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day 361 this year waiting for firecracker to be nerfed so I finally donât have to use arrows anymore
The changes are very good overall but Things to change are:
evo megaknight is the most overpowered card by far and needs a big nerf, something like pushback only after every 2 hits and reduce knockback distance.
Goblinstein monster need considerable hp nerf. It is very very tanky and The goblinstein card overall is very strong for its elixer cost that is why it needs a bigger nerf. Maybe the doctor could get slower hit speed or the ability gets nerfed more. The card is really broken.
royal chef need a big nerf, some thing like 28 seconds to throw a pancake. Because 18 seconds is very quick and op. It makes cards two levels higher at very fast speefd after like 36 second. Royal chef is very op in the game.
evo electro dragon is broken and need a really big nerf like a limited amount of chains. Less than 15 for ex. It very broken that it can takeout two golems in like 12 seconds. Maybe the chains should do reduced damage per each chain.
Recruits actually need a bigger nerf like lower hp, no need for more dps. Recruits actually really really powerfull overall. They always deplete an opponentâs elixer. The always give you a lot more value, and even if you have a bowler it can still be hard to defend against them. Especially the evo of recruits is very strong. When you pair cards like goblinstein or any other support, they recuirts become more powerfull. They have very high usage rate.
Evo skeletons need a bigger nerf , they spawn so fast and infinetly. Maybe give them a limit to how much they can keep spawning. Also they need to be consistently completely taken out by tornado (it does not happen sometimes).
dagger duchess need a bigger buff. Because Even against small pushes she gets out of daggers and does not defend well. But the buff should be a correct approach.
goblin machine taking out goblins is good, but maybe 212 is to strong, maybe 206 for ex is enough. Also the rocket shot accuracy need a buff.
Firecracker and/or its evo need a nerf. The pushback of non evo and evo firecracker is very op. And that sparks range of both is op. The evo firecracker should not do more dps than the non evo firecracker. And the sparks and the splash range need to be reduced.
mini pekka buff make it take out wizard in hit is good, but will be too op against other troops since mini pekka was really strong already.
Pekkaâs heal per small troops is so low I think. And troops that need two pekka hits like fisherman and bandit need to be considered a medium heal. Only bait troops should be considered a small heal, so anything more than that like an ice wizard for ex should be a medium mealand because it takes an effort to take out such far away units.
ram riderâs previous nerf was considerable since it in some cases made the ram not completly take out a building that is very low on hp, and also made the ram do less damage to towers overall. Now with this new nerf the ram will not reach the tower as often and will make the card even weaker so I do not support it.
spawner buildings are not used for so long they need a buff or rework. They need the correct way buffing or reworking them.
cannoneerâs very slow attack speed make him unuseable at all. cannoneer might be versatile and useable if it has faster attack speed? his decks requires a lot of elixer spent to counter swarms like goblins,bats and other, which are played a lot.attack damage should be lowere to compare to faster attack. Cannoneer suffers a lot from bait and graveyard that even cycle and low elixer decks tend to not use it. Plus it has much lower hp.
Most cheap defensive cards like musketeer, archers, and other cards and buildings need a dps nerf, they are very strong in cycle decks. Non evo defensive cards like archers need a nerf, but the evo archers specifically need a nerf.
e wizard will be in a better spot if it received a buff. Golden knight may need a buff.
Why Did The Evo Spirit Get This Nerf Tho ?
Lumberjackâs Rework For Consistentcy Tho !
Mini Pekkaâs Buff Allow It To Oneshot Wizard
Not sure how necessary evo ice spirit nerf is, it was mainly used to counter stuff like PEKKA or just beatdown in general
Evo edragon 100% needs a nerf or rework, itâs unhealthy for the game and such a boring evolution.
Not the fourth skeleton Thats what made the evolution special.
Day 400 waiting for the Golden knight buff
definitely need the evo e-dragon nerf!!! The evo e-dragon is currently wracking the meta
Firecrackerâs ability to go backwards is excessively good.
