Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale June 2023 (Season 48)

It’s weird enough. They created phoenix, archer queen and might minner, they buffed the damage of cannon, the damage of archers, the amount of goblins. So many high damage troops are enough to destroy any slow push deck. A cycle deck may also not be able to breach the defenses, however it can turn into spell cycle. If everyone can’t can’t breach the defense, then the faster cycle will definitely win. Then why do spell cards, including miner, have to foot the bill for these cards? Why not just nerf them instead? Cannon get the nerf of hp, but we still can’t fireball a cannon and destroy it. Then it can still distract and damage the enemy. The same to goblins, archers and phoenix. They got nerf but their damage are still high enough. I don’t think the key is the spell cards.

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The thing is that as long as some people sweat the game they will always be able to pull of amazing defenses with cycle cards because they‘re just more versatile than heavy cards. So you can take only one of two paths. Either make the heavy cards so much more effective than the cheap ones that the game will be balanced for pros or balance the cards for lower level players

And by that I don‘t mean midladder but the players from master 3- ultimate champion

I stongly agree with all the ballance changes and am very happy to see them,
I have a few sugessions
Gk revert its dash ners 5.5 -->6.0 Dash range it doesn’t dahs on anything anymore, undo the dash rework where it can only dash 1 time in any angle and up to 9 dashes towards the enemy crown tower, and finally the balance of the golden knight before that was -10% health so give it back 5% of its health back This should put gk at a 7-10% usage with a kind of high win rate to balance him

Graveyard needs a few exact patterns where the skeletons come out because right now it’s unpredictable and always has been, it doesn’t matter how many skeletons are there but where they spon so you can memorize them to counter the future predictable graveyard in the future

Royale Giant, although it doesn’t have the best use and win rate in the hands of the right player it always gets that 1 extra undeserving shot on the tower so maybe a 2-3% health nerf

Phoenix, its ok if it’s not this balance change because its still a new card but Mabey for the next balance change could it get a 5% damage nerf please?

+1 level is too weak, +2 levels is too strong, what if you make it like the first mirror you play in a match will either be +1 level, then the 2nd mirror you’ll play in a match will be +2 levels then the third will be +1, and the forth would be +2 e.t.c. that pattern
It should get the mirror to a 55% winrate with a 10%ish usage and if it is op give it the goblin nerf where it’ll take longer to deploy

0.1 or 0.2 seconds faster to activate the ability
It’ll be a bit more easy to play although it is currently my favorite champion well I see that it is a bit too slow it is ment for predictions its ability but still it can be a bit easier to deflect things
The reflection range should be 5-10% larger, so you can reflect goblin berals, and rickets more easily

Tombstone, spon interval +1 second
The issue is it gains skeletons too quickly and is op but not as realised because it doesn’t do anything to your towers

Wisard and Which, although i’ve almost never played them in my 2 years of clash royale theyre too big of an investment to die to fireball + log,
Like Archer queen who costs 5 she survives fireball + log and if you take that away from her that 1 hp queen won’t be getting any value anymore it’ll be the worst card so wisard or which should get that health buff or
Which can get this buff that might be anoying it will spon 4 skeletons 1 second faster than what it does now

Thanks! I hope some of these are considered

Sorry I made a typo I ment to type rockets
not rickets

baby dragon: I don’t think it’s necessary, it’s already quite hard to counter consistently because it’s a flying ranged unit

globins: they are op and the staggering effect may actually be a buff, as it will be harder to splash them, test spawn in diamond shape

ice wiz: instead, make his frosting debuff on landing last longer; currently, enemy units are already unfrost by the time he lands his first hit

night witch: spawn a bat every single attack, or spawn slower if not attacking; try to have it as a counter-attacking unit instead of just beatdown death ball

healer: much less healing, smaller healing area, tankier and faster hit speed; better counter-attacking tank instead of unstoppable offence

poison: seems fair, it already has a lot of value and spell cycling is very annoying

