Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale October 2023 (Season 52)

Buff cabane de barbare aussi

We need to have a more creative meta (especially considering evolutions ruin this). Thatā€™s why I voted for cards like minion horde, canon cart, and others so that we can have more interesting cards and decks. The most fun I had in the game was when there was a diverse meta with weird decks that donā€™t look like they would work. Even the short mirror meta was fun because it was different. Even with E giant mirror cycle pump to royal hogs mirror, it was fun. I think we need more niche cards upped to add creativity to the game. Hog eq is getting old, miner marcher is getting old.

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yeah but ballon is a boring card and has been used especially in lavahound for a while

Evo Knight definitely needs a nerf. Itā€™s out-of-this-world broken. It soaks so much damage and has pretty good DPS. Easily top 3 best cards in the game right now, maybe even the best. Just look at Grand Challenge stats.

Bomb Tower also needs a nerf. Ever since the Cannon nerf, everyoneā€™s been using Bomb Tower, and itā€™s so repetitive seeing it in pretty much every cycle deck.

Iā€™m also happy seeing that Lava Hound may get a nerf. People spam flying support cards behind it, like Skeleton Dragons, Flying Machine, Balloon, etc., and maybe even a Miner to tank for the Lava Pups, and itā€™s just unstoppable.

And itā€™s about time Tornado gets considered being nerfed. Itā€™s always been so good, itā€™s in pretty much every single beatdown deck, and even in some cycle decks like FC Drill Nado, RemiEli, Hog Exe Nado, etc.

And with Goblins, theyā€™re in every cycle deck, they do so much damage. Itā€™s not even worth using Skeletons now because Goblins are miles better. Hope they get nerfed.

I donā€™t know about the Ice Spirit range nerf, though. The problem with Ice Spirit is that it freezes troops for so long, for only one elixir. The range nerf wonā€™t fix Ice Spirit being broken. Itā€™ll still be good.


It says hits per second

I donā€™t think this is the worst way of conducting balance changes. At the very least, itā€™s no different to people just complaining about their favourite card getting a proposed nerf like they usually would.

they need to buff the goblin barrel ASAP this card is so dogshit i dont know how you can even think to nerf the goblins that shit fucking sucks they tried so hard to make the 2 elixir goblins good they are nerfing every other goblin related card into shit and the 2 elixir goblins themselves take this change off the board immediately


exactly it just needed a crown tower dmg nerf as marcher shouldnt be a wincon

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goblins maybe but ice spirit shoulndt be killed

Lava is getting nerfed alot balloon and lava plus barbs will hurt it alot. 3 nerfs in 1 update is sad, its only popular and good because of evo barbs.


keep nado and marcher the way it is, its not that bad to deal with

Why the hell would they nerf balloon? Itā€™s literally at the bottom of good win conditions maybe the devs should start looking at the royal api data.


Iā€™ll cover each change in order from highest poll% (at the time of writing) to lowest poll%

Evo Knight: No reason this card should have a 0.9 (+33%) hitspeed on top of 20% more hp (after the nerf) and 10% extra damage. Making the hp go from +30% to +20% is nothing in the long run. It will still be the best evo and card in the entire game, he needs a much more substantial nerf to his damage and health.

Evo Barbs: I see two ways to go about this- either changing their damage & rage features, or reducing their hp so towers will 1 shot them after a Fireball. Personally Iā€™d rather see a 15% hp increase, rather than the 25% they will have after the nerf, and keeping their damage the same. Alternatively you could change the mechanic of their rage so it doesnā€™t stack, but this would make them significantly worse at everything.

Bomb Tower: I really donā€™t understand what the hate is, maybe everyone voting plays beatdown decks or something, but not only is the nerf way too big, itā€™s also uncalled for, this card is used so much because of Evo Barbs and all the Goblin Giant in the meta, Tesla doesnā€™t have the same tankiness and canā€™t deal with spams and swarms as well. Once Evo Barbs are nerfed there wonā€™t be as big of a need for this building. If Lava doesnā€™t get nerfed I can see Tesla taking the #1 building position next meta.

Lava Hound: Even before the Evo Firecracker nerf, this card has been dominating, quite deserving of an hp nerf at least until there are more air targeting evolutions added.

Magic Archer (both nerfs): I donā€™t think anyone realizes the reason this card has been so provoking is because of a bug that has been in the game giving him longer projectile range than normal, without this bug he is a balanced card and these nerfs are actually massive and will kill the card, maybe a 0.1s first attack delay is acceptable but anything more crazy is unjustified.

