to others), barrel has been suffering since goblins first hit speed was reduced from .2-.4. Goblin gang already got caught in the crossfires with goblin giant.
My recommend nerf for goblins is to reduce their deployment time once again or to postpone the nerf until a better solution is created

Guards: if the guards buff takes place we won’t even need goblins anymore. This buff is way too much and unnecessary.

Evo archers: Yes. I like it. They are way to powerful in this meta and the last nerf didn’t do much.

LP. The last nerf toned him down quite a bit but it’s not quite enough. I think it should die to fireball. Simple as that.

Goblin Drill. I love this rework. Hope it comes into effect.

Champs: AQ. Not necessary. I think AQ is good as it is, just overshadowed by LP. GK, it needs a buff. It’s been suffering.
SK. It’s weird playing against graveyard when they’re not playing SK - Bring Graveyard Sk back :slight_smile:

Giant skelly is strong and weak at the same time if that makes any sense. It’s incredibly powerful in the deck it works in - but I don’t see it much. Let’s bring everyone’s favourite giant tank back.

Bomber. Bomber has a reputation for being the most under appreciated card. Let’s make sure it earns that title.

Rage is really annoying - especially with Goblin Giant. A nerf to it is a nerf to Goblin Giant. :+1:

Wish list.

PEKKA buff. Damage +7%. It need to be able to kill cards like witch hunter and fishboy. It’s been weak for a long while and I don’t know anybody that hates PEKKA. Let’s make sure the best Mom in CR can make people go “oh god” when they see it and not “yes let’s go it’s not Goblin Giant.”

MA: its last nerf killed it and it wasn’t overpowered in its last state. Revert or partially revert pls.

LP: Dies to fireball.

Goblin Giant: HP nerf

Dead? That’s insanely funny. Evo Archers are the most broken card in the game, if they got this nerf, they’d still be the most broken card in the game next to evo Knight.

Dead? That’s insanely funny. Evo Archers are the most broken card in the game, if they got this nerf, they’d still be the most broken card in the game next to evo Knight

They keep ignoring to nerf the damage and range of TORNADO, POISON and LIGHTNING every single season. These 3 spells should be nerfed asap along with GOBLIN GIANT HP. It’s not because of RAGE that the Goblin Giant is almost unstoppable right now.

Look at the stats a week ago and this week and tell me that we need another gob g nerf. It has almost disappeared from challenges

Little Prince - Deserved.

Evo Archers - Deserved.

Evo Recruits - Not the right nerf, I think they should increase the charge distance, but that is ok.

Golden Knight - Deserved.

Bowler - I really dont think Bowler need a nerf, isn’t just being used because it counters LP? It wasn’t really used before LP release. But since im a hog eq player i don’t mind.

Guards - Making them survive arrows will make them viable, but not overpowered I think, since log will still one-shot the shield.

Skeleton King - Don’t know about that one.

Goblin Drill - I don’t know what to expect.

Bomber - Not needed since evolution will soon be realeased.

Rage - Completely deserved, I hate rage, it makes already annoying cards even more annoying. Just my opinion.

Archer Queen - Not needed. Her ability is very frustrating to play against, and her doesn’t even die to fireball+log

Goblins - I don’t know.

Giant Skeleton - :skull::skull::skull:

Barbarian Barrel- Not needed.

(sorry if I wrote something wrong, english is not my main language)

Bowler just had a good season, card has been the exact same since I started the game 2 years ago and if anything has been incredibly under used until this past season. Buff it or leave it alone.


Instead of buffing Golden Knights damage, fix his dash. He is weak because of his glitchy dash. Instead of dashing in 180° view, make it 360° to avoid dashing only on 3 skeletons instead of 10 in front of him…

Leave the spells alone they are fine

Evo archers - smaller damage

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man people voted for bowler when little prince was one of the main reasons it was meta


guards should not be able to survive arrows, no matter how weak they are

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From my perspective, little prince and evo archers nerf are good. The minimum range buff may be necessary due to certain interactions unfortunately; maybe do other nerfs if needed. Evo recruits nerf is good, but I want a nerf to normal recruits too. Probably an HP nerf or damage nerf.
Bowler may have shot past the popularity as a counter to LP and recruits. The bowler lineups on the tower (especially with tornado) can get annoying. Not sure for that. Nerfing spells is unnecessary imo. Rage is only so popular because of goblin giant, and barbarian barrel is at a fine state.
I do think that including buffs is necessary to maintain the balance of the game, and most of the listed ones are fine for me.
Regarding ones not listed, goblin barrel should get back spawn damage imo. It’s already so weak in the current state. Evo knight may need a nerf, but the popularity can only be fixed if there are other options to replace eve knight, like evo valkyrie. And then a nerf to the toxic fireball bait archetype (broadly) is long forgotten at this point. Also nerf pump, which is the most toxic card imo.
I’m not a fan of Supercell’s stance of not reverting balance changes, but this would mean goblin giant doesn’t have good nerfs.