Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale February 2023 (Season 44)

log nerf and/or snowball, zap buff. a nerf to the 2.6 deck. monk ability to 2 elixir

Firecracker is currently the third worst card in the game. Its grand challenge win and usage rates are absolutely abysmal. Even this buff probably wonā€™t make it viable in competitive play.

But itā€™s auguably the worse building rn. It gets overshadowed by cannon and mortar.

2.6 isnā€™t even that good anymore. Itā€™s probably thr most overused deck rn.

I think a rework would mean certain aspects get nerfed, while some get buffed ( like a dps buff bjt hp nerf). In this case, its losing dps and hp, so its just a nerf.

also maybe a clone buff to plus 2 levels like the mirror or mayb just 1 but lower radius or small damage nerf to cloned cards because the mirrors problem was the +2 cards had too much hp or spells did too much damage neither of these are a problem with clone

Nerf egiant, its a huge pain to play against when combined with tornado/lightning.

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I think megaminion needs a small buff. Itā€™s currently outclassed by most air cards because itā€™s not as threatening. I understand that itā€™s three elixir, so maybe a small damage buff or a first hit speed buff would help


I really donā€™t think the rocket nerf is good. Itā€™s fine as a win con and a 17% damage nerf will kill it.

RG needs a nerf and so does e giant.

Rascals and Tesla need a buff


Why is firecracker getting a buff? Itā€™s already too op and A really annoying card.

Itā€™s a princess with piercing. It just keeps backing up and is basically impossible to kill without arrows if itā€™s on thier side of the map. It needs some kind of pushback change to stop it from staying alive for so long and then you can change the dps.

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Itā€™s Ok to nerf rocket I think It can take out sparky when it is nerfed

I think mirror should be reworked to increase the cost by only 0.5.
Elixier blobs already drop 0.5 elixier, why not use this mechanic elsewhere?

They never tried 4-2 in an actual game, I think they should give it a chance.

The monk isnā€™t that strong without his ability as heā€™s easily counterd by most of the cards, only his third attack makes him good. Like heā€™s HORRIBLE against swarm cards. But the ability is probably the best ability and can be game changing, so making it 2 elixir can make it less spammy and more skillful.

I donā€™t think giant needs a buff, heā€™s as good as egiant Iā€™d say, worse than rg ofc but heā€™s broken. Heā€™s used in a fair amount of decks and the second most tanky cards in the game, for 5 elixir.

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The Monk buff is fine, but I think it would make it more skillful if itā€™s ability damage reduction was 75% instead of 80%, the skill would be the timing so it doesnā€™t die. I think that would be a right compromise.

The firecracker is a cheap card that is easy to accumulate, especially due to her knockback. This is why I think her knockback should be slightly reduced. (It would increase her DPS since she would spend less time walking back, so yes a nerf, but not that much)

As a 3.0 Xbow player who uses Archers, yes I do think they need a slight buff (Due to the arrows meta), but they already have quite a bit of DPS imo, so I think the hit time should go from 1.1 to 1.0 instead of 0.9, otherwise they will be too strong in my opinion, and I say that as a 3.0 player who would benefit from this, I am only being fair.

As a 3.0 player who uses this card again, yes I would see it needed a slight buff, Valkyrie just gives too much value against Royal recruits, logbait, and even support troops with her splash.
I would say a 6% hp buff is justified, but I donā€™t know how that would affect specific interactions.

Giant Goblin:
Much needed buff. Was basically a worse Electro Giant.

I always found the rocket cycling meta cringe, so I am very happy about this change.

Much needed nerf.
The only thing I donā€™t like is the fact that the reborn pheonix has different stats than the original one, it makes things confusing imo.

Very good change. Two ticks for skeletons adds skill level to the card.

Archer Queen:
First hit speed from 0.1 to 0.3 allows the opponent to react with a spell for example, so I think it is a good change.
With that said, I would have wished to see an ability nerf, it almost always gives more than 1 elixir of value for free and forces the opponent to play alot of elixir on her.
Maybe even make the ability cooldown from 15 to 16 seconds to start off.

Royal Recruits:
I am saddened to not see Royal Recruits mentioned in this balance change. They need an hp nerf imo, they just give way too much elixir value for 7 elixir imo. Even prevents from pushing opposite lane when they are deployed.

Golden Knight:
I am very sad not to see this card mentioned either, itā€™s ability is just guaranteed no skill elixir value and needs to be nerfed. Even a 0.25 tiles dash range nerf to start off, something small would be very welcome.

I could go on about plenty of other cards like Giant Skeleton and Earthquake, but Iā€™m going to stop here for now, ty for reading!

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Miner is very strong rn.

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These WIP Balances changes are so, odd? Some of them make sense, like archer queen nerf and firecracker buff (bug fix really), but others like archers and nado are really uncalled for. Who thought the op part of nado was that it did too much damage? It will still be good after nerf, and it might actually be better due to being able to active king tower vs graveyard a lot easier. Archers had decent dps, but this is overkill. Yeah, their gonna melt things but it still wonā€™t save them from being weak against spells and being easy to counter on defense.
I also donā€™t like this rocket nerf. Rocket kind of sucks as just a spell so having at a second win condition is what most decks use it as. Now that its getting nerfed, most decks that use rocket will probably just use lightning because its easier to get value out of and does almost the same damage as nerfed rocket will do on tower. I find it hard to believe that rocket wonā€™t get overrun by lightning if these nerfs went through.
Also why is monk still 5 elixir? Just make it 4 and the ability 2, I thought everybody in the community had already agreed on this. The monk without ability is a good troop, but for 5 elixir it feels like your are paying too much for the troop and too little for the ability.

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Iā€™d say travel time reduce seems to be quite nice. It will be much easier to hit troops close to towers, or some fast moving troops
Also I might suggest an idea of rocket rework: maybe SC should add additional damaging zone with a bigger radius but smaller damage. Something like a ring with a radius of fireball and damage of arrows

Monk buff isnā€™t enough. For 3 elixir in a knight, you get a monk basically (HP and DPS are similar). That 2 elixir really matters when trying to defend. Would you rather tank support with a knight and have gobs on a giant or watch 1 monk push a giant once and die? For a champion, Iā€™d even go 3 + 2 elixir but at least 4 + 2 makes it a viable choice between valk knight and monk.

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I definitely agree. I donā€™t see why it would be a big deal to change his elixir cost to 4 and his ability to 2? It would be the exact same as Skeleton King and he is balanced. 5 elixir is too much, just to even place him on the field

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