Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale January 2024 (Season 55)

I hope the evo’s get a nerf. Things like barbbarrel, rage and goblins dont need a nerf. I like to buff goldenknight and aq

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Yea dont nerf ryley again.

I actually hoped that rocket got a buff

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Maybe the problem is they want goblins to be stronger with the 4th goblin, but its toooo strong. that’s the problem with cards like goblins being used in so many different ‘units’ you can’t balance one without changing others it’s why I think rascals was the right approach, they could have easily been a goblin cage goblin and two archers/spear gobbos but it just makes balancing so freakin difficult. each card should have unique units.

Usually the champions abilities give you more value for the cost, so nerfing the guardians hp would make the ability cost less than 3 elixir, if it is used without damaging or knockbacking a target. The change for the ability must be to nerf the dash distance from 4,5 to 4 tiles, which is gonna make countering the Guardian more possible, if he is launched from 6 tiles (the range of the lp(the closest that the guardian can get launched to the tower)). Also I think the old hit speed mechanic must be brought back. Golden Knights dash damage buff is not going to change anything, I think either the dash range or hp need to be buffed instead. The Archer Queens damage for a 5 elixir card is lacking. Compared to the musketeer, she is 1 elixir more expensive, has a smaller range and a lower dps, which are the important points for a ranged troop. The only thing she is better at is the health, which is not as important for a ranged troop. So I suggest a 11% damage buff. The ability should not be touched, because it would become way too powerful so this ability duration is not a good idea. The goblins`hit speed must be nerfed, instead of the first hit time. All of the other ballances are accptable. There are a lot of additional suggestions, that I can give tho: Witch: Damage +12%; spawns 3 additional skeletons upon death; Ice Wizard: Damage +15%; Princess: Damage +35% (barely doesn’t kill minions), crown tower damage stays the same; Zap: Stun Effect Duration 0,5 > 0.75 seconds (+50%); Evolution Knight: Shield 60% > 50%; Hit Speed Increase (removed); Damage Increase 30% > 20%; Ice Spirit: Freeze Duration 1.2 > 1.1 seconds (-9%); Range 2.5 > 2 Tiles (-20%); Evolution Skeletons: Maximum Skeletons Count 8 > 6 (-25%); Evolution Firecracker: Small Spark Radius 1.2 > 1 Tile (-17%); Evolution Mortar: Hit Speed Increase (removed); Goblin Giant: Hit Points -3%; Wall Breakers: Damage -5%; Monk: 5 > 4 Elixir (-20%); Combo Damage Increase 200% > 50% (-75%); Ability 1 > 2 Elixir (+100%); Wizard: 5 > 4 Elixir (+20%); Damage -20% (barely doesn’t kill minions); Magic Archer: Crown Tower Damage 100% > 90%; first attack time interval 0.8 seconds > 0.5 seconds (-33%); Rascals: Rascal Boy Hit Points -10%; Damage +10%; Rascal Girls Hitpoints +16,5% (barely survive log, same hp as archers); Damage -25%; Minion Horde: Elixir Cost 5>4 (-20%), Minion Count: 6>5 (-17%); Barbarian Hut: 6 > 4 Elixir (-33%); Barbarians Count per wave 3 > 2 (-33%); Hit Points -27% (the same hp as a furnace); Cannon: Hit Points +9%; Hit Speed 0.9 > 1 second (+10%); Cannon Cart: Hit Speed 1 > 0.9 seconds (-11%), Broken: Hit Points +9%; Broken: Hit Speed 0.9 > 1 second (+10%); Mirror: Elixir Increase 1 > 0; Level Increase +1 > Level Decrease -2 (suggestion)

See my post: Pekka Buff


Barrel goblins is most op card in game after lp and 3Golem. They should be clumped on 1 side.

Here is what I picked and why;

Little Prince: With a use rate of over 60% in GCs, it’s clear this nerf will certainly weaken it. However, I think allowing it to die to Fireball would be a good nerf to substitute in for the damage nerf.

Evolution Archers: similar to Little Prince, they have constantly remained extremely powerful since their release even after the nerf they already received. I think nerfing the Power Shot range and regular range was a good idea as right now, they feel like 2 Dart Goblins with double health and damage.

Golden Knight: Since the nerf it got around a year ago, it has been a below average to terrible card with around a 1% use rate in GCs and I think a dash damage buff was significantly better than increasing the dash range and making it broken again. I may not like Electro Giant, but Golden Knight being so terrible at the moment really breaks my heart.

