Soo, overall this balances are good but I’m disgusted with Archer Queen nerf, it doesn’t need one,like it’s ONLY used in one deck.And with skeleton evolution nerf it will be SO hard to chain them to get any value.And even Ice spirit at first you need to make him jump on top of thing to make value, other half of the time he is just wasted cuz cycle bad.know that balance team want to nerf hogs cycle but I REALLY think it’s just a meta.
Agree with evo mk nerf and spawner buff/rework idea.Heavily disagree on musketeer and evo archers nerf idea.Both of those cards are haven’t been in meta for long time,especially musketeer.
No, she’s weak already
Archer Queen:
no need to nerf, she is balanced as peeka may leave soon
evo Bomber:
the nerf⬇️ is good
buff⬆️ its bounce range back to 2.75
evo Goblin Barrel:
a nerf for no reason. i take it only for empty places for evo
( I think it’s better to redesign🔄 or even remove❎.)
too much buff, make it 1.2 tiles⬇️
nerf⬇️ doctor stun duration to 0.2s
nerf⬇️ his hp (good
buff⬆️ his damage
nerf⬇️ monster’s speed:60→50
rework🔄 the ability:
1 elixir⬆️(for his easierdeath), 0.75x duration⬇️, 0.66x damage⬇️, cooldown:17s→15s⬆️
evo Ice Spirit:
no reason for the rework(nerf.
it will be weak after the nerf, so buff freeze duration to 1.5s⬆️ or add 0.3s slowdown for each blast🔄.
mini peeka:
nice buff, but no reason for it
buff damage to crown tower instead of damage.
Mighty Miner:
DANGEROUS buff, think about that reduce the casting wind-up and allow him to use his ability more quickly.
evo Zap:
add the 3rd zap with no damage.
Ice Wizzard:
nerf⬇️ splash radius to 1.2 tiles
buff⬆️ spawn slow duration to 2s
evo Mega Knight:
nerf⬇️: pushnack every 2hits, cannot pushback Golem and eGaint.
evo eDragon:
rework🔄: the lightning chains hit 10-15 times regardless eDragon being stunned, freezed or dead
evo Cage and evo Cannon:
redesign their animation🔥 PLZ
Goblin Machine:
buff⬆️ the projectile speed
Little Prince: rework🔄
range: 5.5→6
pushback distance: 2.5→3 tiles
ability damage distance: 4→5 tiles
(while the dash and push back effective distance remain 4 tiles, they are separated now)
speed up 1: 3→2 hits
speed up 2: 6→5 hits (it was 4 when he was released)
hp: 700-350=350 (die for arrows)used to be his core feature but…
We’re missing something here:
- Evo mega knight: Nerf the hits required (for same troop) 1 hit → 2 hits
- Ram rider: Charge Speed
- Royal Recruits (And The Evolution): Do i have to explain this? The normal card are braindead already and so is the evo why buffing it? Insane people
- Evo electro Dragon: Make it so when it chain to the same troop it will lose damage overtime
- Electro Wizard: make it so the full damage of the main attack can one tap spirits
- Fire spirit: Increase radius maybe?
- Evo goblin giant: Increase the cooldown period between spawning zombies by half a second
- Arrows: Decrease Radius
- Tornado: Decrease pull strength
People finally opened their eyes and saw how useful evo ice spirit is.
ewizzard is good enough though
But the point of evo barrel is to help split lane pushes. Having a split second to tell the barrels apart would normally go unnoticed (except for by more experienced competitive players).
This won’t affect evo barrel though. If played correctly through a split lane push the barrel is still nearly guaranteed tower dmg.
For evo megaknight pushback with every hit is needed (whole point of the evo). However reduce the knockback to heavy units such as pekka and golem.
hard to balance it. every 2 hits is not bad.
I think taking away the fisherman slow will be good and bad in some ways. Like sometime it’s works against you where the troop die before it can activate the king tower.Now that won’t happen maybe . Where it’s bad is now with an activated king tower a fisherman will not be able to full counter a hog which is crazy. Tbh put the nerf at 2.50<2.0 instead of 2.50<1.50
As the last person in the known universe that still uses Witch I wonder what the increase of splash radius means, does it means that the Witch AOE shot effect will hit target further than 1 tile? Its sounds weird as it feels the shot distance is already longer than 2 tiles before the change.
I disagree with this nerf because, if you look at this card’s stats over the past 14 days from Grand Challenge and Ultimate Champion, its usage and win rates are overall pretty average.
Grand Challenge Stats:
Ultimate Champion Stats:
If you analyze the top Archer Queen decks right now, she’s primarily used in one specific deck: the Royal Hogs EQ cycle deck, which has around 600k battles. In contrast, most other Archer Queen decks have fewer than 10k battles each. This shows that her overall usage is highly niche and limited to that one deck.
Because of this, I don’t think the Archer Queen herself needs a nerf. Instead, the focus should be on other cards in that popular cycle deck. Additionally, the nerfs to Evo Skeletons and rework to Evo Ice Spirit should already help balance the deck, making further changes unnecessary.
I disagree with this nerf because, while this card’s stats over the past 14 days from Grand Challenge and Ultimate Champion show slightly above-average usage and win rates, this is largely due to the influence of other overpowered cards in the meta, such as Goblinstein and Evo P.E.K.K.A., which have impacted Fisherman’s performance.
If you look at the current popular Fisherman decks, they almost always include one or both of these cards, making it evident that the real issue lies with them rather than Fisherman itself.
Grand Challenge Stats:
Ultimate Champion Stats:
Fucking braindead losers why are they nerfing evo recruits but can’t nerf the most annoying card in the game aka evo e drag. And ram rider and fisherman nerf fucking changes dogshit nothing what a joke. Only nerf the already balanced cards and leave the broken ones untouched, makes total sense.Even had the audacity to buff lumberloon even more. Dumb retarded developers.
All changes look fine and fair. Althought I don’t think the unit count nerf to the Evo Skeletons will do much diference, since that’s not where the card’s strengh comes from. Maybe another to nerf the Cannon Cart would be make it retarget after the shield broke. Keep up the good work!
Archer Queen Ability Cooldown is balanced, no need to nerf that further. Goblin Doctor HP nerf is needed, but not by a whopping 19%, this will make Level 13 Goblinstein significantly weak to Level 15 Opponent Cards, and nearly 95% of the World’s Players’ Goblinsteins are below Level 14 currently. Instead make Goblin Doctor’s HP Equal to that of Cannon Cart. LJ Damage increase is unnecessary, instead nerf its attack speed to 0.9 secs. Don’t give splash radius increase to Witch, as this will make her counter Evolved Barbarians on offense much more easily.
ffs, buff the void man, sc let that card die completely
and the dutchess buff is gud, just give her a hitspeed enough to take out phoenix egg and it will be good to go, increased daggers also dont impact a lot except the faster burst, so a 0.7-0.8 second hitspeed on dutchess would be able to revive her
The Evo Ice Spirit change isn’t good. They’re making it too similar to evo zap which is barely even used. I think they should just make the second and third freezes have a shorter duration and do less or no damage.
The Ram Rider nerf shouldn’t be it’s hp, it should be changed to start charging after 2.5 tiles.
Everything else is fine tho