WIP Balance Changes for March 2024 (Season 57)

True. Magic archer only had decreased usage rates because everyone chose to use little prince instead.

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I voted for the Golden Knight buff because I unlocked him in the season shop before they removed champions form the shop. But then I realized that he was considered the worst champion in the game, so I wasted my gems (to purchase more room to earn season tokens) and season tokens for the worst champion. So, in my opinion I am okay with this buff as I want to be able to use him in the arena and win a few matches.

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wizard is a menace in midladder. Its the same as buffing mk. Not being in the meta isnt a bad thing, but buffing it to do so at the expense of 90% of the player base is a bad idea

hog is overused but nowhere near broken, it is nearly the worst win condition in the top 10k

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10% use rate for a 7 elixir card is huge, it isnt like a knight that u can put in any deck u want, recruits are basically a win condition and having over 10% use rate and 51% winrate with how easy they are to play I’d say yes, they are op

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The current problem with hog rider is not that it’s too strong, rather that there is a dire shortage of ways to defend it. You can only defend it with buildings, tornado, or fisherman. Reworking hog rider so that it deals more damage but has less HP would give players more options to defend the card, and in compensation, the hog rider can use the extra DPS to destroy buildings faster.

Long reply:
Back in 2019, pro players were content with defending hog riders with mini pekka or hunter. They might have to eat a hog swing on the tower, but it was worth it because they could use their mini pekka or hunter to counter attack.

But it’s not 2019 anymore. Pro players avoid taking hog hits at all costs, because even midladder players understand how to use cycle cards on defense now. Even IShowSpeed, who is widely panned as a bad player knows how to use an ice golem to kite the opponents melee units. What this means is that there is no longer any compensation for ever taking a hog rider hit. If you give cycle players an inch, they take a mile. If you are taking damage against a cycle deck, you are objectively losing, which kind of oversimplifies the game, doesn’t it?

That means you must ideally defend hog riders perfectly every single time, or get lucky with a good matchup like lava hound. And the only way to do that is with buildings, tornado, or fisherman. That’s why most hog cycle decks have earthquake. Because nothing in the game that is worth deploying a fireball onto is going to defend a hog rider. The most common response to hog rider is a building. If you don’t have a building or tornado or fisherman in your deck, and you face a hog rider cycle deck, then good game. You might as well quit the match, because even if you time your mini pekka perfectly to stop hog rider, evolution firecracker, the most skillful card in the game (sarcasm), will get 1000 chip damage on your tower throughout the game by targeting the mini pekka you foolishly deployed in front of your tower. And it’s not like your opponent calculated that you would defend the hog rider with mini pekka. They just spam firecracker at the bridge regardless. And it’s not just me saying that. Watch B-Rad’s video: “Using the 6 most USELESS cards in Clash Royale” for proof.

I expect evolution firecracker to be reworked at some point. It’s not even that she’s too strong - frankly if you know what you’re doing she’s a very manageable card - but she’s just so annoying and brainless. Her first shot isn’t that bad, but her subsequent shots are devastating. If you don’t have a good response in cycle, she’s a pain in the butt to defend. The onus is on you to be skillful enough to predict when the opponent is going to spam evolution firecracker at the bridge. And you have to have the skill to properly allocate the correct amount of elixir to separately defend both the firecracker and the hog rider. Meanwhile, your opponent doesn’t care. They haven’t thought about how you’re doing to defend their push. They don’t have to strategize at all. They just play firecracker in the back, hog rider at the bridge, defend your counter push with a building in the center plus some cycle cards to distract, and rinse and repeat. If IShowSpeed can do it, then anybody can.

Once firecracker inevitably gets reworked, hog rider will only be defended by buildings or tornado or fisherman. I would decrease the HP of hog rider so that more cards can defend it. Cards like mega knight or royal recruits should defend hog rider. When you’re spending seven elixir, you should be able to defend the hog rider. Especially when all your opponent is going to do to defend your mega knight or royal recruits is play bomb tower in the middle and play knight in front. However, buildings have simultaneously been essential for cycle decks. They make defense way too easy. I’d love to see midladder cycle players try to play a deck without a building. I guarantee they would suffer. More cards need to counter buildings - earthquake isn’t enough. So to compensate for the HP decrease of hog rider, I would also buff the damage it deals. That way when the opponent tries to defend one of your troops with a building, you might actually use hog rider to target that building, killing it faster, and helping your other troop break through.

Hog rider would then be transformed from a brainless card you mindlessly spam at the bridge as often as possible into a card you synergize with other troops. Maybe you can run a hog rider balloon deck, using the hog rider to kill the building your opponent wants to use to distract your balloon. The possibilities are endless.


yes, i don’t have recruits and i feel that they aren’t that dominant anymore, it’s definitely too far. the golden knight one, however, is definitely too much imo

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Hi, I think we don’t forget the toxic game with Mega knight, hog rider and firecracker actually the game need a big Ă©quilibrage

Nerf: firecracker ( speed to shot, back slide, damage, HP and range )

Nerf: mega knight ( HP, damage and jump range )

Buff: wizard ( hp and range or speed maybe a Ă©volution )

Buff: pekka need big buff maybe one evolution ( speed to hit 1,7 to 1,5 )

Nerf: hog riders ( hp and damage )

Nerf: royale hogs ( hp and damage also they can passed 5 to 4 )

Nerf: elixir golem ( Hp, damage and elixir costs 3 to 4 )

Big nerf: E-Giant ( Hp, Damage reverse )

Nerf: royale recrute ( speed to dash and damage )

Buff: dark knight maybe one evolution to ( Hp, damage and bouclier )

And for game in general, maybe more recompense in every defi, super défi and classic ( 100 000 or to 300 000 or ) more gems recompense 300-500 how you wants buts more game progression pleazzze!!

And for finish more accessible Ă©lite coins, more books and items

maybe if more ( we winn games more we have recompense ) it’s was mor fun for everyone !!!

Broo??? Why poison
wt did it do too u man
just because u cant win over it 
it dosent mean its broken
 if its soo first nerf those swarms

great one. Nerfed Recruits, Buffed Marcher and Pekka. Ewiz prolly getting evolved so Bridge spam is finally back

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evo bomber being 1 rotation is stupid especially since it’s 2 elixer


There needs to be seperate polls for buffs and nerfs becasue it seems like people always prioritize nerfs over buffs. Id like to see some good buffs tonsome underutilized cards to shift the meta

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The bouncing and damage is good but the main isssue is that its one cycle so you basically get to use it on all of your pushes which then in turn punishes the oponent for defending

In my opinion let monk get some shine he needs it

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The easiest fix to little prince is just to not survive fireball. Remeber when ice wizard was “too broken” because it was 3 elixer and survived fireball.

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hog isn’t good with everyone running buildings cause of evo wall breakers

Marcher and Pekka buffs? Nope don’t see it. How many nerfs must evo knight get but hog, firecracker keep on keeping on? These changes seem like a overreaction to us not using the decks supercell wants us to.

I agree with everything except the gob giant nerf (I’ve never seen it be broken) and the evo valk buff should be 15% or more. That card is more useless than the Evo ice spirit

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One of those is a massive buff

Isn’t the evo bomber nerf kind of a buff? It is more likely to get two hits on the tower and it’s harder to get king tower activation. Where is goblin barrel buff?