Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale October 2023 (Season 52)

There are many nerfs which aren’t necessary:

  • Goblins: Should be -2%

  • Super Barbarian: Don’t nerf his HP. Attack bonus should be nerf to -5%

  • What’s the point of nerfing Inferno Dragon and Balloon? Those shouldn’t be done!

  • Skeleton’s Evo: Should be 7, 8 it is too much.

  • Ice Spirit: He doesn’t need any nerf or buff! Leave him alone!

  • Snowball: Too much slow for 2 elixir. Just buff its damage.
    If they wanna nerf Goblin by 8%, then they must buff goblin barrel & Drill.


I asked for a Tornado nerf and I use Goblin Giant Logbait


what about pekka buff wizzard reowrk dark prince buff ?
i think the bomb tower nerf is too much
and aslo why u guys nerfing the goblins every time its hurting not only the goblins but aslo the drill and the goblin barrel and these cards not in amazing spot right now u know?


The dev team never ceases to amaze me. Firstly with these changes which are almost all awful, and secondly having it decided upon on some obscure forum that only a small fraction of players will even know about. These all suck, except for a couple. You’re letting challenger 3 players with a personal feud against lava hound change the mechanics of the game, maybe rethink things—or don’t and watch those active player numbers drop.


25% use rate

Now this, this is beautiful.

Rework is best

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Evos must be broken
No to nerf of evos

Who the hell would vote for a tornado nerf. Don’t be idiot.


Will the goblins nerf only apply to the card goblins or every card that has goblins in them? I also think that voting is kind of a bad idea, everyone wants to see cards nerfed, but no one allows for some cards to receive buffs. Consider launching an even amount of buffs and nerfs, the inferno tower buff or prince/giant buff are all good ideas, but since they’re so niche only people who have them in their decks will vote for it.

The current meta has magic archer line-ups that are completely un-punishable, and a ranged defensive card should never become a viable win condition, we had the same issue with firecracker and now it’s MA

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I put my votes in but I believe Wall Breakers should be on here. For 2 elixir, they can get so much damage together and with a split and they often have opponents spends more elixir.
I would request possibly they having a damage nerf or even speed nerf as they are quick.

Please nerf the magic archer He easily hits the tower from the bridge he got on my nerves​:rage::rage:

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just because the 2 elixir goblin card is slightly above average doesn’t mean it should account for the nerfs of goblin barrel and goblin drill which are c, b tier at most, nerf specifically the 2 elixir goblins in a way that wont affect other cards with goblins in them


Balloon and lavahound are balanced cards, they are just happen to counter the meta of this season and can make good use of evolved barbarians. Just need the evolved barbarians and that will be fine. Otherwise, off-meta decks like miner-balloon, lumberjack-balloon will become unplayable.


tornado would completely become useless


Goblins can’t be nerfed because their tied to the Goblin Barrel and Drill. Both of those cards are awful.

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so true bro tornado doesnt deserve to get nerfed


lol everyone is complaining about hog being op but they have voted for tornado nerf. i dont understand u guys.
The M Archer nerfs will no doubt kill the card. Its just a meta card rn its not that OP.
Bomb Tower nerf is absolutely needed but the nerf is too much that the card will be no longer usable.
İk its a strong deck but its because of Evo Knight and Bomb Tower. Look at the usage rates they are both +%15. This means they are OP. Bombs tower hit speed should be +0.1 sec slower. 0.2 sec slow will kill the card.
M A first hit speed should be 0.2 sec slower so i agree on that nerf but what the heck is damage nerf? This two nerfs combined will definitely kill the card.
I understood the fact that the developer team have actually no knowledge about how to balance a card. They hear kill these cards when community says balance them.
Evo Card nerfs are great to see cause they r broken.
Balloon, İnferno Drag and Lava Hound nerfs are ridicilous. They have been balanced cards for years included now.
Evo skeleton buff is required cause they have no difference with the normal ones.
The rest of the balance changes are on you. These are my ideas. you may agree or disagree but i was %100 objective while writing these.
İf you are reading this development team please reconsider your balancing style. Thanks.


Hell no a beatdown meta is more toxic for the game than overpowered evos