Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale January 2024 (Season 55)

I think all the OG Champions need buffs cause they aren’t seen in any meta decks. Mighty Miner is currently seen in a lot of hog decks, and monk pairs well with miner+ballon, hence why I think golden knight and skelly king could use a small buff. I mean, a dash damage buff won’t really make gk much better, and skelly king could use faster hitspeed to kill swarms faster, since it’s not like he really does a lot of damage anyway.

Nerf Firecracker and evo firecracker

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I strongly believe if the little prince is getting a damage nerf it would be logical to buff the hit speed by a small amount, for instance, instead of 6 hits for ramp up hit speed it should be 4 hits to activate the ramp up hit speed to compensate the loss of damage per second, so it’ll make the card ineffective defensively when the ability is not available. Although, I believe it needs a buff to the hit speed because I’ve seen in many circumstances from experience and others that it dies very quickly defending and especially at offense defense before I have enough elixir to activate the ability and in some situations it’s not viable to always use the ability and would become a more effective when someone decides to save their elixir to combo it with a different higher costing card than it’s ability. I believe it takes forever to reach its ramp up hit speed and before it does it’ll just die. So that’s what’s stopping me from buying his shop offers because I believe it’s very weak defensively on its own. Also, I believe there’s a bug with the Tesla, it doesn’t pop up quickly to shoot, like when placed it’ll go inside the ground and then slowly pop up to engage at its target. It doesn’t engage instantaneous like the other defensive buildings. And the last one is hog rider. I believe the hog rider can be reworked by making the hog rider have less health and having more damage per second so instead of 318 (tournament standard) it should have 818-930 damage with lesser health that’s around 1100-1200 hp so it could be killed quicker from people that use only troops in their decks and don’t use defensive buildings that better counter the hog rider. The hog rider has always been notoriously well known for its high reliability of getting at least one shot at the tower while someone placing more than 2-3 cards to just counter the hog rider. It’s a fast unstoppable tank that requires a lot of elixir to be expensed to kill. Thank you for taking the time to read my considerations I wish you all the best!

I wish archer queen’s range was extended to 6 tiles because she’s the queen of bow just like little prince has a bow and has a 6 tile range I believe the archer queen should also have the same range to praise and respect her majesty as the same caliber of the little prince.

Balloon doesn’t really need a nerf and honestly I’d say it needs a buff considering that it almost gets fully countered by minions, mega minion, and even bats. Meanwhile, I think sparky is fine as is but if I had to change it I’d give it either a small hit speed buff of health buff

Giant Skeleton needs a health buff because unless your giant skeleton is overleveled (and even when overleveled) it’s hard to get giant skeleton on tower. (I may be saying this because im a giant skeleton player.)

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I agree with the range buff but instead of 6 tiles, maybe 6.5 or 7 tiles.

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I’m not a giant skeleton player and I strongly agree it’s so hard to get it to the tower because there’s so MANY HARD COUNTERS TO IT like inferno tower, pekka, buildings and other tanks

Exactly. She deserves more range than the little prince because she’s a champion card, is an actual QUEEN, and is in a higher class of archery. I would actually use her if she at least had a 6.0-6.5 tile range and will waste a lot of money upgrading her!! Lol

So you don’t use zap snowball and or arrows lol ballon is op especially with recruits in front

Bowler is not op only used because of little prince

if you can’t defend a graveyard, that’s just a skill issue. just poison or log it when the skeletons ramp up

barb barrel should deal be damage big

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