Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale August 2024 (Season 62)

Outside of Hog EQ she is used a total of 0 times in competitive play

Also, any evo is still an evo, of course there’s certain situations where even the worst evo in the game (Ice Spirit) can still provide insane value and be a good card, it’s just not nearly as reliable or common as other evos

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And also, name one deck that uses fiercracker right now in this meta (except hog EQ and you’re deck ) that’s why it needs a buff. And also how is evo bomber overpowered ? Like it’s above avrage, but not op 2 cycles was a good change. And evo fiercracker is not op
and opresive, like evo viz needs a nerf unlike evo fiercracker it’s used frequently in pro play or high lader. It can provide insane value against pushes higher elixir that shield deals a lot of damage, like you said about fiercracker you are not playing evo wiz right it’s more of a defense evo, and it’s hella op as a defense evo that’s why it’s great that arrows take it out. And that arrows takes out evo archers, fiercracker, bomber is only one of the reasons arrows are powerful, not only bc of that. It’s more like arrows keeps evo fiercracker from being an little bit under avrage to balanced bc it is counterable

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Whoever sees this comment at SC HQ better give Hunter the extra 3 hitpoints he deserves (868 > 871)

Otherwise Phoenix will still kill him in exactly 4 hits

Cut my guy some slack will ya?

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All of your quote unquote facts about evo fiercracker being op are easly proven wrong. Ok i agree about how opresive are evo skelies, skarmy and maybe minions when left alone .

so is not good enough to have a spot in competitive play? many card doesn’t even have a slot. do you want it in majority of deck? what i say is not just about firecracker, is about how arrow balance a list of troop if left untouched very oppressive such as evo skelies, skarmy , minion etc. The reason arrow used a lot was because of that.

that what i mean, is not just about 1 card, is a list of them. you do agree the rest how oppressive it is when left alone.

I agree but not about fiercracker she can be countered by more then arrows

Evo wiz still needs a very much nerf and also golden knight needs a buff

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All champs need a buff except little prince

They made so that hunter takes 5 insted 4 hits from Pheonix :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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I saw I’m literally so fucking happy right now

Genuinely never been so excited for balance changes in YEARS of this game until these ones

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AQ is actually very good in the Pigs cycle deck, some Hog cycle decks, and Queen Bow. I would say all of them besides her need a buff.

Little Prince hasn’t been used at all, at least that I’ve seen, so I would just give him back some more damage back of the ability that he lost a couple balance changes ago. 207 > 261 Damage should be a solid middle ground for him imo, but not more than that since he was way too strong for way too long already