Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale October 2023 (Season 52)

yeah i do, problem?

yeah no, marcher gets free 1 k dmg anytime you dont predict it, its a card you have to predict or else it gets 1k dmg. deserves to be unusable just like xbow deserves to be unusable

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More people started using it as a win con. Thing is, he is still easy to kill. I may be guilty of being one of those people playing my Pekka bridgespam deck, which has Tornado and Battle Healer. When my opponent doesn’t have Fireball, Battle Healer sometimes makes him last a lot longer than he should and her low damage means more tower snipes through Knight/Valk.

Joke balance changes :joy:.
A lot of these feel like they were just put on here to appeal to us as having “options”
Ice spirit nerf is dumb
Balloon nerf is dumb
Inferno dragon is by no means a nerf needed card
Prince buff is so unnecessary
Lava hound nerf makes me laugh. It does not need a nerf.
Bomber buff is unnecessary
Giant buff is unnecessary as it’s only mid due to all the decks with evos having a good MU against it
Cannon doesn’t need to be touched

Only ones I like are
Goblin cage
Of course the evolutions
Minion horde
Cannon cart
Ice golem
And bomb tower
Maybe to an extent Magic Archer but it’s hard since it also affects other decks like bridgespam.

Also where’s the pekka buff?


For consistency, if the cannoncart rework happens then the cannon rework will also happen.

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Ikr. Lavahound is good in meta rn only because cycle is so dominant and it is one of the few beatdown decks that can beat cycle.

Yes wb need a nerf but pekka doesn’t need buff to be like before, thats need to nerf cards like goblins, fire.c, barbs … To back like ago

Ice golem and prince? Do you playing ice golem 2prince?:joy:

What should be added

Nr2) Ice spirit is the most used cards, and it’s not so fun to fight against. A nerf in range makes space for the other 3 spirits to shine, please!

Nr3) Goblins, Goblin gang and especially the Goblin barrel have bin very popular lately, and most decks containing these cards usually are very defensive and slow. Please! That’s a great idea!

Nr6) Bombtowet’s hitspeed nerf would be well deserved, the card has been very popular the past season.

Nr9) Great, I don’t know what happened with Marcher but I see him very frequently. And it feel kinda unfair to loose half of your tower from behind the bridge. The damage nerf is subtle but well deserved.

Nr16) Just for consistency please. But it’s also nice to see the card getting attention.

Nr23) I don’t play giant or anything, but I’d be interested into seing this basic card every now and then. So neat idea.

What shouldn’t be added

Nr8) Infernodragon already is very easy to counter, nerfing him also nerves one of the only advantages zap and snowball have over the log, in addition I don’t think he has been extremely annoying.

Nr12) Baloon itself isn’t a problem, I say that even though my deck has a big air weakness…

It’s freeze, that makes most Baloon decks so tedious to fight. Please rework freeze into only lasting 2 seconds, but for only 3 Elixir and in a greater radius, to make the game more fast paste.

Nr14) Infernotower is already pretty annoying to face, mainly due to its high Hp. I agree the card should get attention, but not like that.

My Idea is, to decrease the damage by ~4% on the lowest power, ~8% on the second power and ~24% at max power. But decrease the retarget speed by 0.5s. This makes it worse against tanks, but much better agains swarms - making for a less frustrating fight (because your PEKKA is melted within seconds) as well as making it more versatile to use as a defense.

My goodness this went as well as expected… Community doesn’t know anything about meta or what cards are overpowered. At least the two most op evos are getting nerfed. Magic archer doesn’t need a nerf or lava hound for example but they are really high in the votings. Please never do something like this again


read what i have written

You have the right idea, but the changes are way too big. like half HP egolem is worth 2 elixir but only if it gived 3 i.o. 4, 3 elixir healer would be way too cheap and healing ranger with currwnt healer stats would be another meta-breaking card, like phoenix or night Witch when they 1st came out

1.1 hits per second is more than 1 per second bro

i absolutely agree, loon king activations will be impossible without a building and hog, ghost and other stuff like that will always get a hit before activating. it is a massive nerf and it’s totally unnecessary, like literally nobody is saying, that it’s broken, so why should they kill it?


I’ve heard numerous pros talk about how they felt tornado was OP. Not sure why that makes them kids.

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Evolved Barbarian needs to be nerfed more. He should die in one hit from P.E.K.K.A.

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Where’s the pekka buff? The card is absolutely unplayable since evos introduction!

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He plays Remi Eli deck. He spams Marcher + tornado to win.

Remove the golems from the game

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Nerfing the inferno dragon hp is far better than nerfing lava hound hp