WIP Balance Changes for January 2025 (Season 67)

All of these changes are okay except for Fisherman, Evolved Goblin Barrel, Evolved Ice Spirit, and Evolved Skeletons.

  1. Fisherman is currently a balanced card. Reducing the slowdown is going to change a lot of healthy interactions for decks using the Fisherman.
  2. The whole original idea of Evolved Goblin Barrel was so the opponent would have to guess which one is real. I think this change would completely ruin the concept of the card.
  3. Evolved Ice Spirit is in a perfectly balanced state right now. The only reason it is popular is to counter some of the more broken cards (Evolution PEKKA for example). I think Evolution Ice Spirit should stay the way it is.
  4. Evolution Skeletons should not lose 1 more skeleton. They have been pretty weak since the last balance change where their first hit speed was nerfed (they still lose 1v1 to regular skeletons). Overall, they are in a balanced state right now and if it is nerfed again, I believe it will kill the card.

I have to disagree on your second to last point in regards to cheap defensive cards, most decks needing these cards are nerfed indirectly by an evo nerf to both the skeletons and ice spirits.

The archer queen don’t need a nerf because she off meta , the evo ice spirit need a buff instead of a nerf because she’s one of the weakest evo cards in the game, the evo e-dragon and evo-mega knight need a huge nerf , the canon cart damage per second need to be nerfed


Worst feedback ever. Buff dagger duchess? lol. Ram rider not strong enough? lol. evo skellies at 3 skeletons will pretty much make the card MUCH worse. And yeah, the cannoneer shoots slow, that’s the thing lol. You build your deck around it or just use princess tower. Princess tower should be the best troop, else the game becomes very toxic.

But I have seen many decks for ex giant decks that rely on archers and do not have skeletons or ice spirit. They are overpowered in terms of dps.

I like most of the changes. I don’t think mighty miner needed a buff, especially since it was too strong previously when it charged up quicker. The AQ nerf is very good. I don’t know if recruits need a dps buff, but the charge nerf is good. I love the baby dragon buff.

Pekka rework is a step in the right direction, but I still think it will be very strong. I hope that it becomes easier now to counter it with swarms like what it supposed to be the weakness of the card. A healing mechanic is toxic to begin with and especially with the royal chef it becomes way too strong.

Royal chef needs a bigger nerf. Giving cards +1 destroys so many interactions, it’s very toxic. It’s like you’re playing trophy road with a new account, except that it is actually the end game. There should be a real penalty for having this mechanic to the point that it’s almost not worth it anymore, else this game will be very toxic for the coming seasons.

Finally the evo MK needs a nerf. It should not push back heavy units. The mighty miner which is supposed to counter MK is completely useless against it. Same goes for pekka, it’s much worse against an evo MK than a regular MK. The evo edrag also needs a nerf. There needs to be a limit on how much it can chain on troops.

Ghost low key needs a nerf as well. This card is used in so many decks, it’s very strong. It doesn’t need a big nerf, but maybe a small HP nerf.

I did not say ram rider is not strong I just said she will be considerably weaker with this nerf in addition to the last nerf they did a while ago. I just felt the last nerf was enough since it made her need a more last hit to take out the towers in some cases. In addition she will do less damage to towers.

Dagger duchess is definetly weak even against a small push. She is the most weak tower troop.

The problem with evo skellies is they spawn infinetly. And theybcan take out enemy troops in offence and defence with infinite spawn, plus they sometimes do not get taken out all by tornado.

Very nice changes for the most part. Egiant buff seems like a bit much given how well it pairs with chef and the fact that several of its best counters are being nerfed and MM, which is uniquely bad against egiant, is being pushed. Evo skellies nerf might also be a tad much, i think it’d be best to keep the change but also revert the way their multiplying works so that it always happens if they get the hit (e.g. in a trade with normal skeletons). I would think they could do that while allowing things like tornado to consistently take them out by making the hurtbox of the new skeleton appear earlier as it rises from the ground.

Evo Edrag is a notable absence from the nerfs, maybe cap it at 5-6 chains? Any nerf would be nice; that card invalidates entire decks in its current state, even if it doesn’t do much in some matchups. Evo gob giant nerf would be good too, but that’s not as big a deal.

