WIP Balance Changes for March 2024 (Season 57)

Hunter should get his first hit speed back.
He get’s destroyed by all the bridge snipers (Magic archer, firecracker, evo-bomber.
He also can’t kill a hog on reaction. You have to basically predict it.
and hunter being good has historically lead to some fun metas.


I think the goblin drill rework would be great because it can help the goblin drill apply more pressure and I don’t think it will become OP again due to this rework. Goblin drill can be countered easily by most of the meta decks and the problem is not just the meta decks, goblin drill gets absolutely destroyed by the cards in midladder (wizard, mega knight, valkyrie and so on). Literally the only reason people are using goblin drill is because of the support cards like the evolved bomber.


I’m waiting for hog nerf, maybe hog isn’t too op but hoq eq decks are DOMINATING low ultimete champion.


Bomber literally counters them , and and building… skill issue

I was too exited for pekka getting a buff but pekka needs a hit speed buff instead of range buff
Monk needs a Rework increase his ability elixir to 2 and and decrease his elixir back to 4
Little prince just needs to die to fireball dont nerf anywhere else
And where is hog rider nerf hog is too op all of the cycle decks are op but never getting a nerf


Like an pro goblin drill player, can say that is it great rework for it, Its is a buff mostly. Goblin drill wasn’t too good until that goblin spawn speed 1-0.5. Supercell should add this!


Ain’t no way you complaining about Bowler. Only good because of Little Prince


man said skill issue to a 2 elexir card that doesn’t die to any spell and does 1600 damage when both connect to the tower :skull:

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I think the range makes LP cool and unique. If you wanna take it away, please decrease the ramp up time again or he’ll just be wandering around loosing dps


Evo knight nerf is to much :
It’s strong but not op or game breaking card ,
evos should be strong not too much as bomber
but also not too week like Valkyrie.

Little prince definitely still needs a nerf but I think it’s better nerfing the two main issues :
1-not dying to fire-ball
2- it’s broken ability


I still think Pekka should be given a hp buff instead of range or damage or hitspeed

range makes it have op interactions against small tank killers like mini-pekka, prince and dark prince…

If it’s damage pekka would just inflate on all the interactions. Been using Pekka since 2016… I know them well.

Edit: If it’s hitspeed it would do a mixture of both above.

I will say I prefer range than damage or hitspeed.

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your changes are good but skarmy buff is too much, it’s elixir cost should remain same

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look at the stats in grand challenge. 10% use rate and 51% win rate. do you think that’s op? there are evos with +30% userate! almost everyone in top ladder is abusing cycle decks with ez cycle evos and no nerf on sight.


No cannon cart buff or a rework?


i think pekka would probably use a hit speed buff aswell

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id rather they remove witch just because of how annoying she can be

Pekka buff is not enough. It will change nothing. Maybe a little hp buff with this current buff will be nice. For evo bomber it has to be nerf on his bomb rang, it’s not normal that he has a better range than magic archer. He can hit tower before the bridge it’s literally too much.


great buff for Valkyrie, now she will feel comfortable playing

purely because hogrider is the most balanced card

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The buffs aren’t bad this month, as evo valk and evo ice spirit both need a buff very badly. That golden knight ability cooldown looks somewhat broken tho, maybe don’t go too far with that one. I think the monk still needs more than just HP too, probably an ability activation time decrease and perhaps a slight damage increase too. I love the card and I just wanna see it do a lot better.

The nerfs this time around also feel justified, but I feel like there are way too many cards that were just left out of this one (not to mention little prince STILL isn’t getting a health nerf). Miner really needs some sort of nerf, as well as poison somewhat and probably the archer queen after her most recent buff too. I would be glad to see a wall breakers damage nerf too if people think that’s reasonable.

Edit: Hog rider also needs a nerf imo, it’s just way too fast and does too much damage, and can’t be killed fast enough. It with eq is just such a broken and spammy combo and it doesn’t seem fair sometimes.