Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale October 2023 (Season 52)

+1 for lava

Who voted to tornado and inferno tower​:skull::skull:


ı am playing log bait. pls ınferno buff

I wouldn’t say you’re stupid but just pay a little attention

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Who the duck is 23% voted for Inferno Tower buff bro

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Why do they hate mommy so much :frowning: with that magic archer nerf pbs is gonna be even more unviable than it already is. Pls buff pekka a fokin firecracker can fully counter her ass.
Edit : just saw inferno buff aswell
 why you do dis supercell

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Dont nerf goblins since i agree regular 2 elixir goblins need a nerf but your also nerfing goblin barrel goblin drill and goblin gang which definitely does not need a nerf

tornado is dead well played community ! ice spirit not nerf ! well played, where is zappy nerf ? where is executionner !!! and i can continue longer,bro buff prince buff goblin cage for what ? who care ? useless

i wanted to see new metas and reworks like giant, snowball, hunter etc. but the community is insistent about their monotone gameplay.

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The aim is to help all the players, not just you. Just think about the elixir trade= 5 elixir defends 8 while resisting six= 5/14, this is the stupidest thing I ever heard. As of the rocket, it only needs a buff to the tower damage, sparky players are already mad enough than their 6 elixir card is destroyed only by a spell.

40% win rate :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Good buff choices, PEKKA and E-Giant desperately need some help. Hog is perfectly balanced and doesnt need a nerf.

Don’t nerf the Inferno Dragon

KardeƟ felaket kulesi bu haliyle zaten aĆŸÄ±rı gĂŒĂ§lĂŒ hatta NERF yemesi gerekir bence hani yemesin de buff gelmesi aĆŸÄ±rı abartı olur mega ĆŸĂ¶valye golem dev fln in metasi biter

Still Can pull hog and a lot of thing to king tower but it will be harder.

The first hit speed is arguable the damage nerf is just stupid

Guys don’t forget that nerfing goblins also affects goblin drill, goblin barrel, goblin gang and most importantly
the goblin who’s is brave enough to ride a rocket. Put some respect on that ryley. But more seriously do not nerf goblins. At least not this way.

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It doesn’t need a buff. Yes, inferno tower is very bad against cycle decks but very good against golem and lava decks. It already tanks a lighting, which is one elixir more expensive.

Absolutely not. Tornado is one of the strongest cards ever, it needs a huge nerf, that would concern the attraction first.
This even not really skilled anymore


Tornado is too much strong, you’re not impartial. MArcher is just great, no buff no nerf, but tornado deserves a very huge nerf

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