Squad Busters Clash Royale Giveaway

I Like all four of them, but my favourite one is the goblin one in the bottom left. I have been watching your content for a long time and I am subbed but I didn’t know about this forum until now! I’m still waiting for the SB global release as I am not in one of the pre-release countries. I am a small content creator with less than 100 subs and if I win this, it will be greatly appreciated! I have already registered for SB!

All banners are amazing. My favourite is the last one. I hope I will win it. 🩷

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I love that goblin banner. Would go great for a logbait player

I like the banner with the goblin running away.

I’d Love to usw the First two Banners (Chicken or Goblin running).
I got No opportunity to test the Game but i Like the Style and the gameplay Idea.

I’ve played Squed B but i didnt get along with it at the begining it was great thx for the effort and hard working to achieves a good thing

Still waiting for global release.
Will check out the API though and help if I can.

Was going to look into the Match Mode code; see if it’s easy enough to update every week for these new weekly game modes they keep adding. (Maybe just me, but I feel like they keep getting added later and later every week. Used to see it Monday or Tuesday and now it’s like end of week or never, lol.)

And… Goblin Banner, but all are pretty sweet. :ok_hand:t3:

I’d surely try the new game , but for now , I like the 3rd one :sweat_smile:

The one with the goblin running away with gold is my favorite, i wish i could steal like him.

Can’t wait for the release date!!! Finally a new game!!!:v::tada:

Haven’t played squad busters but saw a couple of short videos about it. The core gameplay is good but I don’t think it’s as strategic or expandable as the other supercell games. I like the banner with the gems the most because I think the format would look the nicest in-game with the badges.

Have been playing Clash royale since day 1 of release and I will do the same with squad busters. Love you royaleapi!!

Banners, I will be the denominator.

I really like the banner with colt shooting the chicken! Thank you royale api! :heart: top creator

I want the one with colt shooting the chicken please and thank you.

I tried Squad Busters as soon as it soft launched, at first i thought it was a bit stale but it got pretty addicting, I feel like a lot of things need to be changed though, like the party feature (it just allows you to team in the solo mode right now) or the way that mega units work.
I had a look at squad.royaleapi.com, it‘s pretty useful since a lot of stats that aren‘t viewable in game are available there. Another thing that I really like but haven‘t really used yet is the map collection with all of the important locations. The detailed news are obviously useful as well.
My favorite banner is the one with Colt and Chicken, the one with Barbarian and Shelly is neat too. (I‘d happily take another one as well though :slight_smile:)

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I guess I won’t be able to get one since there’s 278 comments but i really like the banner with the big red guy

I have to wait a couple days til global launch but i really like the banner with the big red dude!

I need the chicken banner, it’s my favorite emote in game :chicken:

First time commenter here! I would love the goblin banner!