WIP Balance Changes for October 2023 (Season 52)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://royaleapi.com/blog/season-52-balance-wip

This poll has 23 balance options for October, but you can only pick 10 or less.

  • 1 - Evolved Knight nerf to the HP Multiplier: from 1.30 to 1.20 (-8%)
  • 2 - Ice Spirit nerf to the Range: from 2.5 to 2.0 Tiles (-20%)
  • 3- Goblins nerf to the Hit Speed: from 0.909 to 0.833 Hits / Second (-8%)
  • 4 - Tornado nerf to the Radius: from 5.5 to 5.0 Tiles (-9%)
  • 5 - Evolved Barbarians nerf:
    5a - Nerf to the Damage Multiplier: from 1.10 to 1.00 (-8%)
    5b - Nerf to the HP Multiplier: from 1.30 to 1.25 (-4%)
  • 6 - Bomb Tower nerf to the Hit Speed: from 0.625 to 0.556 Hits / Second (-11%)
  • 7 - Evolved Skeletons buff to the Max Count: from 6.0 to 8.0 Skeletons (+33%)
  • 8 - Inferno Dragon nerf to the HP: from 1,294 to 1,210 Hit Points (-6%)
  • 9 - Magic Archer nerf to the Damage: from 134 to 125 Hit Points (-7%)
  • 10 - Magic Archer nerf to the First Hit Time: from 0.500 to 0.800 Seconds (+60%)
  • 11 - Lava Hound nerf to the HP: from 3,811 to 3,581 Hit Points (-6%)
  • 12 - Balloon nerf to the Death Damage: from 240 to 224 Hit Points (-7%)
  • 13 - Minion Horde rework to the Spawn Radius: from 600 to 800 Tiles (+33%)
  • 14 - Inferno Tower buff to the HP: from 1,749 to 1,855 Hit Points (+6%)
  • 15 Cannon rework:
    15A - Buff to the HP: from 824 to 896 Hit Points (+9%)
    15B - Nerf to the Hit Speed: from 1.1 to 1.0 Hits / Second (-10%)
  • 16 - Cannon Cart rework:
    16A - Buff to the HP: from 820 to 896 Hit Points (+9%)
    16B - Buff to the Hit Speed: from 1.0 to 1.1 Hits / Second (+11%)
    16C - Nerf to the Building Hit Speed: from 1.1 to 1.0 Hits / Second (-10%)
  • 17 - Ice Golem buff to the Slowdown Duration: from 1.5 to 2.0 Seconds (+33%)
  • 18 - Giant Snowball rework:
    18A - Buff to the Slowdown Duration: from 2.5 to 3.0 Seconds (+20%)
    18B - Nerf to the Damage: from 192 to 179 Hit Points (-7%)
  • 19 - Hunter buff to the Damage: from 84 to 89 Hit Points (+6%)
  • 20 - Prince buff to the Charge Distance: from 3.0 to 2.5 Tiles (-17%)
  • 21 - Bomber buff to the Range: from 4.5 to 5.0 Tiles (+11%)
  • 22 - Goblin Cage buff to the Brawler HP: from 1,028 to 1,081 Hit Points (+5%)
  • 23 - Giant buff to the Range: from 1.2 to 1.6 Tiles (+33%)

0 voters

Would you like to see a change that isn’t listed here? Maybe you’d want something to be adjusted differently? Comment your ideas below!


Guys lets make a Giant 2× Prince meta , a deck without evolutions . pls. vote : Giant , Prince , Ice Spirit .

  • Lava Hound is already weak by itself and limited in use only by some cards , its one of the only Beatdown Decks that can counter Cycle decks , a Rework would be better : option 1. -5 % HP , but +9 % Damage , or option 2. atleast an spawn Magma Aura that deals tick damage like poisson for 5 sec. but every second the Damage increases ( like Inferno Dragon and Void Strike in Minecraft Dungeons ) ( -9 % HP ) .

  • i think i speak from everyone whe i say Battle Healer needs an massive buff , current stats but 3 elixir , or current 4 elixir , but buffed stats like : option 1. Splash Damage , Royale Ghost , and 3 Elixir card can do this , why Battle Healer shouldnt , option 2. Heal Range Increases with each hit ( isnt reseted by Electro , only by Knockback ) , option 3. Her attacks goes faster like Mighty Miner ( the heal will also be faster , but ofcourse - 28 % Damage , - 45 % Heal , so it wont be that OP if it gets to your Tower ) , option 4. Rework to Heal Ranger from Clash Mini , youve already did that with Heal Spell , so it wont be a problem .

  • Ofcourse with every Healer buff we should nerf E-Golem , especially that is now used in a meta deck with Skelly King and N Witch that is broken , is the perfect ocasion to buff one and nerf the other , nerf ideeas : option 1. each Elixir Golemites now gives 1 Elixir instead of 0.5 , or option 2. The Elixir Golem is + 19 % Faster in each Stages but - 54 % HP of each Stages .


majority of the buffs are completely unnecessary

magic archer nerf is understandable because of the miner wb variation with marcher nado, but the nerf is actually gonna damage the bridge spam archetype way more, i really dont understand how all these random cards are getting a buff but somehow pekka is still not getting one


Marcher nerf is deserve but pekka should definitely get a little buff


Cannon cart reowork :3


Just don’t nerf balloon or magic archer just buff princ and ice golem


miner wb meta is getting a hard hit with this :confused: (sad but deserving)


GobGiant Nerf missing


I think inferno tower health buff is great. It would help in some matchups, like tanking a lightning and still killing golem. I’ve wanted it for years.
Also, it would be great if rocket could be buffed so that it kills +1 level Sparky and elixir golem. It can help a lot with certain defence.


Poll for balance… Maybe y post this poll on Youtube Kids? Or conduct a survey among players of arena 10? It so cringe to accepted such important changes from a poll…
Now, nerf of spirit has a more chances then goblins…
P. S. Nerf Tornado is the biggest cringe and kids will choose it…


Miner wb deck is gonna die :melting_face:


Cannon hit speed is currently 0.9s

so there must be some kind of mistake.

Secondly how is increasing hit frequency a nerf? At this point I’m slowly starting to question your competence

PS. Maybe it’s me being stupid, but this poll is a little misleading. I expected hit speed in seconds and not in hertz!!!


great job now tornado is completly useless :+1:


Pol may not be the solution but there is no perfect one.
I don’t think this poll is answered by arena 10 players since most twitter / rapi users are pretty good
Now let’s talk about the card, both spirit and goblins getting a nerf is good.
And for nado it has been too strong for years and a nerf will be really good in order to change a little the meta (less splash, miner nado and golem pump)


Ice spirit and goblins are way to much value for cost. They need a nerf


For Magic archer, simply nerf the crown tower damage. Its fine otherwise


don’t u think it’s too strong for tanking a lightning and still killing a golem


Magic Archer Rework

Last tile of the arrow : -30% dmg
The rest of the Arrow : +20% dmg

This will make him more of what he have to be.