WIP Balance Changes for March 2024 (Season 57)

My homie CC needs a good buff. Always loved the card but it’s awkward to play


Knight nerf, LP nerf, recruits nerf, goblin giant nerf, ice spirit buff, valk buff, monk buff, drill rework and even the marcher nerf - all good.

Evo bomber I think needs the bounced damage to be decreased and make him 2 cycles. Pekka buff should be chaned to a faster hit speed or a dmg buff, long range might be op.

Golden knight buff is too much, like imagine him dashing the arena every 2 seconds.

Lastly, where is evo wall breakers nerf? These 2 kill you if you don’t have a building or waste like 5 elixir.

they have to increase the distance on the recruit dash honestly, its damage isn’t the issue with the evo


I’d rather have them nerf evo skeletons than nerf recrutis.


Hell no, it will already be much better with this buff.

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The evolved recruits do not even appear within the global top, the nerf is unnecessary.

Why nerf a card that barely appears at the top and isn’t used much in the game?

The meta is full of graveyards, poisons, bowlers, montapuerco and they didn’t nerf any of them.


Bruh that would be an awful meta only logbait would be played and then you could counter goblin barrel with spells which is ass

I’m in league 9 underleveld with no evos and I lose to evo recruits 4 out of 5 times, it’s so hard to defend and it’s only 1 cycle, how is that not op?? And they can now put another evo behind it like what am i supposed to do

I also think the monk should be 4 elixir.

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I wish they’d touch on cards that have had a very low use rate for a long time such as:

Cannon Cart
Heal Spirit
Ram Rider
Ice Wizard
And of course the regular Wizard

All of these cards have been around 1-3% use rates for quite a few months now and it would be nice to see them get buffed. I dont think I’ve ever seen the Rascals with a decent use rate they’ve been at the bottom for so many years now


EVO Knight nerf seems to extreme, if they want to nerf him maybe just nerf his damage, that would probably tone down his usage a little bit. Also the pekka should get a hit speed increase instead of range buff.


Evo Knight will be useless after the changes.


You’re takes are biased and overall not well thought through imo.
For example LP. Let’s not forget that he’s a champion, the “strongest” rarity. He is used that much because of his unique mechanic not his stats anymore. I don’t use LP in my mai check but for me (ultimate champion) it’s so easy to counter him. He should not die to fireball.
Also you saying monk +10% is not enough?? I’d love to see a slight buff for him but those +10% could easily lead to 1500 tower damage if left unanswered.
I’ve spirit will still suck, as for golden knight I agree with you. I thought they’ll gonna nerf bomber to decreasing damage with each bounce too.

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Evo Knight: Nerf more than needed, although damage reduction nerf would be better .
Little Prince: Nerf more than needed, few % damage nerf needed as well.
Evo Recruits: Good nerf.
Goblin Giant: Good nerf.
Evo Bomber: Nerf needed, not sure if this is a good nerf.
Ice Spirit: Good buff.
Valkyrie: Good buff.
Magic Archer: Buff not needed.
Pekka: Ok buff?
Golden knight: Buffed too much.
Monk: Buffed too much.
Goblin drill: Not sure.

:rotating_light:Nerf needed:

  • Evo Wall Breakers
  • Cannoneer (way too OP against tanks)
  • Poison
  • Graveyard
  • Bowler

Evo knight nerf is a nonsense. If the card has a good userate, his winrate is is not that high.
I don’t understand the LP nerf. If the others champions are not used, it’s because they are REALLY bad, not because the LP is broken.
And , they don’t nerf bowler??? evo barbs? They really need to play at the game…


Nerf evo firecracker
Nerf evo wall breakers
Nerf poison
Nerf bowler
Nerf graveyard
Nerf e giant
Nerf inferno tower
Don’t buff pekka
Nerf hog rider

bro please play the game. the inferno tower needs to be change, but not nerfed. PEKKA is one of the most bad card in userate AND winrate. The same with firecracker…

In your dreams

Good, but I think the monk buff was perfect. His ability is good, the problem is he does before I can activate it and he just isn’t that tanky. I’m glad supercell is making him a less ability-focused champion for once imo

Dude. The monk was a top five most broken card in the game at four elixir. Making him four elixir again along with the other buffs he got would make him more broken than little prince on release