dart goblin is still strong
Evo pekka also needs a nerf. Maybe reducing the hp or healing for all troops instead of complicating it with the health of the troop being destroyed
Unnecessary nerf to Lava
Pekka range needs to be nerfed again, please do it already this Meta is so stale / boring because of how strong she still is
Evo edrag still shuts down everything
Personally I am also missing other minor tweaks:
MK evo change - it’s super toxic to play against
Small little prince buff
Arrows slight nerf
Dagger duchess slight nerf
Other than that imo great changes
Bomber evo is died, it should be jump two times to troops and jump one time to tower.
Pekka still needs nerf. It’s too strong
Electro dragon evo is immortal, continious attack is over the game.
Princess’s first hit time should be slower.
I hope you are taking our thougts seriously.
Royal Recruits MUST get nerfed the regular ones and the evo are too strong and too unfun to play against, that’s is probably the most braindead card in clash royale history, even riley said it:
Please nerf this card it’s so braindead, great balance changes overall tho.
I love the rune giant nerf
The problem is if arrows get nerfed, evo firecracker, evo archers, evo bomber, etc. will go absolutely crazy, (especially firecracker) and that’s not something anyone wants
Evo Firecracker Remove the Slowing
Mk evo pushback is exaggerated
Nerf to infierno tower, they switches to fast all troopers
good overall but definitely pekka or evo pekka needs nerf in hp or range. Royal chef is op but this nerf might be a bit excessive. Gob stein tank should get -8%. would like a few more buffs also like maybe golden knight, little prince, tombstone, or giant skelly. Perhaps even golem it’s been dead for awhile
Royal Chef nerf is completely unnecessary since you are already nerfing the two most played decks with Chief (Lava and Goblin Giant).
Nerf Goblin Giant Evo further—no one wants to see this after so many months of it being broken, and the current nerf is not enough.
Nerf pekka HP (base and Evo) it’s still broken and unfun to play against.
Rework Electro Dragon Evo or nerf it further—the design is bad and lazy, and having this evo guarantees an auto-win against beatdown decks that don’t have Lightning.
Nerf Logbait, especially the Recruit version.
The buffs are great, but Evo Snowball should get a better buff.
The season is unenjoyable metawise (especially after the Rune Giant buff)—too much pekka, bait, Goblin Giant, and now Rune Giant.
Absolutely nerf the range of Mk Evo repulsion of the troops
Nerf: running charge of the Prince and Ram Rider from 2.0s to 2.5s.
Evo Pekka needs to be nerfed because it overshadows normal Pekka.
Evo Pekka shouldn’t heal after killing buildings.
I started the game in March last year, no matter how much the meta has changed since then. Bait has always remained in the meta. Every new card that came in weakened its power, but never the annoying cards with little potion. They were always nerfed like pekka or giant goblin. 1 potion of ice spirit can stop pekka. This seems ridiculous to me. We upgrade champions with so much difficulty but they don’t have as much power as ordinary goblins. Weaken the bait decks. Finally, evolution should be strong. Why do you turn every evolution into garbage? Let evolved cards be strong. don’t weaken them
The Elixir Golem is a bit too strong. I would nerf it if I could.
La evolución de la Mosquetera necesita un buff como una recarga de las balas de francotirador o aumentarle el daño o también que las balas no se puedan disparar solo en linea recta si no que pueda disparar a cualquier lugar de la arena sin importar su posición
Good start. Obviously love the Musk buff, she feels like a solid card, always has, but she just didn’t find a spot in between all her other competitors anymore recently (or basically for years now).
Royal Chef might hopefully die now, as all tower troops should.
I will never understand Evo buffs, if there is no way around their existence, they should at least be toned down further and further pleaaaase, so they aren’t the only game deciding factor that people cycle to all game.
Anyway now… where is the rest?
Nerf pekka😭
Pekka needs range nerf, arrows need radius nerf, Evo wizard shield buff (make it not die to zap), goblin Demolisher hit point buff, Evo bomber double bounce buff to troops not towers, Evo tesla needs its death shockwave back but maybe a shorter stun, little prince guardian dash range buff and golden knight buff