Squad Busters Clash Royale Giveaway

i like the 2nd one the most! purple swirly background is sick

I can’t wait for Squad Busters to be released in my country. The game looks so sick! The chicken banner is my favourite.

I have tried squad busters and i really enjoy playing it, i cant wait for more updates. I really like banner 2 the most as it has nita in it

Hi, my fav is the one with Bruce ! :bear:
GL everyone !

havent played the game yet, but ive seen videos and it looks really great!!
oftenly checked it to see how the game works
…3rd one looks best

Thank you clash Royal for this Gifts
I really love playing this game
I really like that 3 banner :heart:

Participo, espero tener suerte.

What is your initial impression of Squad Busters?

The king and goblin banner is my favorite!

first banner

i want them all

I especially love banner number one with that crazy chicken. Perfect for my chicken skin tower

Loving the game so far! :heart:

3rd one looks good

I tried the game., But in the end I’ll wait for that game to release 100 %. I like all the banners, seeing all the characters of the supercell game is so much fun. I’ll wait for the posts and news from the RoyaleAPI about the squad busters. I look forward to it. Love from Indonesia​:indonesia::heart:

Based on OJ’s gameplay, I feel like there’s a major influence of P2W involved in order to fully enjoy the game. But of course, it still depends on how the dev team will handle the player economy and the power creep between the progressed accounts and the f2p newbies.

I only played for a few days, the gameplay is not totally to my liking

3rd on looks good

Ooh these banners look good! GL everyone!

Also love the banners! Hoping I get it lol