Nice to see that they’re trying to re-emplement some of the newer cards that aren’t seeing use, though I have no clue what a healthy goblin machine would look like. Hopefully bush is up next.

Balance changes should be like these.

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Why is evo skeletons and evo ice spirit getting nerfed? the reason why they are good right now is to counter evo pekka, so don’t nerf them. Also why is evo mega knight not getting nerfed??? It’s OP nerf it please!

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Don’t forget to balance spells and clone!

I’m glad they finally buffed Mighty Miner. It’s my favorite card and the only champion I have at level 14. I hope him to be used in more decks.

I don’t like evo barrel nerf at all. I prefer nerfing fake goblins damage a bit than removing the porpuse of the evolution.

Goblinstein nerf is okay but I think is necessary to rework the ability a bit. I would make it stronger or weaker depending the distance between the monster and the doctor. If the doctor and monster are nearly, more damage. Otherwise, less damage.

Royale recruits doesn’t need a buff. I would only take the evo recruits charge distance nerf. That’s all.

Evo ice spirit rework is unnecessary. I think they should make the second and third freeze duration more short than the first one.

Evo Pekka rework is almost great. But I think Evo Pekka healing almost 600 hp after killing a card with more than 2000hp is a bit much. It should be a bit less (I think 475 would be okay).

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Archer queen - Feel like it doesn’t need a 2 second nerf. Sure the deck is it in is really good doesn’t mean she needs one. One second at best if you were gonna nerf it

Cannon Cart - This does need this. Been really strong after the buff and this will also be more consistent.

Fisherman - Once again doest deserve this nerf. The whole slow makes him allowed to win interactions. Make it just 2 atleast

Doctor - Very well deserved. Maybe not a whole 19% but its cool.

Ram Rider - Just became good again to use which no one likes. So this nerf is good

Bomber - Even though this is already in the game. i feel like it shouldn’t be applied to troops. Just towers, so it cant hits towers twice but can for troops.

**Evo Goblin Barrel ** - Removing the whole point of the evo. Dont do this

Ice Spirit - I feel like this is a bad rework. But evo has been really strong. However I feel like this is a meta evo card its only strong against beatdown which this meta is very beatdown. This shouldnt get this rework. Itll become another evo zap. Useless.

Evo Pekka - I do like this rework. itll finally make it balanced. Now give it back how much it originally healed up by and you have a above average evo but not annoying.

Evo R Recruit & R Recruit - Sure just a consistency thing, so sure.

Evo Skeleton - Nahhh nothing called for this. Sure splitting them is annoying but not impossible to stop.

Baby Dragon - Very forgotten card. Will help it do better at his job so yes. Feel like it also needs a small damage buff for people want to use it again.

Witch - Sure. I can still posion it

Dark Prince - Has recently fallen behind Prince so this will help him keep up

Electron Giant - Yes, it won’t be pulled to another arena anymore.

Demolisher - Sure. It was kinda useless after that huge nerf to his running form. this will help him out a bit.

Machine - Yeah, overall a big buff but ill really like to see this card balanced

Mighty Miner - Been behind other champions so yeah

Mini Pekka - Mini Pekka is still a good card this buff isnt needed. Atleast like 3-4% not a whole 5%

Evo Cannon - Needs

Evo Wallbreaker - Was a harsh nerf when it was damage was nerfed to the ground. So it need this

Dagger Dutchess - Finally ive been suggesting to add one more dagger for longest time. Itd be a good choice between all other tower troops now.

lumber jack - im sure its for consistency but i like the 6 seconds

That was my review over those balance changes
but here are some of mine i want
**Barb Hut: 6% Health Buff and 2 Barbs On Death **- Has been forever horrible

Goblin curse: 5% to the increased damage, Last one more second. - Lost its glory

Fire Spirit: Buff radius by .2 and buff damage by 5% - Needs to do better at its job.

Golden Knight: Buff dash radius - Needs to travel again

Little Prince: Make the ability take out goblins



There’s a lot here, so bear with me.

AQ- Agree- The cooldown of the ability made it too easy to defend a push and then pose an offensive threat immediately after.

Cannon Cart- Agree- Worked a bit too well in many meta decks, and this hp nerf will reduce it’s effectiveness against a lot of cards it was indispensable against.

