Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale August 2024 (Season 62)

Arrows could also stand to get a very small damage decrease of 4% (366 to 351, no major interaction changes), but I’m still happy with the crown tower damage reduction

Cannon Cart buff is awesome, I think this will make it viable again in certain decks. Please consider buffing regular Cannon too at some point, it’s only being used because Tesla without its evo is entirely useless now. It’d be nice for it to have the hitpoints it had before the last nerf, but with a slower first attack to compensate or something else

E Wiz buff is nice, but not nearly enough to make him viable. Please consider giving him a 0.5 tile range buff (5 to 5.5).

Goblin Machine buff is nice as well, though I guarantee it still won’t be useable without giving back some of his hitpoints and first attack speed. I don’t think his rockets should target crown towers honestly, just troops so he’s not basically a troop targeting win condition

Hunter buff is so upsetting, he was supposed to have 871 hitpoints like Fisherman, but at 868 he will still die in exactly 4 shots to Phoenix (217 x 4 = 868). Phoenix is insanely strong, and Hunter will never be viable unless you give us a reason to actually use him over Phoenix

Ice Wiz buff is excellent! In the future it would be nice for him to get a small damage buff too in case he’s still underperforming

Void rework(nerf) is very much welcomed. The 1 thing I would apply to actually balance it though is reducing the 2nd tier damage from 2-4 troops to 2-3 troops instead, so it’s actually able to be countered for a neutral/positive trade instead of having to spend tons of elixir trying to defend against it

Overall I like these changes a lot and I just wish there were evo Wizard and evo Tesla nerfs added on

Of course it’s good for Cannon to have increased usage, the issue is that Cannon isn’t a very good building, and neither is Inferno tower, both of these buildings are deserving of a buff, and the fact that regular Tesla is worse than both of them is quite telling. It’s also frustrating when they make a card only useable with its evo, it means you HAVE to have it unlocked to use that card competitively, which is currently the case for both Wizard and Tesla. Obviously Tesla shouldn’t be the best building, but it should be kept viable without the evo, and other buildings should be buffed to offer more variety for deck creation

On my hands and knees begging the team for a more substantial Hunter buff

Nerf Phoenix egg HP so Dagger DucHess can destroy Phoenix eggs even without his dagger.

•the void is very powerful . It needs a big nerf . It destroys building or troops that costs 5 or elixir so easily , which is a very positif trade . Yiu may you can block it whith any troop . That means an additionnal 2 or even 3 elixir to just block it . for example if i used knight to protect my archer queen , the knight well be unhelpful because it will be destroyed by enemy’s supporting troops .
•evo wizard’s sheld needs a little nerf . It should be destroyed by log . You can see that evo wiz + pekka combo is very popullar . It s a very hard combo to defeat cuz both of them well get a good value .
•tesla’s last nerf was very bad . Ithink the previous normal tesla was balnced . But the evo tesla is so strong you should remove the death pulse .

•Finally , I don t really know why you did nerf the elixir collector previously . Now it still on the arena for so long . The oppenent can make two beat down puches while i will be disadvantaged on elixir .

DO NOT REWORK THE VOID ! YOU ALREADY DID THAT LIKE A FEW BALANCE CHANGES AGO ! Nerf void damage more to one target from 13% nerf to like 20-25% nerf. Maybe don’t overbuff ice wizard.Buff evo ice spirit, battle ram and goblin barel there awful.Like i said buff evo ice spirits stun duration from 0.5 like the regular ice spirit to 0.7 maybe 0.8.More hp more charge damage for evo battle ram. make the decoys have as much health as the regular goblins.

All of these are great, sure there are some cards people want to get nerfed, but with the list rn, it’s great. Tho i feel like Cannon Cart should have the same hp for both forms. So both Moving and Non moving form should have 892 hp.

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Arrow isn’t overpowered,its high usage rate is just because,so many firecrackers,or it can deal an enough damage coordinate with the overpowered void. Cannon cart has powerful attack capability to ground so I dont think to buff him.Why don’t nerf evo wiz,his shield is to thick that an arrow can’t destroy it.And barbarian hut and clone,golem must be buffed.




Evolved Skeletons, Evolved Wizard, and Evolved Zap need nerfs, Golden Knight, Dagger DucHess need buffs, and Goblin Machine, Hunter, and Ice Wizard need bigger buffs.

Log needs a bit of kb but a crown tower nerf is too much it’ll be weaker than zap

The pump is weak rn because of voids and eqs around

Nah buddy let it stay like that

i think th e-wiz needs that 4% damage back so it can one-shot spirits
Ice wizard buff is insane. It’s area of effect is being doubled (not the raduis, the area) which will make this card broken. I think 1.25 as an area is reasonable. except that, its pretty good

I actually think its gong to be too much, since its AREA of effect is being doubled (pi x raduis squared). i think it might be broken

Ok so Ice wizard splash radius buff might be good, I thought the buff was for ice wizard spawn radius.

The spawn radius for electro wizard might be good but a damage or hp or other type of buff might be needed to make him strong.

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E Wiz 1 shotting Spirits would be broken, that means he’ll 2 shot Minions as well

Ice Wiz isn’t useful in a single deck right now, using any other card is better than trying to use him, I think you’re overestimating the buff when he’s already useless without Tornado being paired with him anyways

Agreed on everything except evo Skelies and Ice Wiz