Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale January 2024 (Season 55)

Where is giant goblin nerf?+rage and recruits nerf should be bigger


Why nerf on goblin barrel again?
GK is still junk for being not able to dash on tower.


My entire deck nerf wtf


My opinion:

  • The nerf that the Little Prince should receive is dying for fireball (he’s only 3 elixir!)
  • Rage is bad. Barbarian barbell is balanced (maybe good). They are used a lot because of goblin giant and royal recruits decks . Rage was not used before I think.
  • A possible nerf for goblins could be to return to 3 units (now people know how good they are + doesn’t nerf other goblin units)
  • Bowler doesn’t need nerf. He is a balanced unit. The meta is what has returned it (like countering the Little Prince). Seriously, Bowler doesn’t need a nerf. Especially if we go back to a meta cycle.
  • Giant skeleton, bomber and golden knight buffs are good. The guards buff is really deserved. I think the Archer Queen is in the shadow of the Little Prince and Evo Archers, so I don’t have an opinion on her nerf.

Other suggestions:

  • Nerf for evo knight (really needed, see his usage rate is now + with evo archers and royal recruits nerf it will be even better)
  • Buff for goblin hut: 2 spear goblins spawn when goblin hut dies (3 was a lot in June, now with one is not used, so let’s choose the middle ground and see how it works)
  • Possible nerf to the Bomb Tower (to be discussed with the team)

Hello everyone, I am a player from China who loves the game Clash Royale. I would like to discuss some issues regarding the card “Golden Knight.” The biggest problem, in my opinion, is that I don’t know what to use him for. His health and damage per second are inferior to Valkyrie, so he must rely on his skill to prove his worth. However, he is so dependent on his skill. During defense, if there is a lot of low-level troops, he must use his skill to clear enemy units on the field. But when the player finishes defending and wants to counterattack using units on the field, the medium speed of the Golden Knight prevents him from posing a significant threat.Yes, he cannot provide a strong counterattack like the Dark Prince does. If you have his skill at that moment, it would be great because it poses a significant threat when activated. However, this is based on the premise that you didn’t use his skill while defending.

Therefore, the Golden Knight heavily relies on his skill to help him defend and attack. However, the cost of 4+1=5 elixirs makes it inflexible to use him, resulting in an awkward position.


evo knight nerf is missing
giant skellie buff would be good but 8% is too much
rahe, barb barrel, bowler, goblins Definitely shouldn’t be nerfed. only reason they’re popular and have a good wr is because they counter/are used with goblin giant evo recruits.
barb barrel and goblins were good before anyway a small nerf to them is still ok. Just Not to bowler and rage!


The nerf affects all cards with goblins so goblin barrel is getting nerfed AGAIN


Bro they need to find another way to nerf JUST the two elixer goblins, goblin barrel gang and evo mortar get nerfed for no REASON, please supercell find a different way​:sob::pray:


Firstly, I want to mention that the nerf to the archers is too much; that would make no one use them and they’d be out of the meta. Secondly, I think the buff to the champions is quite good. As the name implies, they are CHAMPIONS and should have fairly good statistics, but at the moment, their stats aren’t very good, and almost no one uses them. Third and last point, the change they will make to the excavator is decent. It’s not something I would do, but I accept it.


Nerf gob giant dude

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bowler is only op because LP, when Lp nerfed then is bowler a good card, bowler didnt need a nerf


Nerfing all goblins, especially first hit is the worst thing you can do. Goblin barrel heavily relies on first hit, especially when you do jukes. Only nerf 2 elixir goblins count if you need. You lierally nerf logbait, and eco mortar uses indirectly. Terrible idea

  • Evo Archers already nerfed in December. It is not cool to nerf back-to-back nerf a new card. People spend time and money to evolve it and it becomes useless in a month.
  • Bowler and recruits nerfs are needed. Goblin
  • Goblin nerf to all goblin cards might be cruel.
  • Champions buffs are good. They are forgotten as “Champion”.

I feel like the goblin giant needs another nerf, barbarrel nerf is uneeded too.


Missing a GGiant and EvoKnight nerf ngl. Also the goblin nerf would completely kill logbait, I might have to change decks if this goes through.

I dont get why barb barrel should get nerfed when it is only viable in beatdown and graveyard.
When log is pretty much in every cycle deck and dominates much more.
Also the bowler is only in the meta because little prince is good so I dont feel like he really deserves a nerf.
And also how can almost every champion be on the list but not monk?
Like monk is probably the worst champion right now and he does not get a buff?
Ever since he costs 5 elixir he is dead…


The giant skeleton has completely fallen off ever since the evo knight came out. It deserves this buff

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20 Win Player 2023

Evo Archers are the strongest evo in the game, they don’t need compensation for getting their max range reduced, just nerf them without making them more op at closer ranges

2 elixir Goblins need a nerf but nobody is voting them because it will affect Goblin Barrel, why not give it a buff/rework like Goblin Drill?

Goblin Giant is still super strong, #1 win condition in the 20 win challenge, why not nerf his hp a few % at the very least please?

Archer Queen is a solid champion that has been overshadowed by Little Prince, the buff is too extreme and her use rates will go up after LP gets nerfed, either reduce/change the buff so it’s minor or don’t give her one at all

Bowler was never used before LP was released, his popularity is directly tied to his good interactions in countering LP, you already nerfed Valkyrie before just because she was good in 1 meta, don’t nerf balanced cards just because they’re actually viable in 1 meta Supercell, seriously

I would rather see a Bomber range buff revert, not sure what the extra damage would change for him

Why nerf Barbarian Barrel when Log and Tornado are so much more oppressive? Bring back the knockback nerf amd radius nerf for them respectively, they desperately need it and Barb Barrel is fine the way it is


Golden Knight is actually way worse than him by far, it’s not even close, but absolutely Monk deserves a buff and I’m not sure why he got skipped, he needs it way more than Archer Queen’s insane buff

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Emergency changes don’t count as back-to-back, if they’re getting nerfed twice it’s because they need it. That’s why they’re #1 most voted.

Bowler isn’t needed, he’s only popular because LP was released who he counters decently well, he was rarely used before that.

2 elixir Goblins need a nerf but they need to compensate Goblin Barrel somehow, like the Goblin Drill rework.

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