WIP Balance Changes for March 2024 (Season 57)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://royaleapi.com/blog/season-57-balance-wip

The Work In Progress (WIP) changes for March 2024 are slightly different to previous months. This time, there’s not a specific amount of changes that we have to choose. Instead, we’ll try to find out which are the ones you like the most from the list that Supercell has shared.

To do that, first you’ll rate each of the 12 balance changes individually. Afterwards, you’ll pick the 3 that you like the most.

Remember that if you’d like to see a different balance approach for some cards, or even balance for cards that aren’t listed here, you can write a comment below with the details and reasoning of your suggestion.

Let’s begin!

1/12 - Evolved Knight nerf: Nerf to the Hit Speed: from 0.909 to 0.833 Hits / Second (-8%) and Nerf to the Damage Multiplier: from 1.10 to 1.00 (No multiplier) (-9%)
  • Not enough
  • Great nerf
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters
2/12 - Little Prince nerf to the Range: from 6.0 to 5.5 Tiles (-8%)
  • Not enough
  • Great nerf
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters
3/12 - Evolved Royal Recruits nerf to the Damage Multiplier: from 1.06 to 1.00 (No multiplier) (-6%)
  • Not enough
  • Great nerf
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters
4/12 - Goblin Giant nerf to the HP: from 3,336 to 3,232 Hit Points (-3%)
  • Not enough
  • Great nerf
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters
5/12 - Evolved Bomber nerf to the Bounce Distance: from 3.0 to 2.5 Tiles (-17%)
  • Not enough
  • Great nerf
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters
6/12 - Evolved Ice Spirit buff to the Radius: from 1.5 to 2.0 Tiles (+33%)
  • Not enough
  • Great buff
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters
7/12 - Evolved Valkyrie buff to the HP Multiplier: from 1.00 to 1.15 (+15%)
  • Not enough
  • Great buff
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters
8/12 - Magic Archer buff to the First Hit Time: from 0.8 to 0.6 Seconds (-25%)
  • Not enough
  • Great buff
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters
9/12 - P.E.K.K.A buff to the Range: from 1.2 to 1.6 Tiles (+33%)
  • Not enough
  • Great buff
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters
10/12 - Golden Knight buff to the Ability Cooldown: from 11 to 7 Seconds (-36%)
  • Not enough
  • Great buff
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters
11/12 - Monk buff to the HP: from 2,000 to 2,200 Hit Points (+10%)
  • Not enough
  • Great buff
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters
12/12 - Goblin Drill rework: Buff to the Duration: from 9 to 10 Seconds (+11%), Buff to the First Spawn Time: from 1.0 to 0.5 Seconds (-50%) and Nerf to the HP: from 1,440 to 1,312 Hit Points (-9%)
  • Should be buffed more
  • Great rework
  • Should be nerfed more
  • Unnecessary
0 voters

Lastly, pick your 3 favourites!

  • 1 - Evolved Knight nerf:
    1A - Nerf to the Hit Speed: from 0.909 to 0.833 Hits / Second (-8%)
    1B - Nerf to the Damage Multiplier: from 1.10 to 1.00 (No multiplier) (-9%)
  • 2 - Little Prince nerf to the Range: from 6.0 to 5.5 Tiles (-8%)
  • 3 - Evolved Royal Recruits nerf to the Damage Multiplier: from 1.06 to 1.00 (No multiplier) (-6%)
  • 4 - Goblin Giant nerf to the HP: from 3,336 to 3,232 Hit Points (-3%)
  • 5 - Evolved Bomber nerf to the Bounce Distance: from 3.0 to 2.5 Tiles (-17%)
  • 6 - Evolved Ice Spirit buff to the Radius: from 1.5 to 2.0 Tiles (+33%)
  • 7 - Evolved Valkyrie buff to the HP Multiplier: from 1.00 to 1.15 (+15%)
  • 8 - Magic Archer buff to the First Hit Time: from 0.8 to 0.6 Seconds (-25%)
  • 9 - P.E.K.K.A buff to the Range: from 1.2 to 1.6 Tiles (+33%)
  • 10 - Golden Knight buff to the Ability Cooldown: from 11 to 7 Seconds (-36%)
  • 11 - Monk buff to the HP: from 2,000 to 2,200 Hit Points (+10%)
  • 12 - Goblin Drill rework:
    12A - Buff to the Duration: from 9 to 10 Seconds (+11%)
    12B - Buff to the First Spawn Time: from 1.0 to 0.5 Seconds (-50%)
    12C - Nerf to the HP: from 1,440 to 1,312 Hit Points (-9%)
0 voters

Thanks for participating!


imo nerfing recruits is a mistake. I admit I use it in my main deck but I’m not biased. it’s a good evo but not op. it’s not versatile and only fits in afew decks.

other changes are fair. I rly like the buffs although I would buff golden knight another way. this buff is not enough. maybe a bit more dmg for himself and a bit more dash range for ability.