Fisherman- Mostly Agree- I do agree that fisherman needs this kinds of nerf, as it was able to be used effectively outside its niche really easily. I think that 40% might be a bit overkill though. I think start with 20%. That seems like it should fix the problem, and if it doesn’t, nerf it again later.

Stein- Mostly Agree- Many of us recognize this card as the best in the game right now. I would even argue the monster could use a slight hp nerf as well. It’ll still be a good card either way, but I feel you can effectively set it in its place with such nerfs.

RR- Agree- Another very good card right now. I’m glad though, that supercell recognized that its because of the other meta cards, and not because of RR itself. This small hp nerf is exactly what it needs. It’s not a huge nerf, just enough to make it slightly more risk based of a card instead of “spam behind tank.”

Evo Bomber- Agree- Though bomber is one of my favorite cards, this is a necessary nerf. It was just too good on towers and medium hp cards.

Evo GBarrel- Disagree- Don’t remove its whole gimmick! Even if it’s still hard to tell, it will make it almost pointless in top ladder, where people will see right through it. I imagine the thought process behind this was “it forces people to overspend on defense, so we need to give more leniency.” I agree that this is true, but that is the entire point of Evo Goblin Barrel. If you want to nerf it I would reduce the toy goblins’ hit speed or something, not the mechanic itself.

Evo Ice Spirit- Agree- Evo Ice Spirit has been consistently in almost every meta cycle deck for some time, giving other spirits no room for competition. It will still be good after the nerf (we’ll see how the damage buff effects things), but it could previously shut down entire pushes with 3 freezes. This I think is a reasonable way to nerf such a good cheap card.

Evo Pekka- Mostly Agree- This is a really cool way to make the Evo Pekka not as overpowered, but still a neat card. This is exactly the kind of thing it needs. My only complaint is that the upper limit of “small kill” seems a bit high. I’d make it around 700 or 800 so it still gets a normal heal off things like cannon cart or the newly nerfed doctor.

Recruits- Agree- Recruits have started to lack in tanking for units, especially against hard counters like bowler and executioner and bomb tower. Hopefully this buff makes them useful for distracting just a tad longer.

Evo Recruits- Agree- After the hp buff, something needs to be done to keep recruits from becoming overpowered. This nerf to their charge speed is a good way to keep them in check. I don’t know what the charge damage buff changes off the top of my head, but I imagine it only changes one or two interactions, so I’m not strongly opposed to it.

Evo Skellies- Indifferent- This will make them slightly worse, causing them to be ineffective in some situations, but as long as they keep their primary ability it seems pretty reasonable. I feel cycle decks are getting a pretty reasonable nerf in this update from skellies and ice spirit, so I would encourage a future spirit evo or other support evo.

Baby Dragon- Agree- Baby dragon has been a pretty garbage card for a while now (I don’t know why people use it in midladder), but this buff should make it a bit more effective at defending pushes and supporting against swarms.

Witch- Disagree- Now this is kind of a devious buff. Baby Dragon needed it, but witch? Not really. They still act as a good support either way, I don’t think they need to be any more effective at stopping pushes and cancelling swarms. Their job is an air attacking mobile spawner, and they fulfill this roll well already.

Dark Prince- Agree- I rarely use dark prince, and I rarely see dark prince. I guess this may perhaps bring them back from the depths? I don’t know if this is a super significant buff, but it seems worthwhile.

EGiant- Agree- I’m not a EG user, so I didn’t realize this was a problem, but the way they put it: “Consistent with other win cons…” make it seem like a reasonable buff that should already be in the game.

Demolisher- Agree- I feel goblin demolisher has been relatively outclassed by most other supports, and I like the idea of it transforming into a big wall breaker, so sure, let’s go with this buff.

Gob Machine- Agree- I like this kind of a small buff for the goblin machine. It’s pretty bad right now, and it needs that dps increase. I think one shotting goblins is reasonable for a 5 elixir melee card like this. Just don’t buff it too much! (who else remembers on release goblin machine)

MM- Agree- Mighty miner has been out of the game since evo megaknight and eDrag. This buff will make it better at what it does, and hopefully bring it back into play.