goblin hut: two goblins on wave and on destroy, faster duration; the range buff on the spear goblins made them very hard to deal with

ice spirit: frosting instead of freezing, as it currently completely overshadows e-spirit

monk ability: faster initiation, longer duration so it consistently counters princess and magic archer

phoenix: less hit speed

g knight ability: faster initiation, 360 degree sight (make it possible to king activation), no invulnerability during dash

fire cracker: die to the log os smaller range

zap: longer stun, smaller radius, add chain lighting

knockback: (spells, bowler, monk etc) shouldn’t reset enemies’ hit progress if their targets are still in sight

clone: small damage similar to rage

heres what I feel
bbd: idk why they buffed him, its really not that bad in top ladder and its actually quite dominating in very low arenas.
goblins: agreed, they are quite op
ice wiz: can supercell jsut increase the splash range or increase the damage or increase the freeze duration? why the spawn range???
night witch: golem clone is going to dominate the meta again. and maybe poison and arrows.
skeleton dragons: yes i agree they were so bad
battle healer: i wonder how that would work in the clash environment very interesting buff tho.
poison: makes sense for a nerf since night witch is buffed. supercell prob dosnt want poison dominating the meta…
goblin hut: it IS annoying
mighty miner: not sure thats the only card i dont have (besides monk but im getting it end of season so…)
ice spirit: they are just trying to nerf 2.6 and buffing other spirits…

thats all. sub to 11pro11 on youtube for fun clash royale content

not sure if i agree with the zap rework cos it will be harder to counter skarmy now.

These changes look fine for the most part… here are my comments.

Poison: Will completely ruin the meta. With Graveyard still being a thing, gob hut likely going to continue to be a thing, and the fact that these cards are insanely meta. A poison nerf will just continue the usage of these cards… I recommend no poison nerf, and a zap rework.

Zap: Zap is essentially a worse version of range. For the same Elixir, rage does the same amount of damage, has larger radius, and rages up troops. Even PEKKA spam is becoming more and more dominate with rage subbing Zap. I recommend buffing Zap’s damage and/or radius to differentiate from rage, instead of letting it live in its shadow.

Battle healer: ?? Ok? I think the problem with it isn’t the healing, it’s the damage itself. A heal radius will essentially make it a heal spell and make fireball sensitive WC’s like 3M and Royal Hogs much more dominate. I think an egolem nerf paired with a damage buff for Battle healer will help her find new decks

Ice spirit/Wizard: completely agree. Ice spirit is by far the best spirit and ice Wizard is essentially just Ewiz but worse. I only see iwiz in graveyard, and nowadays more and more people are just using the graveyard rascals deck which doesn’t even have iwiz.

BBD: I’ve always loved this card, I don’t think that it’s bad, it’s perfectly balanced, but I wouldn’t argue a buff.

Suggestions: Zap (as mentioned above), RG sight nerf, GY -1 Larry, and Wizard health buff (I don’t agree with making it 4 elixir because there are so few 5 elixir cards and a ton of 4 elixir cards… let’s try to keep that scale the way as it is and not make it more 4-elixir-favourable)

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Most of these changes are all fine, and all of them (especially the cards getting nerfed) are very justified. Poison nerf has been needed for a while now, But I think Goblin Hut should get a bigger nerf considering one of the best counters to it is also getting nerfed. Goblins, Mighty Miner, Ice Spirit have all been strong for too long and I’m tired of seeing these cards over and over again.

As for the buffs, a lot of them don’t seem like they’d change much. Skeleton Dragon buff is good, but imo they lose out to Baby Dragon every time, and that card is also getting buffed. Ice Wizard buff won’t change anything, same thing with the Battle Healer. A spawn heal is not really what anyone wants, but it has small chance of being useful. I would rather buff the actual Night Witch troop (probably a health buff) than give her her death bats back, but it’s still fine.

Overall, very solid balance changes, nice to see some good changes in this slew of bad updates.