Archer Queen: I solely picked AQ as I had to have an equal amount of nerds and buffs. I’m aware the use and win rates of it are terrible, like the Golden Knight, however this is just due to the Little Prince outclassing it at the moment. By the time it gets nerfed to the ground, the AQ will have her regular balanced rates again.

Giant Skeleton: Even before the Goblin Giant and Little Prince broke the game, Giant Skeleton has held poor to garbage use rates of 1-3% in GCs and win rates from the low 20s to the low 40s and had trouble fitting into meta decks outside of Hog AQ Giant Skeleton and RG. Which I think a buff to its health would be a great idea. HOWEVER, this buff would make it way too strong and should be reduced to 2-3% if implemented.

Evolution Royal Recruits: While the Evolution Royal Recruits aren’t game breaking, they’re still boxing out other evolutions too much and causing decks such as LumberLoon Evo Recruits to be meta. I feel the damage boost removal would be a fine way of balancing them, though making them take longer to might be a good thing to add in there since it causing them to apply crazy amounts of pressure very quickly. Maybe make it take 2.5 tiles before they charge instead of 1.5 tiles.

Rage: Similar to the Royal Recruits, Rage isn’t game breaking, have maintained balanced win and use rates in GCs before the meta shift, but is taking the spots of others small spells right now due to the rise of Sparky and spam. Nerfing its duration by 0.5 seconds is a pretty good way to make it more on level with the others.

Bomber: While I think the tiny buff they have to it is a little too small, it’s still good as Bomber has been in a state of limbo for a long time where no meta decks contain it besides maybe Giant and Electro Giant. I would increase the buff to 7%, but 4% still works.

Cards to Consider Changing

Mighty Miner Buff +2.5% health - poor use and win rates since nerf.

Monk Buff +4% damage on regular hit and combo hit - very rarely used.

Dart Goblin Buff +2% damage (kills Spear Goblins) - poor use and win rates before and after Little Prince, outclassed by Little Prince.

Evolution Knight Nerf -9% damage (removes damage boost) - Very high use and win rates in GC. Similar to the evo archers.

Tornado Nerf Crown Tower damage standardized to 1 per tick across all levels - dominated the game for years and has kept itself away from nerfs.

Fisherman Nerf: Sight Range -0.5 tiles - has been constantly strong for 3 months and fit into many meta decks. Pulls troops from across the arena too easily.

If the goblins get nerfed so does the gb which is pretty weak rn since you can get small spell ready right as you see it coming and they take forever to attake the tower

Graveyard is so dependent on the rng aspect and thats the main way that you would nerf it and poision is meta and the hardest counter to Graveyard

Hog Rider really deserves a Nerf :skull: You should be able to fully stop hog more ways, for 4 elixir he is a monster

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Do NOT nerf the Barb barrel. We want competition to the Log right? So why are we nerfing its main rival? This would be the worst change since the Ice Spirit nerf.



Don t nerf Bowler or it will die like the Magic Archers ! :-1::-1:

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Some cards may seem op but actually there are not.You needn’t change these cards at present.For example,a lot of people use bowler because of the broken evo recruits.Bowler isn’t op when facing other decks.Thus,if you nerf guards and less people use it,blower is not useful any more.Moreover,you can buff cards like golden knight to what it used to be(dush 6).It is more familiar to players.Last but not least,some span buildings really need to be buffed.I can hardly see barb hut and goblin hut in both ladder and tournament.

Goblin barrel is trash why nerf it even more it gets countered by arrows log,fire spirit+skeletons pushing the spirit, valk behind tower, … You have 3.4 seconds to react and mostly get a postive trade cause log is being used in most of the modern decks. The only deck goblin barrel good is is “log bait” and that’s not a crazy meta deck is just a classic deck if u have 2 spells its not that hard to play against.

We need the Archer Queen buff

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I think Freeze needs a rework. I don’t like how it is a shock value card, except in Lumberloon and in some Giant decks.

Barbarian barrel is definitely strong right now, but It’s still out-competed by the log and changing only barbarian barrel would only further that.

It’ll be interesting to see how they try to balance goblin barrel/ gang / drill if the goblins change goes through, regular gobs are definitely a bit OP but I think this change would more or less kill all the other cards, regardless of the drill rework.

Hype for the return of hog giant skeleton AQ!

They gave midladder players access to influence the meta. They killed Magic Archer and Lava Hound. They had a 12 and 7% usage rate pre-October nerf in GC.

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Lava hound is far from dead:

58% winrate