Mini Pekka- Disagree- Sometimes I wonder if supercell gets a sick joy out of cooking midladder. Besides that though, this buff to mini pekka is just a bit too much. It’s pretty effective at what it does already, and I don’t see a need for it to one shot more things. Maybe a 1% damage buff so it kills the newly nerfed doctor? I wouldn’t go any further than that though. A 5% buff changes a lot of interactions, and it may become too powerful for a 4 elixir card.

Evo Cannon- Agree- It needed it. It’s simply outclassed by other support evos for the deck it is in, and after the nerf to ice spirit and skellies, a buff to cannon may make people consider it further. I think the low use rate of evo cannon is more attributed to what matchups cycle tends to struggle with, which evo cannon just isn’t very necessary in.

Evo Wall Breakers- Mostly Agree- I feel this is a buff evo wall breakers need if they want to be a preferrable evo, but maybe not to this extent. I would suggest starting a bit mild, maybe around a 35% boost instead of 50. I am thankful it does not apply to tower damage.

DD- Agree- Make the duchess viable again! There was exact ONE deck remotely in meta where they were preferred (DD Evo valk evo barrel log bait for anyone curious). This buff should at least give them their niche, like cannoneer has.

Lumberjack- Mostly Agree- I like the rage duration reduction. It seems like a good change to make lumberjack not too ridiculous at instant buffing pushes. I am reluctant, however, to give them a damage boost. They may start to push too far outside their primary usage if their other stats are buffed too much. Perhaps my fears are unfounded though. It’s a small buff, so I’m not going to stress over it. The nerf to rage may cancel it out effectively anyway.

Additional Notes: I see midladder menaces in the upper half of path of legends and beyond, and at the center of it all is the evo megaknight. I don’t know what needs to be done. Perhaps they should just not pushback far enough that they can jump at their opponent 1 on 1. That would be significant enough, as it still progresses towards the opponents tower, as the card intends. People being able to use megaknight as a lead win condition is a problem, and needs to be addressed. Other things to note are: stop putting off a barb hut buff. Golden Knight could use a small buff, but not too much; just enough to be viable. Maybe something for little prince, I feel they’ve been nerfed too far into the ground. Overall, these are some pretty decent balance changes. I’d like some of the concerns I’ve mentioned addressed, but most of these are nice. If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading!

Based on 20 win it’s ok. Statestics show cycle decks like royal hogs log bait and… Are stronger than heavy decks, hog, royal hogs are also op, why clash royale is too obsessive with pekka decks, a lot of nerfs for pekka and now ram rider, clash royale community is confused, statestics is better source

I believe these are very valid changes however why do we continue too neglect Skelly king?he’s still a very much played champion I just feel the only issue with him is his hit speed he hits a little slow and I wish he hit faster and maybe a slight bit harder this was considered by the royals api team last year and was disregarded before the update when live which was very upsetting for many of us because I feel this champion is showed the least love out of them all and he hasn’t been touched since 2022.

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the golden knight is not played in the top at all, why not buff it. Waiting for the Golden Knight buff

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you lost me at mk being the most broken card and wanting duchess to be buffed more

so lumberjack isnt a card and they did 5% damage
when mid leader is full of mega knight in firecraker, its anoying how every fking game i see this combo, just mk evo firecraker and random bullshit go
and abt the changes:
The goblin champion verry good
recruits more than 4%/1% its irelevant
lumberjack needs a rework, less speed less elixir idk
the blonde tower troop nope, let that thing burn
the mini pekka its disgusting

Cannon & Cannon Cart:
Nerfing Cannon Cart’s hitpoints is not the right change. Cannon needs the hitpoints back that it lost from its last balance change. The only reason Cannon has resurged back into the meta so heavily, without any balance changes, is purely due to Goblinstein’s prominence. Before Gobstein released, Cannon was a dead card and nowhere to be found outside of 2.6 Hog.
A better way to nerf Cannon Cart would be to increase its first attack as there is a massive gap between Cannon and Cannon Cart in terms of these stats (Cannon with a 0.9s first attack, where Cart has a 0.5s first attack). In doing so, Cannon can continue being a relevant choice in picking a defensive building for decks, and Cart can have its overall power toned down while keeping it consistent with its non-wheeled counterpart.