Mighty miner does not deserve a nerf. It counters the toxic graveyard spam meta with goblin hut, and ice spirit is insanely viable in the meta. after its initial buff, ice spirit has saved me in SO MANY MATCH UPS because of this extra .1 second of freeze. this change will me detrimental to hog cycle and many other decks. Mighty miner has received so many nerfs, going to make him useless soon because of the unneeded nerfs. Same thing with goblins, goblins are so good and can counter 40+ cards alone and with tower. But this change will effects being able to counter goblin barrel, and they can outplay/trick opponents.

I’m late to this so I’ll try and keep it short and sweet

Baby Dragon doesn’t need any buffs, it’s been one of the most balanced cards in the game for years, the only reason they want to buff it is because they don’t want to nerf Phoenix again which is still too damn good and undoubtedly needs more nerfs.

Goblins nerf is good however if it’s going to affect Gang Drill and Barrel that will cause those cards to suffer.

Ice Wizard buff is just ??? what’s the point of even doing that? He is rarely ever used with the spawn damage, picking any other of his stats would be more worthwhile to buff than this.

Night Witch buff is the most sad one here to see, we’ve been through this so many times and I thought it was finally agreed that she didn’t need the death bats to be good, she will just go back to only being good in Golem and E Golem and some off-meta Clone decks which isn’t fun. Find a better fix for her.

Skeleton Dragons buff, solid all around nothing much else to say.

Battle Healer buff, this just goes with the Night Witch buff nobody wants E Golem to be meta. I like Battle Healer and I miss when you could use her in Bridge Spam decks, I would like if she was viable in other decks and I’m not sure this is the way to do so but we’ll have to see.

Poison nerf, okay I can see where they’re trying to come from but only Miner Poison is oppressive, no other decks with Poison are as much of an issue, obviously Miner needs another nerf anyways so they really should give him another tower damage reduction, not Poison

Gob Hut nerf I think -1 would be fine -2 would probably kill it, or reduce the lifetime again

Mighty Miner is a ridiculous nerf, 6.5% is way too much, a few months ago before they increased his speed he was the least used champion, and he had more hp then than he would after this nerf, a 3-4% nerf would be more fitting

Ice Spirit nerf is a good change since the princess towers shoot every 0.8 seconds, Ice Spirit won’t have another guaranteed arrow hit over Electro Spirit for all interactions

We need the nerf of the bomb tower and cannon both are two buildings used in almost every deck and they are too strong especially bomb tower.

I agree with goblin hut nerf to 2 goblins. 1 goblin will make its usage drop significantly

Most of the buffs are fine except ice wiz and healer.
For ice wiz he should get a damage buff he struggles against anything that isn’t a skeleton or bat.
Healer will be more annoying especially since it will most likely be paired with 3 musketeers and egolem.
Goblin hut nerf probably wont be enough it should spawn 2 goblins at a time.

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Poison Nerf is absolutely bogus. It is such an important card used in High Ladder. Also Battle Healer Spawn Heal will break E Golem Battle Healer Combo. Instead Wizard really deserves a buff. Also reduce Mega Knight’s Jumping Tile Distance. And lastly change Pekka’s Attack Speed from 1.8 to 1.7 seconds.

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Does this technically give the healer a legendary enter the arena ability?

Do you even play the game? Even after fireball got nerfed it still was the most used spell in the meta, poison only became more popular after monk and phoenix release. And why are you bringing up rocket nerf? It came long after poison became meta… Lol

Yeah I play the game and poison was meta since the slowness was added back. It doesn’t need a higher usage than fireball to be meta.

It would be nice if the inferno tower had similar HP as other buildings. For some reason, my earthquake has no impact on that building but works on every other building. Why? Because Inferno Tower has double the HP of other comparable buildings. Is there a reason an Inferno Tower is barely impacted by an earthquake? Please adjust HP yo be in line with other buildings.