Evo Skeletons: It seems Supercell doesnā€™t know what to do with this evolution, they canā€™t seem to make it good enough for anyone to choose it, and every change has only shown more and more how useless this evo truly is. Iā€™m glad they are continuing to try and buff it, however, I think the best idea to improve them is making their hits spawn multiple Skeletons instead of just 1. Try making them spawn 2 on each hit on top of this buff, and see where that puts them afterwards. Would be super excited about this feature change.

Balloon: All this change will do is further hurt the decks that donā€™t use Lava, and not change anything about the ones that do. This card isnā€™t the problem.

Tornado: Itā€™s about time.

Inferno Dragon: Popular only because of the Phoenix nerfs and Evo Knight popularity, would be better to buff Mega Minion again, this card is fine.

Goblins: Youā€™d have to buff the other Goblin cards in order to actually implement this change without killing them, and revert the abnormal spawn timer that makes it the only unit with a 0.2 delay.

Ice Golem: This buff (if you can even call it that) is like putting a wet paper towel around your drink before you put it in the freezer. There are just better options. Give him 2.5s slow and also some hp to make him worth using.

Ice Spirit: Not a huge fan of 2 spirits having 2.0 tile ranges, while the other 2 have 2.5. Might as well make Fire Spirit 2.5 tiles to keep things consistent, and reduce the freeze duration of this one to 1.1s.

Snowball: The damage nerf part of this is unnecessary, nobody uses this card outside of Balloon cycle and duel game mode. And again Iā€™m not a fan of making similar cards inconsistent either (Zap) or the slow duration inconsistent of other cards (Ice Wiz 2.5s, Ice Golem 1.5s/2.0s). Maybe make all of the slow cards 3.0s since they could all use a buff anyways.

Bomber: Not sure why he was nerfed to begin with but hopefully this puts the little guy back in a good spot.

Giant: An interesting buff that Iā€™m all here for.

Goblin Cage/Brawler: Iā€™m more of an advocate for the Cageā€™s duration to be increased to 30 seconds instead of 20, but any buff will help this underused card.

Hunter: This card deserves some love, the extra damage would be very nice for him.

Minion Horde: Great change I hope to see implemented.

Cannon Cart: Also another deserving card for some love, big fan of this rework.

Cannon: This building is already never used and it definitely seems this rework is more of a nerf than a buff. If the hp increase was closer to ~13% I could maybe see it but the damage penalty is too high to offset such a low hp tradeoff.

Inferno Tower: This card isnā€™t used nearly enough outside of duels, and while I like it getting buffed I think the niche of it is too much to offset normal buffs to its stats. Itā€™s only good against higher hp units and thatā€™s a big issue for a 5 elixir commitment. Try buffing the minimum damage or give it quicker targeting speed or both.

Prince: The consistency of charging units is beginning to get weird (Dark Prince 3.5, Ram Rider & Battle Ram 3.0), I think all of them should have the same distance before charging. Maybe give him the back -4% hp nerf that was taken from him when both Princes were given the bridge jump ability instead.

The issues I see with this method of balance changes is that only the 10 most popular votes will be counted. I believe itā€™s better to allow a list of possible changes, take peopleā€™s feedback, and give out an updated/refined list that gives the options of ā€œYes changeā€ or ā€œNo changeā€, whichever cards are above 50% yes will receive the balance, and those below will either receive a different change if requested by the community or none at all. Otherwise the other 13 changes here will be forgotten and those cards will still be useless, or just not good enough to make them very meta viable, when there are a ton of good or adjustable changes listed.


Right now, the Magic Archer on the board resembles a firecracker that does not die.

found the MK user XD

I donā€™t understand why everyone wants Magic Archer nerfed into the ground. Magic Archer is balanced. It may be a bit on the strong side, but I donā€™t think it needs a nerf, let alone be nerfed this hard. The Miner WB Magic Archer deck is the problem, mainly Tornado and Bomb Tower.


Why do people think that Inferno Dragon needs a nerf? I think itā€™s fine how it is. Same thing with Magic Archer


Definitely a midladder player lol. MK is fine how it is

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fr, these kids want marcher nerfed into the ground lol

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Please keep voting to nerf tornado. My deck doesnā€™t need it and itā€™ll force bad players to actually have to line up their shots for once with their marcher instead of getting 1k free dmg every push cuz i dont have fireball.

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