Bomber need to increase the cycle, now 1 cycle is too fast coz it is 2elixir troop


where is evo skeleton nerf/rework?


The evolved bomber will still be very OP, nerfing its cycles to 2 should be better


Where’s the bowler’s Nerf?


Seems like a good nerf for evo knight, still would be thinking about nerfing his ability in some way though.

Thats not enough for little prince. It needs that in addition to a HP nerf to make its HP at least on par with Ice Wizard

Good evo Recruits change, i wouldve made them charge after 2 tiles instead of 1.5

Gob Giant nerf is perfect

Evo bomber nerf might be a buff??? Would it still activate king so easily? Just nerf the damage the bomb does after each bounce

Evo Ice spirit buff is solid

Evo valk buff is great, but i would tone down the HP buff to 10% to be safe.

Magic Archer buff is perfect hes awful and feels awful to use. (gotta nerf Torando tho)

Pekka needs a buff not sure if this is the route. If not, something with first hit or hitspeed

Golden knight buff could break the card imo. If they go the ability cooldown route it should be to like 9 seconds

Monk Buff is pretty good, not sure itll be enough. Wouldve like to see the ability activate .25 seconds faster or something.

Gob Drill rework seems solid

Finally, where are the miner, poison, tornado, and graveyard nerfs? Among others that have needed nerfs for long times? I get nerfing say evo recruits, but cycle decks desperately need more nerfs. The tornado has been broken for years upon years, and is the reason why Splash cards like magic archer or executioner arent allowed to be half decent. At least like add a .5 second delay to the tornados activation or something that the opposing player can see and maybe react to with something. Add some counterplay to Tornado!


Introducing two nerfs to The Evo Knight once again seems too much.

Target the spamming cycle decks like Miner Poison or Hog EQ for necessary nerfs.

By the way no nerfs for the evo Wallbreakers seems also crazy for me. Literally one of the most unbalanced evo’s in the game right now for 2 Elixir. (NOTE 2 ELIXIR!)


Monk doesn’t really need the hp buff. What he needs is for his ability to consistently take out magic archer, mother witch and flying machine instead of leaving them a 50% of surviving if you didn’t time it frame perfect. What would also be good is if monk doesn’t take any damage from any projectiles during his ability. He does for the firecracker rocket but not for anything else. This doesn’t make a lot of sense because he doesn’t really get hit by them and can make for some clutch monk 1 hp plays


Forgot to mention Evo Wallbreakers. Id half the runners health or something, or make them more targetable after spawning, like how if you log a low health battle ram it also hits the barbarians that spawn. that kind of deal


Where is Wizard Buff? How many time they gonna have him dead?


Evo recruits is total noskill it should definitely get nerfed


great work


Evo knight nerf is too much
just do one of them either damage or hit speed since evo valkyrie, would now be a good competitor with knight for mini tank spot


The evolved bomber will still be very good, nerfing its cycles to 2 or 3 should be better
where is evo skeleton nerf/rework?
Evo knight nerf is too much, so kindly please don’t kill him

please watch the following cards
Card: Royal Giant

Current Stats:

  • Hitpoints: 3500
  • Damage per Second: 159
  • Deploy Time: 1 second
  • Cost: 6 Elixir

Proposed Change:

  • Hitpoints: Increased to 3700
  • Damage per Second: Decreased to 150
  • Deploy Time: Increased to 2 seconds


The Royal Giant has been slightly underperforming in recent meta due to its vulnerability to swarms and high-damage defenses. By increasing its hitpoints, it becomes more resilient on offense, allowing it to better fulfill its role as a tanky win condition. However, to prevent it from becoming overly oppressive, its damage per second is slightly decreased. Additionally, increasing the deploy time gives opponents more time to react and counterplay, balancing out the Royal Giant’s increased durability. This change aims to make the Royal Giant a more viable option in various deck archetypes without making it too dominant in the meta.

