WIP Balance Changes for March 2024 (Season 57)

They will nerf goblin giant who was dead before and now and the 2 last months a bit better :flushed:

But no one wants nerf the hog rider who is the best and most hated (for me) win condition for long time :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

And maybe the pekka isnā€™t so good now but clash royal donā€™t see the spawners

Bro you forget the spawners and the clone spell (my favorite card)

How long will it take to nerf cards that actually repeat in arena? the hogrider, with earthquake and firecraker, has been the most used deck for months, and the tornado is in all decks.

Most of the balances changes are good but i think the evo ice spirit will still be pretty weak after this change and i think pekka should be buff but i disagree with how they decided to buff it now. i think a health buff would be better and there are some cards eg ( evo wallbreakers,evo skeletons)that also needs to be balanced too.

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Royale Giant was one of the first evos announced, so it was nerfed a lot more than it should have been. It definitely fell out of the meta after the other evos arrived and no one uses it except 3-4 players in the top 200. Thatā€™s really low, %10 HP buff couldnā€™t help him to beat buildings. The card description says big golden balls, maybe increasing shooting power or definetely increasing HP to atleast +%20 could help him.

After years, even a single wizard change would be appreciated ny community. Bro is 5 elixir, how is he supposed to compete against archer queen, musketeer, little prince or even executioner?

Most these nerfs are fine but i feel like the little prince, magic archer, pekka and goblin giant could be changed further.

Firstly the little prince needs an hp nerf in addition i feel like when comparing the gurdians stats and the fact that it has a spawn attack to other 3 elixer mini tanks like the knight its just too good for the elixer cost.

Secondly magic archer was nerfed due to community hate for it and not ā€œitā€ being overpowered it should go back to its pre season 52 stats (+6.3% damage -33% frist hit speed) but with reduced crown tower damage (i dont know why they didnt do the tower damage the first time).

Goblin giant should lose more hp around 7% .

Pekka should be given a slighty lower sight range so it cant be kited so easily as before.

Royale recuits should not dash more than once.

Revoke his voting lisenceā€‹:sob: :pray:t3:

None of the cards you just listed are overpowered

For the little Prince, I think the range is a bit much, Iā€™d prefer to nerf the guardian hp if anything. Generally, some other champions need a buff like the golden knight or monk. Bomber should become 2 cycles, 1 is broken op. Goblin giant nerf is fine. Pekka buff is great, definitely need her more in the top meta! Recruits nerf is fine. Evo valk is also a good buff, same with ice spirit. The knight is not such a huge deal now as other strong evos sort of balance him out. Magic archer buff is too much. Donā€™t need him in more toxic cycle decks. The golden knight buff is overkill. Monk buff is fine, and the drill rework is amazing!! Its been dead for a while so this is a nice change!

Removing all of the extra DPS from an evolved knight is going too far. And Gold Knightā€™s skill cooldown of 7 seconds is also very deceptive.

It is a stupid and boring card I would rather see it nerfed than evo skeletons or archers etc.

I think the evo recruits donā€™t need a nerf
Theyā€™re balanced right now
Also valk evo might need a better buff I think maybe a better tornado for the valk

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Wdym only countered with spells?? Did you even read what I wrote about it only doing damage to the tower and no knockback? And currently, Logbait is only used by about twenty players that are in top 1000, having 40 wouldnā€™t make any difference to the meta, but just allow players to use logbait and make it viable.

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I donā€™t like royal recruits very much since they are annoying but I will admit they use rate is pretty low and are not close to how op other evos are

But mega knight rn is actually making a place in top ladder unlike wizard

It doesnā€™t matter how the cards are, if your rivals always have the same deck it ends up being a boring game, why do you think there are fewer and fewer Clash Royale players? You always play with the same cards, I donā€™t care if they are stronger or less strong, I want VARIETY

Now you are going to decide which cards are broken or not. Jajaja

Hog isnt even op. Look at miner and graveyard :skull:

Jā€™attendais un nerf ou un reword de lā€™Ć©volution de lā€™artificiĆØre, elle est beaucoup trop forte actuellement

Come on dude wtf are you yapping about its charge duration is too short and card itself gets a lot of value for its elixir and how low skill it is all the time