Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale October 2023 (Season 52)

Tbh I would rather have your nado rework but the nerf they are going to give it will kill the card , .5 tiles may not seem like much but now its useless against hog rider now which is 1 of its main uses to counter.

So you want to kill tornado because of a synergy it has I play ice bow and without that .5 tiles nado is literally uslessjust vote to nerf marcher

exactly it’s good because most meta decks don’t use enough anti air troops too. what they are doing is cruel however i’m ok with a evo barbs nerf and maybe balloon nerf isn’t too much but I disagree with others specially lava and I can’t believe lava nerf got so many votes.

Why tf are you saying nado is op its objectvally not and has a very low use rate for spells

Oh please, “no skilled”, without a doubt the most skilled spell because of the numerous interactions needed to learn, and some aren’t piece of cake. Sure it’s not rocket science but it’s definitely the most skilled since for the rest it’s basically just placing them down.

While it’s very strong, it’s definitely not the strongest card ever and also spells should remain strong as an answer to the meta. It’s like fireball and log, while these keep bait cards in check, it keeps cards like hog, balloon and rg in check but also keeps cards like Ice-wiz, exe and egiant (basically cards that heavily depend on the tornado) viable.

No it has very good usage rates but it should stay this way since it’s a great counter to the meta and keeping other cards viable.

Exactly u use a logbait-ish deck so you are biased and trying to nerf a card into the ground because of it, also nado isn’t even that good against logbait so why did you even vote it it only really counters hog but its much less of a counter than like recruits to xbow, someone could be playing 2.6 but replace any card with recruits and I’m screwed but you have the audacity to vote for a underused spell’s nerf when it doesn’t even help you out much but destroys the card

I don’t think goblins should get a nerf because, that causes the skeletons to replace the goblins in cycle decks. Sure evo skeletons are easy to counter, but it comes at an extra elixir disadvantage just to be safe.

People don’t like the remi-eli deck idk if I spelled it right but marcher is practically the same guaranteed damage as a spell which makes it strong but it gets countered easily so I think its pretty balanced but idk

“my deck doesn’t need it” talk about a bad reason to vote for a card nerf. That’s the problem with giving this vote to the community, everyone votes for what they want.

There are more ways to stop a marcher at the bridge other than fireball, surprise.

Magic archer’s only issue was the extra tile range bug, fix that and it’s fine. Not sure why you’re changing other aspects instead

Nado is completely balanced and if it is nerfed hog rider which is the most “balanced” win condition will lose its main counter you may think I am exaggerating but it’s at the exact length to pull the hog rider to King tower unless you want it to get a shot on the princess tower which defeats the entire purpose when cannon cost the same amount of elixir but does better and the one and only other time where Nando by itself is useful is when it’s activating King to wet with goblin barrel but with that nerf it will literally be useless against it as it won’t even reach the other 2 goblins and unless the other Princess tower is detracted it will dies making and useless in practically every common scenario.
So don’t nerf and if you do know that you demoting it to wizard-level status because you are biased but even worse nado isn’t even used in Middladder.

Bomb tower has been the #1 building before evolutions what are you saying

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25% use rate and 52% win rate go brrrr

Ryley got his fans to vote nerf nado to buff logbait if a dev is reading this pls exclude all the votes that have those same 10 votes that he had people vote.

Finally a nerf to lavahound! I don’t think balloon deserves a nerf it is just that lavahound was sneakily OP since it was released.


Ice golem and giant are very weak, let’s give them our votes, let’s change the meta now.

“Ice golem is weak”
2.6: exists
Edit: I can’t reply anymore but you forgot about Graveyard, 2.9, and 3M which are all doing well on UC

Also theres a .025% chance someone choses what Ryley had his fans chose to buff logbait so it would remove the bais to remove all the votes that have the same 10 options as what he had them chose

What other than 2.6 and Loon cycle is Ice Golem good in? That’s right, nothing.