He’s been a top meta definer for so long now. Reducing his slowdown to 1 second would be more beneficial for additional future metas that he finds himself dominating. If he ends up too weak afterwards then other stats can be adjusted accordingly

The ability is the real problem. Making the Dr. Die to Poison won’t do anything about the fact that you can place him reactively on defense and pop the ability to completely deny an entire push. There’s no reason 2 elixir should be able to get 5-8 elixir worth of value. It’s just insane how your opponent can’t even break through if he’s in cycle. Shortening the ability to 3s and decreasing the damage of it by 10% would be a much healthier change for the game.

Ram Rider:
Her hitpoints aren’t the problem, it’s the fact that she’s impossible to defend when paired with a Rage spell. Her having a 2 tile charge is way too strong for a majority of decks to deal with. A 2.5 tile charge will remedy this problem.

Evolution Ice Spirit:
Taking away one of its freezes will kill the card overnight. It would be dramatically better if the radius buff it got before was reverted, and because the non-evolved version is incredibly strong on its own, reducing the freeze to 1.1s would be warranted for both versions.

Evolution Pekka:
The large kill heal is way too much. Reducing it to 423 would be ideal. Regular Pekka is also way too broken ever since her range buff. She needs her range reverted to medium, with a small damage buff to allow her to 1 shot Royal Hogs.

Royal Recruits & Evolution Recruits:
Regular Recruits are one of the worst cards in the game. A 4% damage increase won’t do anything to help them. The card needs an entire rework/overhaul in stats to make them better for the game. As for now though, they need at least 140 damage to make them at least somewhat not terrible. Then they can take out Royal Hogs in 1 less hit.

Baby Dragon:
A splash radius buff is very nice, but still not enough to warrant ever using this card. A 5% hitpoints buff is much needed, this will put him on par with the same health as Miner + Royal Ghost.

Same thing as Baby Dragon, a splash radius increase is always very beneficial, but this alone will still make Witch a very weak ranged area denial spawner troop. Giving her a histspeed buff from 1.1s to 1s, and a first attack speed buff from 0.7s to 0.3s would actually make players consider her in some decks. The splash buff could then also be reduced from 1.5 tiles to 1.2 tiles, since it’d be pretty insane for her to have a splash that large considering how frequently she attacks compared to the Wizards and Dragons.

Dark Prince:
He is never used over Royal Ghost nowadays outside of some off-meta decks. A tiny damage buff to bring him closer to the buff Lumberjack is getting would be perfect for him (from 248 to 252-255) as it would allow him to take out a Wizard in 1 less shot. A small hitpoints buff would also make him a more viable option when compared to Royal Ghost, from 1,200 to 1,239.

Goblin Demolisher:
He never even deserved the last nerf he got. Revert back to a 10 second duration please.

Goblin Machine:
The issue with this card is the slow rockets. Making them more consistent is definitely the way to go with making him better. As for the damage, keep the histspeed the same and give him 135 to 144 damage so he can take out multiple troops in 1 less attack.

Evolution Cannon:
The damage increase will only change the interaction with 2 cards on impact, Bomber and Wall Breakers. The evo should be much more versatile and easier to use, because it’s very tricky to aim the barrage correctly especially with multiple units on the field. A radius increase from 2.5 tiles to 3 would be very helpful in reducing the accuracy for placement and timing when using it.

Dagger Dutchess:
This is an awful change honestly. She can’t even take out a Phoenix egg, which brings me to her main problem: her dps when daggers are depleted. She is a complete liability in so many archetypes that can’t justify the nearly 40% decrease in dps compared to Princess Tower. The solution can be as simple as increasing her damage, decreasing her maximum daggers, and increasing her time to replenish daggers. For her damage, 112 to 144 will allow her to deal with a ton of units with 1 or more daggers less overall. To compensate for this increase, her maximum daggers would need to be reduced to 6 from 8, and her dagger charge speed up to 1s from 0.9s. In total, her dps after daggers depleted would be 27% less, rather than 40%, and make her much more viable as a tower troop option in more decks.

And lastly, if I didn’t mention a card change here, it’s because I think that the proposed change is well thought out, and ideal for the health of the game.

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