Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale December 2022 (Season 42)

These balance changes seem good. Although cards that are hidden with skill need nerfs. As shown, the meta needs a good and heavy impact to change the way of the game. I would love to see a buff on cards like bandit or wallbreakers, although they still hold stable with this current meta system. Although cards like the hog rider and royal giant are a problem in the current meta. Seeing a nerf in these cards could make a huge impact on this. The balance changes in progression is perfect but adding one more small change could be a big influence in this game and how new decks and ways of playing can be strategized even in lower leagues or for our higher leagues players. This can also hugely affect the path of legends cause a change of decks and ways to reach ultimate champ and climbing the path of legends. Thank you. ArkhamKnight 7k player

I would do this:
Megaminion HP +15%

The Rage Rework is absolutely horrible. Rage will be used in defense, since it has a radius that is big enough to kill a skeleton army, a goblin barrel or goblin gang. This will completely destroy the usage of Rage. Remove the Damage rework. The pushback is an nice idea, but this is simply breaking the card. You should either buff it by increasing duration or smth. like that, but dont do that. The Mighty Miner is still pretty bad. Maybe increase damage/hp a little, but its okay. The Monk nerf is in my opinion to hard. You should nerf his damage or his HP, or maybe his resistance while the ability is active, but increasing the elixir cost by 1 is (maybe) too hard. But please dont do that rage rework with damage!

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Dont buff minions or minion horde. They will be used more after the phoenix nerf!

Get rid of rage spell al together. This is garbage. Rage shouldn’t kill skarmy and definitely not goblins. Rage should be a spirit at least counterable. This is bull crap. Mighty miner needs a health buff not speed buff. The medium speed is good… since the 3 card cycle is OP. Increasing it’s movement speed will make it run towards units that kill it anyway. Please no damage for rage spell… imagine pekka rage or e golem rage or E BARBS MINI PEKKA MINION HORDE RAGE AT THE BRIDGE when you don’t have rocket or arrows in hand. I have a toxic idea: Mini pekka monk at the bridge with rage. Zap doesn’t kill goblin barrel but rage will? . I DONT WANT THAT TO BE THE NEXT GARBAGE META. LUMBERLOON WILL ALSO BE BROKEN. . Skarmy, goblin gang and guards will be useless. MOST TOXIC META INCOMING


Phoenix def needs a bigger nerf than that. If monk is gonna be 5 elixir (which I think is a good balance change), then phoenix should also be 5 elixir.

Absolutely. The rage spell shouldn’t even be a spell… it should be a counterable spirit at best. This is gonna be worse than the mirror meta. I think they’re just breaking cards so people will upgrade them until they’re ultimately nerfed to hell… like the mirror.

Maybe it is best to make it so tower will continue attacking egg instead of changing target or maybe undo the previous nerfs and make the elexir 5

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Electro Dragon defiantly needs a buff maybe elexir decrase

Zap and snowball will be overshadowed by rage. This rework needs a nerf, or zap and snowball need to be buffed. This rage rework will storm top ladder and midladder, it is not a good idea. Royal hogs have also gone unaddressed, and need a second nerf. The last nerf they had was not enough, and the card is still unfair.

Monk will be dogshit at 5 elixir. It’s an annoying card but not really that broken if you play around it right. If anything the phoenix and monk nerfs should just be swapped. Phoenix to 5 elixir and monk hp nerf

Rage doing enough damage to kill goblins would be so ridiculously broken. Nevermind the knockback which, together with the damage, would make it easily the best spell in the game. I really hope they realize that they’re basically going from the Phonk meta to the ebarbs rage meta if they do this.
Monk should stay at 4 elixir and ability should go up to 2 and have less damage reduction - maybe 50% and/or reduce ability duration. Monk’s base stats are strong but the main problem is that the ability gives insane value.

I don’t think Minions deserve a buff; they already have a lot of DPS. Minion Horde could use a slight buff, but not one that affects Minions. And tbh I wouldn’t mind if the ebarbs of the sky remain a dead card.

Personally, they should make the monk 4 elixr, but have the ability be 2 elixr. The rage should be 3 elixr and the damage should be decreased because the rage’s main purpose is to make things stronger and faster.

Another Balance Change I would like added-

Witch Buff

Hit Speed: 1.1 sec → 1 sec
First Attack Speed: 0.7 sec → 0.5 sec

Similar to how the mother witch and the musketeer saw increase of usage when they got a faster hit speed. This might help the witch become a bit better but nothing game breaking.

The monk nerf doesn’t really lift Sparky up that much. It’s still a bigger hard counter than rocket.
Maybe Sparky attacks should not be reflected by the monk ability. otherwise my push is gone.

phoenix cost should be up from 4 to 5 elixir

Buff electro dragon please. Cost 5 elixer but slow attack speed slow, low attack damage, very fragile short chain attack range.
Increase hp or chain attack range. Now minions may able to kill e.dragon before second attack comes.

nerf e golem attack speed

I’d say the following points:

  1. rage would be OP, it shouldn’t deal more damage than zap/snowball(kills goblin, and full counters barrel)
  2. the phoenix should be nerfing damage/hit speed because that’s where it is broken
  3. the monk should get that elixir increase on his ability and not itself, maybe nerf the combo damage too.
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