Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale January 2024 (Season 55)

Tf wrong with you? u prob a mega knight player

The results are ok,but bro,BUFF AQ,like…lp is still better in every way. The champions in general are just not the best rn, only lp.A small buff on her ability would be great. GK dash ability dmg is good,but yeah,unfortunate AQ is not getting a buff :sob:

I agree with a goblin nerf if it involves removing a goblin while increasing hit speed and first hit speed. This is why I never agreed to a fourth goblin buff in the past…:man_facepalming:

People aren’t using those champions because Little Prince currently has like 50% usage and you can only have one champion in a deck.

He made a joke…Graveyard is literally dead

I removed my bowler nerf because yeah… AQ should get that buff… might be too late now though.

Yes . I love him :slight_smile:

I love the guards, I hope they become stronger :heart:

Ye rage is only powerful with the cards around it so I agree that there is no need to need a card since it is a balanced card

I’m level 70 and have everything elite level.

I’d like to see the buffs on the other champions: AQ, GK, and SK. But they left out monk. They already nerfed him to 5 elixir instead of 4, they should make his reaction time faster so it’s not only through predictions that you could send back Rocket, FB, and Gob Barrel.

Rage doesn’t need nerf

Barb barrel doesn’t need nerf

Goblins I would like the nerf but it won’t be fair to many players that use a variety of decks: gob drill,
Log bait, and evo mortar. It’s too impactful and may harm the game instead of making it better.

Evo recruits need nerf

Bowlers nerf I don’t know how I feel about it, while I’d like to see it nerfed, no change to it too will be fine as well.

LP nerf is ok because I think he’s had enough time being on top. I actually used him in level 15 to reach 9000 trophies when he first came out.

Guards buff will be interesting. It may be OP but it can then compete against Goblins so I don’t oppose it.

Evo archers need to remain the same since they competing against all the evos for the slot plus they already got nerfed no need to kill the card.

The gob drill rework is fine because it’s a card that gets easily countered. The change might help it.

Bomber buff is cool too the card needs a little bit of love.

Lastly the Giant Skelly buff is cool. He hasn’t been as good since they nerfed his giant bomb damage.

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Bowler does not need a nerf, his range is still terrible from his last nerf. He used to destroy a witch by aiming for the skeleton in front, now the tower picks the skellies off faster than he can retarget, he just stands there looking dumb stuttering, then walks forward a tile and a half to finally target the witch. This troop was inspired from clash of clans, have you seen how far he throws rocks there? Anyone that plays a defense troop next to the tower to counter him deserves to get splash damage on the tower. He is an Epic card! Currently getting out classed by a Common card with an evolution! Fire cracker is far worse at going from defense to splashing the tower on offense. I am currently mid ladder and Master II. 90% of my games are against Evo Firecracker. It’s impossible to prevent tower damage from it. Most frustrating card to defend right now. Bowler is easily countered for 2 elixir after crossing the bridge, fire cracker gets value every time.

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Guards would probably be meta if it got buffed


But when it is nerfed, it will be cooler

nerf little prince to die to fireball


Have u actually seen their stats? Or u r just using them in your deck and don’t want the evo archers to be nerfed so your deck won’t be killed.

Can you make the words on the screen during gameplay smaller and less distracting, we do not need to know the match is almost over we can see the time. Also when minor is behind the tower we cannot see the towers health.

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Nerf ballon and sparky

Again? I mean they already nerfed spear gobs. So nerf hp then?

I agree with a lot of these changes, but you are missing a few cards that still need a nerf because of their unpredictability. This game is supposed to require strategy and not just be based off of pure luck. Decreasing the firecrackers range would solve a lot of problems regarding its unpredictability and the free damage it can do to towers with basically no risk. The high usage rates in higher arenas support the idea that even if you play great defense they can chip down your tower like a miner. However a miner offers a risk as it offers no defense after you play it basically granting a 3 exiler advantage to the oponent while firecracker backs up enough to play defense afterwards. Next instead of nerfing rage which seems fine where it is at. Nerf the lumberjacks speed. The lumberjack often switches which way its going if it is near the tower which is an annoying bug. Additionally its damage output puts it better than a knight and offers a more spam to win. The rage afterwards is fine but the spaminess of the card makes lumberloon so annoying to deal with not even because of the balloon. its because you have to deal with the lumberjack so fast while also planning how ur going to kill the balloon. a slight speed decrease would not kill the card and would make users use the card for what it should be used for which is a tactical card to use the rage it drops. A lot of people will drop lumberjack by itself just because of how good it is without the need for the rage.

What you stated is now irrelevant as you just showed you’re extremely biased. My counter argument is how a 12% use rate with nearly a 60% win rate is not balanced or weak by any means. In fact, these stats conclude the card needs a hearty nerf.