Buffing the monks ability would make him more of a rock paper scissors card imo. I’m glad supercell is making a champion that isn’t so ability focused
You are most def biased recruits are broken and the best nerf to it is making the damage 1:1 w the regular ones so that the dash damage is only double. It’s like 2.25 rn so it’s broken. And it should only be able to dash once. Kill the fking card. It destroys my icebow deck and has 100/0 against it. And against my other cycle decks it’s 99/1 matchup recruits.
I agree. Evo knight getting two nerfs is totally retarded. Supercell is
I second this big time. I play ice wizard and he is so bad. The spawn damage buff it nice but in regular situations he is just doing no damage. Make him two shot goblins and minions PLEASE.
Sad to see that the evo ice tiny buff is the least important for everyone, its the lamest evo by far, and the extra radius is a nice way to make evo ice spirit a lil more useful
A scarmy would be broken cause there wouldn’t be a great way to deal with it and it doesn’t need any balancing. as a rg main it just needs a first hit buff of -0.2 seconds, nothing crazy, just so it can get an extra hit sometimes I think the e wiz stun time buff would make it a top ten most broken card of all time, and the witch rework is in the right direction
Fix chanpions and evo bommer pls
P.E.K.K.A should be able to one shot Witch, Fisherman, Royal Hog or Evo Barb. She is so weak in defense…
it should be even more nerfed, the speed it takes to sprint is stupid, 0 skill card
Nerfing the knight that way Is way to much.
where’s the tornado nerf? is crazy how spending 3 elixir gives you the privilege to do whatever you want with your opponent’s cards, it lasts forever and even playing it wrong is worth most of the times, also graveyard needs to be nerfed, no matter how you defend it, it will always hit the tower
Let’s discuss balance changes. Evo Knight and Little Prince. I cannot see how some of you can see the Knight and LP in half the god damn decks on top ladder and think that’s balanced. I play LP and knows it needs a nerf, and with Evo Knight it is the best Evo, besides maybe the bomber, which I’m glad is getting a nerf, however, I feel that increasing the cycles would do the trick. Evo Royal Recruits I could see getting a nerf, but prioritize nerfing the Evo Knight and Bomber first. Evo Ice Spirit and Evo Valkyrie definitely need a buff. They are the worst evos in the game. The Golden Knight, Monk, and PEKKA buffs are not enough and will still not be great. The Magic Archer buff is very needed. It was dead after he got that nerf a few months back. I would love to see the Goblin Drill rework as not many people use it. Goblin Giant nerf is nice as the Gob Giant is a very strong card rn, not op but it could use a little nerf. In my opinion, overall pretty good balance changes.
yeah man this range buff is really unnecessary a hit speed or damage buff was better I hope they change it in the final balance
hit speed should decrease to 1.6 from 1.8 or damage increase so she can one shot cards that die to lightning
No idiot thats bad
Me molesta mucho el nerf del principito ya que si le bajan a 5,5 su radio de alcance morira mas rapido
de lo normal y creanme que puede morir esa carta … solo espero que NO lo nerfen
I think evo knight and recruits nerf are good. It leaves them with fewer random stat buffs and just the ability, although I think normal recruits should get a nerf too.
It’s good to nerf evo bomber so he doesn’t hit the tower as easily.
Evolved valkyrie buff is on the right track, but not sure how much she should be buffed.
Rocket needs a damage buff. It does too little damage now. It also helps with making poison used less.
I think bowler range nerf (not proposed) is fine, especially with LP range nerf. It’s not too OP, but it gets annoying occasionally.
Not too bad of balance changes, but you’re missing a few nerfs to some cards that you haven’t mentioned.
This my order of which you should be considering to nerf first:
- Bowler
- Graveyard
- Evolution Wall breakers
- Cannoneer
- Poison
- Evolution Skeletons
There is obviously a few more nerfs/unnecessary buffs that shouldn’t happen to a few cards but you’ll probably take whatever the people voted most for.
This comment will probably do nothing to change the balance changes but I’d just like to share my opinion and others as well that I saw on Twitter.
Says who?!
Just because a card is generally played in no-skill decks does not mean they are OP or need a nerf
Monk and cannon cart one of weakest cards in the game. Below are weak cards to buff.
(MONK): the hp buff is great, he needs 100hp more and need ability to last 1s longer to counter flying machine. Dps buff also will make him solid. This makes him feel like a solid tank option compared to mighty miner and skeleton king, and since he costs more elixer. He also should reflect executioner faster and better.
(MAGIC ARCHER): he needs big buff to dps and slight nerf to crown tower damage (Like miner) so he can be great at defense (which he lacks and is very weak against countering tanks), and to be not too strong on offense.
(CANON CART): need a big buff, it is one of the least used cards in the game. It needs to be good at countering big tanks to be solid as other defensive cards. He needs more dps and slight more hp to survive during offensive push.
(PEKKA): good buff, he needs more of hp buff or both. He is countered easily and by most cards and especially at high ladder.
(GOLDEN KNIGHT): if not having dash range buff, (maybe reduce dash tower damage), then he needs some rework or buff.
Lastly, maybe there should be a possibility that tornado and fireball can counter skeletons evolution when they are multiplaying. Or that the multiplaying is slower.