Card: Skeleton Army

Current Stats:

  • Elixir Cost: 3
  • Skeleton Count: 16
  • Deploy Time: 1 second
  • Duration: 40 seconds

Proposed Change:

  • Elixir Cost: Reduced to 2
  • Skeleton Count: Reduced to 12
  • Deploy Time: Decreased to 0.5 seconds


Skeleton Army is currently overshadowed by other swarm cards like Goblin Gang and Minion Horde due to its relatively high elixir cost and vulnerability to spells. By reducing its elixir cost to 2, Skeleton Army becomes a more cost-effective option for cycling and defending against ground-based threats. However, to maintain balance, the skeleton count is slightly reduced to prevent it from overwhelming opponents. Decreasing the deploy time makes it more responsive and versatile for quick defensive plays. This change aims to increase the utility of Skeleton Army in a variety of deck archetypes while maintaining overall game balance.

Card: Electro Wizard

Current Stats:

  • Hitpoints: 550
  • Damage: 159
  • Hit Speed: 1.7 seconds
  • Targets: Air & Ground
  • Spawn Damage: 159
  • Stun Duration: 0.5 seconds
  • Elixir Cost: 4

Proposed Change:

  • Hitpoints: Increased to 600
  • Damage: Decreased to 150
  • Hit Speed: Unchanged
  • Spawn Damage: Increased to 180
  • Stun Duration: Increased to 1 second
  • Elixir Cost: Unchanged


The Electro Wizard is a versatile card with both offensive and defensive capabilities, but it has seen a slight decline in usage due to changes in the meta. By increasing its hitpoints, the Electro Wizard becomes more durable, allowing it to survive longer and have a greater impact on the battlefield. However, to prevent it from dealing too much damage, its base damage is slightly reduced. The increase in spawn damage and stun duration enhances its ability to disrupt enemy troops and support allied units. These adjustments aim to make the Electro Wizard a more attractive option in various deck compositions without making it overly dominant in the meta.

Card: Witch

Current Stats:

  • Hitpoints: 665
  • Damage: 69
  • Hit Speed: 0.7 seconds
  • Spawn Speed: 7.5 seconds
  • Targets: Air & Ground
  • Splash Radius: 1.5 tiles
  • Elixir Cost: 5

Proposed Change:

  • Hitpoints: Increased to 700
  • Damage: Increased to 75
  • Hit Speed: Decreased to 0.8 seconds
  • Spawn Speed: Decreased to 7 seconds
  • Splash Radius: Increased to 2 tiles


The Witch has struggled to find a solid place in the meta due to her relatively low damage output and vulnerability to spells. By increasing her hitpoints and damage, she becomes more resilient and threatening on offense and defense. The decrease in hit speed and spawn speed ensures that she maintains consistent damage output over time while also allowing her to spawn Skeletons more frequently, enhancing her swarm potential. Increasing the splash radius enables her to deal with swarms more effectively, making her a more reliable option against massed troops. These changes aim to improve the Witch’s viability in a variety of deck archetypes without making her overly dominant in the meta.


yah you are right

We def need a bowler nerf, it’s been so good in the meta and fitting in almost every deck, such as egiant, giant gy, gobg, and it reaches the tower just too easily. I would say it needs a nerf to its range by 0.5 or 1 tile to prevent it hitting the tower from the bridge.

The goblin barrel has been SO GARBAGE for several season now, mighty miner got nerfed soon as logbait became viable, rocket got nerfed, log got nerfed, and it gets hard-countered by almost every other decks in the meta. YES I’m a Logbait main, however if you look at my points you’ll probably have to agree that barrel is just so bad, every new evolution that come out hard counter bait in every way, and it’s so hard to get damage with barrel. It’s one of the decks people used for so long. After all the evos and nerfs to logbait, barrels can’t even touch the tower anymore, and every deck can break through.

Here are some buffs I think it should get to be just playable / viable in the meta;

  • 2 Elixir - “Barrel’ll be SO BROKEN” no it won’t, reducing the elixir cost by 1 will help Logbait keep up with other win conditions such as miner and wall breakers, while allowing players to cycle them and pressure while defending big pushes like lava or golem.

  • Spawn Damage (damage equal to skelly barrel) - Make goblin barrel have a spawn damage, similar to skelly barrel, but just without the knockback. This way Logbait players will be able to slowly (very very slowly) catch up on damage against decks like miner poison (which is dominating the meta rn and seems like no nerfs will be done to them). Also this will help its type as a spell.


Nerf Hogrider! That cheesy card is everywhere and has NEVER been nerfed.