too oppresive and requires specific counter to deal with all of them, if you have cannoneer its basically gg for you since you cannot deal with the recruits
I’m not saying that it’s OP because it’s a noskill card, it’s literally impossible to defend, especially when they use cards like fisherman, dart goblin and firecracker in the back
I was thinking this… so many people use knight so so many people are gonna vote for it staying as is or not get the deserved adjustment. His ability is to tank and every other evo you have to time when to play them… evo knight is just fire and forget with no strategy by most players. Should be using him for ranged troops pushing.
I agree with most of what you said but not what you said about tornado.
The counterplay to tornado is what you’ve played before the tornado.
I agree tornado has some problems but it sounds like you have a problem with tornado fundamentally because the nerfs you proposed change essentially nothing about tornado.
Creating a .5 second windup just slightly changes the timings.
Adding an indicator wouldn’t change anything it would make it similar to lightning does that add counter play in a different way?
Just like lightning the counterplay comes before they play tornado.
I payed 18 dollars for evo bomber i dont think it needs a nerf imo it is so easy to kill with any spell and also i took knight as my free evo and it isnt even that good the shield is not that hard to break
They’re failing to address Little Prince strong defense aspect:
His fast shooter passive ability (which he easily gains defending big pushes since he doesn’t have to move)
His active ability of summoning a full health mini-tank that push back everything
Spells can’t get rid of him inmedietly without falling in an considerable elixir disadvantage (Except for Poison, which I think is why it has become so popular along with LP.)
These three aspects have not only made the meta shifted to control/cycle; but has brought back the infamous spell cycling which, with LP low 3-elixir cost and defense capabilities, is easily to get away with.
My suggestion for a Little Prince nerf would be to reset his passive ability after killing a troop. This nerf is definitely a harsh one and doesn’t have to be permanent. I’d consider it more of a two-season test. To see how the meta would shift when 40% of the decks that use LP at the Top 1000 no longer see the card as viable. This would also bring back the spotlight back to the other Champions (who don’t need a buff to bring them up to LP’s level, but the other way around, in my opinion.)
I can’t tell you how many times I was about to win a match because I genuinely outplayed my opponent, but then my opponent lucked out by having evolution skeletons in cycle. It’s not even that they’re OP or game breaking, because they usually aren’t threatening on offense, but evolution skeletons are such a brainless card. They usually deal all the damage required to defend your attack before you can even think about getting a spell down, meaning that if you want to counter them, you basically have to predict them - for a negative elixir trade mind you - and such a brainless card shouldn’t warrant require such prophylactic skill from the opponent. They are so effective on defense that they can literally turn the tide of a match for only one elixir by eradicating any advantage the opponent has in one fell swoop.
It should take more skill than it is currently required to extract the maximum value from the card. Nerf the skeletons the player starts with from four to three.