Pekka nerf is genius since it evaluates the amount of hp heals for a kill. A tanky unit kill should not give the same health as a skelly kill.
Pekka, ram rider, goblinstein, cannon cart nerfs are justified because there has been a lot of goblinstein paired up with those cards. We have seen many pekka decks with evo edrag. However i am most concerned about Electro giant, recruits, cycle decks. They nerfed the evo skellys which is also justified because 1elixir shouldnât stop big expensive pushes in their tracks which it still would but you would have to time them precisely. Evo spirit rework is a nerf, the whole point of evo ice is to slow pushes, now it wonât be as effective. This indirectly nerfs pigs eq along with some logbait decks which would give way to egiant and recruits. Egiant i think will see as much as a hog rider and we will begin the next meta with lightning evo edrag and egiant which is not healthy for the game. What i mean by that is that the new tower will also help with that and i suggest for the cooking time to be increased and evo edrag to get a nerf like the next chains would do less damage to give troops time to space out asap.
Remember when 3 musketeers with golden knight were the meta? No thanks
They should not nerf evo barrel. They are taking away its gist.
Heâs by far the worst champion. Even a small hp buff would help.
Please donât buff dugger dutchess, I donât want an another apocalypse of her. Just let her die.
Also, no void buff? Itâs been horrible since his last nerf.
The evo ice spirit nerf is a horrible decision because evo ice spirit is considered to be bottom tier until people gain enough skill to include the evolution in some decks.
Balance changes that i hope my votes get noticed
=Agree,otherâs netral)
Evo skeleton NERFâ
Archer queen NERFâ
Evo Goblin barrel NERFâ
Evo spirit NERFâ
Baby dragon BUFFâ
Electro giant BUFFâ
Mighty miner BUFFâ
Generally good balances but I have some suggestions
Goblinstein ability is way too broken and it needs a duration nerf of 0.5 or maybe even 1s along with this doctor hp nerf. Just this nerf is not enough
Base Pekka is what is too strong not evo Pekka. Revert the range buff base Pekka got or give it some other nerf like damage nerf
Evo edrag nerf is missing, it needs an ability nerf of some thing
Also evo barrel the main thing was you cannot tell which barrel is different ⌠donât change that aspect
Evo mk needs a nerf on its knock back ability as well, I think regular mk is pretty bad but evo mk is a bit too strong
Evo gg could also use a nerf tbh
Also many more things could use minor buffs like golden knight, all spawner buildings, clone, mirror, 3M, gob curse, basically anything which has 0-1% use rate in top 1000
I think that little prince needs buff becuse affter June 2024 balance changes he was okay with 5% userate and was useful but now he is useless and has 1% userate even the samllest buff will help him a bit
I really like these changes, and I appreciate the you guys makeing an effort to balance more than just a few small cards each patch only have a few thoughts
Baby dragon: This card has been really meh for a long time because if were being honest being a flying troup just isnt that great anymore when the trade off is such large stat decreases compared to ground troops as so many ground troops can hit air anyway. I think this buff is good but it needs to be pared with a stat increase of somekind like a small damge buff
Goblin mech: I think you guys dont understand quite how horrendous this card is in every regard. The rocket rarley hits and when it dose its not even enough splash to reliabley be used as anty air. Its dps is so terrible it losses consistently to almost eveything on deffence and offence that is more than 2 elixer and when its on the side of your opponents princess tower, its rocket will activate there king tower. You guys are on the track buffing his attack damge by so much, but you have offset alot of this benefit with the hit speed nerf. Rather than a 25 percent hit speed nerf i think you should do a 10 percent hit speed nerf so he attacks rougly once a second. This will make him decent at dealing with small swarms and will give him much better dps on deffence when paired with the damage buff. I think its better to aim high with this card as he has been in the game for so many months but was only good for like 1 day.