Clash Royale Balance Changes

Continuing the discussion from Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale October 2023 (Season 52):

Clash Royale Balance Changes


Witch: Damage +12%; spawns 3 additional skeletons upon death

Evolution Bats: spawn with max hp

Golden Knight: First attack has a stun effect of 0.75 seconds for everything except the crown tower (comes from the shining sword and armor or has a spinning animation)

Prince: Charge Distance 3.0 > 2.5 Tiles (-17%)

Dark Prince: Hit Points +5%

Giant Skeleton: Hit Points +5%

Ice Golem: Slowdown Duration 1.5 > 2.0 Seconds (+33%)

Ice Wizard: Damage +20% (the same damage as an archer, dps goes from 52 to 62)

Princess: Damage +35% (barely doesn’t kill minions), crown tower damage stays the same

Bomber: Range 4.5 > 5.0 Tiles (+11%)

Inferno Tower: Hit Points +6%

Zap: Stun Effect Duration 0,5 > 0.75 seconds (+50%)

Firecracker: Rocket Speed (same as a musketeer`s bullet, so that it doesn’t miss quick moving spirits, spear goblins and etc.); shoots, when it locks on a target, even if it is dead or another target is closer (will not lag against skeleton army)


Evolution Knight: Shield 60% > 50%; Hit Speed Increase (removed); Damage Increase 30% > 20%

Evolution Recruits: Damage Increase (removed); Charge Distance 1.5 > 2 Tiles (-33%)

Little Prince: Hit Points -2% (dies to fireball); Dash Distance 4.5 > 4 Tiles (-11%)

Ice Spirit: Freeze Duration 1.2 > 1 second (-17%); Range 2.5 > 2 Tiles (-20%)

Evolution Archers: Power Shot Damage Increase 100% > 80% (-20%)

Evolution Skeletons: Maximum Skeletons Count 8 > 6 (-25%)

Evolution Firecracker: Small Spark Radius 1.2 > 1 Tile (-17%)

Evolution Mortar: Hit Speed Increase (removed)

Mighty Miner: Ability 1 > 2 Elixir (-100%)

Goblin Giant: Hit Points -3%

Wall Breakers: Damage -5%

Tornado: Radius 5.5 > 5.0 Tiles (-9%)

Goblins (Goblins, Goblin Gang, Goblin Barrel): Hit Speed 1.1 > 1.2 seconds (-8%)

Graveyard: Skeleton Spawn (Non-RNG)


Monk: 5 > 4 Elixir (-20%); Combo Damage Increase 200% > 50% (-75%); Ability 1 > 2 Elixir (-100%)

Archer Queen: Damage +11%; Ability 1 > 2 Elixir (-100%)

Wizard: 5 > 4 Elixir (+20%); Damage -20% (barely doesn’t kill minions)

Magic Archer: Crown Tower Damage 100% > 90%; first attack time interval 0.8 seconds > 0.5 seconds (+33%)

Rascals: Rascal Boy Hit Points -10%; Damage +10%; Rascal Girls Hitpoints +16,5% (barely survive log, same hp as archers); Damage -25%

Minion Horde: Spawn Radius 600 > 800 Tiles (+33%)

Barbarian Hut: 6 > 4 Elixir (+50%); Barbarians Count per wave 3 > 2 (-33%); Hit Points -27% (the same hp as a furnace)

Cannon: Hit Points +9%; Hit Speed 0.9 > 1 second (-10%)

Cannon Cart: Hit Points +9%; Hit Speed 0.9 > 1 second (+11%); Building Hit Speed 0.9 > 1 second (-10%)

Giant Snowball: Slowdown Duration 2.5 > 3.0 Seconds (+20%); Damage -7%

Mirror: Elixir Increase 1 > 0; Level Increase +1 > Level Decrease -2 (Suggestion)