Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale August 2024 (Season 62)

Why do you want Gob Barrel to be broken? It’s already a really good evo, I use it with tons of success and so do many other people including top ladder players. No buff is needed for it. Also not sure why you think they’re over buffing Ice Wiz when he’s not used in any decks at all

No need to nerf arrows or buff e wiz. Both are balanced. Arrows already does relatively low damage to towers, I really don’t think this nerf will have any positive effect. The buffs should go towards making cards like minion hoard reenter the game.

evo wizard is so strong he is used with giant ,golem , pekka , royal giant and even elixir golem , it should be nerf asap .
** Evo battle ram needs a little buff . It s the only evo card that you will not see on top ladder .
What about elixir collector doesn’t need a little buff , if the oppenent have void he will always get a positif elixir trade , more than that if he had eqmarthquak the thing is woest he gets a positif trade + damage on tower .
The role of the pump is to sacriface with 6 elixirs to get extra elixir when you are pushing . With the last nerf it f
ing stays on the map for a year for no fing sh*.
Once , I played against a giant deck . The oppenent had made two big pushes while the fing card stays on the arena for no sh.
Three musketeers also needs a little buff , at least you may make them attak the first shot faster . Also , the thre musks are so stupide they all attack the same skeleton or goblin . If you used them against whitch all of them shot one skeleton while the whitch still spowning more skilis , the same thing against goblin barrel or skelis barrel .
Also minion horde needs somthing to do with . This card is unuseful because af popullar arrows

You re right :ok_hand:

Pls play the game, evo wiz shield dy destroyed by arrow man. If you nerf it any further ppl just move to other splash troop like exec/demo etc. I do agree arrow isn’t overpowered but rather Evofirecracker, evo bomber is so damn powerful that if don’t dont carry arrow your entire push or tower will be destroyed

ice wizard mabye, but e-wiz needs to get that buff since little prince and the evolved wizard are just a better replacement in all the decks he’s used in.

Developer, here my humble opinion as someone playing actively and pushed ranking to ultimate champion before.

1.Arrow is fine as it is, no need nerf. It was used much because of how oppressive Evo Firecracker, Evo Bomber, Evo skeleton, Skeleton army, Minion. If you nerf it you will end up having to nerf many other card to balance it. Have you guy see how a single EVO firecracker kill entire troop/push over 12++ elixir alone? sometime it also taking enemy tower with it. Arrow is needed and often time firecracker get single shot before killed by arrow and arrow user get back some value by hitting enemy tower also. Is balanced.

2.Some suggest more evo wizard nerf, that not needed also. Sure Evo wizard is good value, but you have to play bad value fire wizard before it become good value (there a reason it was worst card for so many years before this). If you nerf it any further, ppl just move to other splash unit. It oppressive on ppl that depend too much to small/horde unit/bait deck. PPl complain it get good value, have you seen so many time pekka a 7elixir troop get destroyed by 1elixir evo skeleton along with the support troop? hell even a guard easily def pekka, do that needed a nerf? PPl that play cheap horde unit should have some risk of facing this splash card which is strong against them. Pekka with evo firewizard? i lost count how many time pekka get distracted by ice golem/giant to other lane and evo wizard get hit by other troop. Evo firewizard is needed cos otherwise Lavahound deck will dominate the meta, have you feel how helpless you are when you meet lavahound player when you hardly have any troop that can hit air unit? Plus now there Void which counter Firewizard AND EVO Firewizard with 2 elixir profit on BOTH.

evo wizard and evo tesla need essential nerf (two game breaking cards) . the game won’t change before two cards disappear in the final version. but normal tesla need hit speed reversion. I think the normal should be balanced, no compensate for the weakness through broken evo, either evo drill. here are my personal option : 1.evo wizard pushback effect 1 tile instead of 2 death wave for tesla and revert hitspeed to 1.1 3. prince need 2.5 tile instead of 2 4. void needs more first hit time to react, the last change to void is not enough ,1.5s is better than 1s, hope this appearing to the final version. thanks :saluting_face:

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GIVE HUNTER 8% HP BUFF OR JUST GIVE 4% HP BUFF AND FASTER FIRST HIT SPEED.[quote=“system, post:1, topic:23644, full:true”]

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strong textblog/season-62-balance-wip">Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale August 2024 (Season 62) | Blog - RoyaleAPI

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Could you please buff the exe cuz it doesn’t deal much damage.
Thank you for considering!

Mb bro :face_with_peeking_eye: im really not suited for feedback

But where’s the evo wiz and evo goblin drill nerf ?

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All good dude

And Idk, but both of those evos desperately need nerfs

Both Firecracker and her evo are so bad, she’s just used a lot on midladder because everyone has her unlocked, but her win rates are abysmal compared to all the other evos

Also, evo Wizard is so broken that even with Void being the most oppressive spell in the game he’s STILL the #1 evo in competitive play, and that’s while still having to use his horrible non-evo version beforehand, it doesn’t matter though because his evo is completely overpowered

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Also, after seeing Void being used on the dev build, I’ve decided that this “rework” being done is absolutely a buff to the card overall, and they need to double the nerf on it’s single target damage (so 26% instead of 13%) to actually make it balanced

The whole Void rework is unnecessary, the last nerf was enough. Just keep it as it is please

Agreed, and it’s crazy how wizard became from one of if not the worst card in clash royale to one of if not the best card in clash royale simply becouse of an evolution.
We all can agree it needs an emergency nerf in the final balance changes.

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Current changes are 100% fine but can we takk about a bigger issue ? We need to prioritize having a fair game over changing the meta to splashyard what about evo wizard, evo tesla ? And are we seriously gonna just ignore evo drill ???


Firecracker Evo bad? You must have not even see this month July Monthly Finals, Mohammad Light beaten on final match by your “so called bad card”. Do you know how rare it is? Sure lucas is skillful, but nobody can beat Mohammad Light using “Bad” troop especially on final champion match.

Go youtube and search July Monthly Finals | Clash Royale League 2024, is not firecracker is bad, is just most ppl don’t use it correctly.

It seems like everyone hated the void rework .

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But his a pro so ofc he can beat Mohamed with fiercracker ( With skill bc he’s mohamed light tho)
But it is true about how rare it is to beat light.

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