Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale October 2023 (Season 52)

Hit speed is not the same as hits/second. Hit speed = frequency of hits measured in time, e.g. 0.9s which about equals 1.1 hits/second

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bome tower needs hit point nerf

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Are yā€™all idiots? A evo skeleton buff? All this complaining about evos and yā€™all want to make another evo broken? Smh. Pekka should get a buff btw easy to counter

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All of you guys are noobs and this whole thread is moronic. Fk supercell

Yeah but its still more healthy than defending an push by spaming 1-5 cards . Like is it even fair to have for example an Lava Hound push , and start spaming Canon , Ice Spirits , and cards that dosent even have what to do with defending the air push , like skeletons or log , only used to place more cards that can defend the push . We are in a state where the skill dosent matter anymore , if your opponent either has a hardcounter , has a lucky Matchup , spending money on evolutions , or having a h**k of a cycle that you cant break through , at this point you can use Deck Shop to create an 3.5 Inaccurate deck with 2 or 1 spell , 1 or 2 buildings , 1 or 2 win condition , 1 or 2 Air Cards , and then only Cycle cards , it dosent even matter the synergy anymore only the balance , spend money on Deck AI App to upgrade it a bit , and call it a day and push with it to atleast Master 3 no matter how bad your skill is . This is Clash Royale now and its bad .

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these nerfs are ridicilious.
They are made for killing cards especially for magic archer. Evo cards should be nerfed. Evo skeleton may stay the same. There are too many cards that needs a buff like pekka rascals etc. but you decided to nerf bunch of cards instead. Great job supercell.
Some of that cards definetily need a nerf but not whole of them.
Magic Archer nerf should be either first hit speed or damage not two of them combined.
Bomb tower nerf should be 0.1 slower hit speed.
Evo Knight deserves a bigger nerf. Like hp and hit speed nerf combined.
Ä°f you nerf tornado then Hog Rider decks will pop up to meta and then community will complain about them. So u will be forced to nerf Hog Rider (which is the most balanced card rn).
My advice is to reconsider these balance changes. DO YOUR JOB. Thanks.

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I donā€™t think nerfing MA damage is the way to go. That will only make him rely more on geometry hitting the tower, and make him worse as a defensive card.

Donā€™t vote tornado it will kill the card and itā€™s not the main problem imo same with magic archer how is it so high


MA nerf is completely unnecessary. This card is skill based and if dont played correctly it may cause to lose the game. Ä°ts not strong as a defensive unit also.
They have nerfed the first hit speed of MA to 0.8 second and it was absolutely a dead card.Dont repeat ur mistake supercell. Ur killing the game i love.

if they nerf the nado they have to nerf the hog rider next season cause everybody will complain about hog being OP after nado nerf.
Bomb tower nerf is too much. 0.1 sec nerf will be way more balancing instead of killing.

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1.1 hits per second is the equivalent to 0.9sec hit speed.

We all know remiā€™s deck have been quite broken for so longā€¦ Magic Archer wasnt suposed to be a win conditionšŸ’€
I think Inferno Dragon should had the same HP amount as the Baby Dragon.
Bomb Tower is really OP by now, deserved nerf.

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Wizard deserves a chance to be in balance changes like seriously he been last changed in 2018, A rework would be nice

I donā€™t thunk anyone wants a healer meta. Eeew

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Next month rework Mega Knight as follows :slight_smile:

Damage to Tower/Building - 30%

currently this card has too much utility it is not supposed to be a WC so nerf the tower damage a LOT
then it will be a good assault card on the defences as intended.

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that lumberjack buff would be funny

The balloon doesnā€™t need a nerf, its been nerfed before and it was unplayable, it either needs a buff or it needs to stay untouched. Dont kill the card.
Evo barbarians dont need an hp nerf, thats too much, they need a 5% attack nerf lets be reasonable here


The clearest thing is oeople are sick of overpowered evos. Though safe miney bet is SC keeps pumping them out and milking the o2w crowd for 2-4 months, then nerfing. Iā€™m a little surprised theres no royal recruits buff under consideration., they didnā€™t get as much money off that one.

Why donā€™t normal barbs just get a health buff so they barely survive fireball, and evo barbs are nerfed down to the same hp? I donā€™t get it.

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Theyā€™d probably just replace dark prince or something with evo knight, like they did for miner rocket, lava, golem, and hog

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