WIP Balance Changes Poll - Clash Royale February 2025 (Season 68)

Should’ve nerfed MK too

Rage nerf too big


Where is evo mega knight and evo pekka nerf?


Recruits are too strong. The regular ones and the evo also. I face them a lot like every one or two matches. Recruits require an opponent to spend much more elixer to completly counter them, even though I use evo wizard and mortar plus barbarian barrel. I still might be spending more elixer than the opponent in order to counter the recruits. I am an ultimate champion ranked.

And if you add literally any card behind recruits, they get even stronger.

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I need diamond pass :disappointed_relieved:
(I’ve never won anything)

Nerfing lavahound is not the right approach. Lavahound alone has never been broken ever, it is the support cards that has made the card playable. Void is a perfect example, the perfect support card for lavahound and after the nerf the lavahound userate went down. Lavahound players are needed to keep the meta balanced, it’s a playstyle that punish those who ignores air defence and that is how it should be. Lavahound does not decide the meta, it relies on what decks other people play. This season has just been lucky for team air because of the chef. A chef nerf is enough to end lavahound.

Giant skeleton buff when


-Evo Dart goblin. Poison should not stay forever and should have much reduced time. It is broken for an 3 elixer card, especially since it can splash damage to surrounding troops.
-mega knight evo. Pushback every 2 hits.
-Electro dragon evo. Reduce his chain damage more. Still broken.
-Goblinstein ability. Gives too much value.
-Regular firecracker first hit speed and pushback. She keep pushing back for so far, and she attacks wizard and execution and witch quicker, and these units cancel their first hit to firecracker when firecracker does her first shot.
-Evo firecracker overall nerf, especially the slowdown effect.
-Graveyard always was op and tough to defend without spending too much elixer.
-Elixer golem. Does a lot of damage.

-Spawner buildings.
-Wizard More hp and and faster first hit speed.
-Evo wizard buff maybe.
-Dark prince. faster charge distance.
-Sparky maybe.
-E wizard. Dps is weak. He split the damage instead of damaging one target so he does not take targets out fast.
-Baby dragon more dps maybe.
-Magic archer. There are better alternatives to use than him.
-Golden knight. Same. There are better alternatives to use than him.

I think cannon is fine

P.E.K.K.A range needs a nerf because it is absolutely absurd and Royal Chef is getting nerfed to the ground and is going to end up like Dagger Duchess (OP, then terrible, then average).

Nerf Evolved Electro Dragon. Maybe rework it. The concept isn’t fun.

Fire Spirit buff is great. Glad it finally will be consistent with the other spirits.

Buff Void. Don’t delay the first hit so long after the card is played. Now that the single target damage doesn’t do nearly as much, it’s okay for the first hit to be too quick for the opponent to react to without predictions.

Hats off to Royale API and the Supercell team!

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I think some cards like the electromagnetic gun and the stone Man need to be enhanced

furnace will be more annoying after fire spirit buff
so just why buff it
2.0 tile is enough

Golden Knight Buff-
Range: melee: medium melee: long

The golden knight has been underused for a long time, I think he is in need of a buff. His stats are way too similar to the knight, yet he costs 4 elixir while the knight cost 3 elixir. This buff should help him out a bit.

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I think the little prince has been dead for a long time, they should give him a better rework, Also, a small buff to the evo archers would be nice, and please add the evo ice mage.

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Still waiting for rascals buff, its been almost 2 years since they got buffed, but its not enough, rascals winrate and pickrate is too small for the long time. I think rascal boy needs a speed attack and damage buff. And where is little prince, golden knight buffs? Also cards with bad stats at all

missing evo edrag, pekka, and gob stein ability nerfs
giving heal spirit the same buff as fire spirit would be nice

Pekka is the second most deserving card to get a nerf after the ruin giant, also royal recruits and i dont understand how the dev team doesnt see that the recruits spam deck is ALWAYs overpowerd,the recruits need a BIG nerf so that the versatility returns to this game

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Queen and EvoEdrag needs a minor nerf, arrows, Prince and Pekka(:sob:) needs a Nerf too, Rage needs a 0.5 seconds duration or deploy Nerf

Golden knight, Minions, barbarrel and Void needs a buff

Rascals and heal spirit also needs a Buff too and Royal recruits needs a minor nerf

Royal chef nerf is an overkill; lava hound can get a health nerf but damage nerf is unnecessary; and dart goblin damage nerf is also unnecessary as it is the evolution that is over powered not the normal card, the evolution shoots the poison dart at the first shot and then every three shots which can be changed to the poison dart being shot at the third dart from the beginning and not at the first dart. Other than that all changes are good.