Squad Busters Clash Royale Giveaway

My favourite is the goblin running away with the gold

The one where Shelly and Barbarian are clashing is soooo cool ! It would be awesome if I got it :wink:

I love the chicken ones

I really like the Banner where the goblin is running from the king

Id love to have the goblin banner. I’ve played squad busters and it’s really fun. A few critiques would be it needs a clan or some type of messaging system, better way to get gold/characters, and make character selection customizable and not random.

I like the first banner the most, but they’re all amazing!

i like the 3rd one.
i am already playing Sb and 88 lvl now.

p2w seems to be the main problem now.

GL everyone!

Still waiting on supercells new game but super excited , really like that colt banner!:raised_hands:t2:

Still waiting for the release, but is almost here! I’d really like to get the one with the goblin running or the one with gems… Thanks a lot for sharing with your community

I already played the game, love the game. I like the second banner most

I like the 3rd banner the most

Squad busters doesnt feel that exciting…

Third is the coolest imo

I’m still waiting for the game to go global!

Amongst these banners, I really like the 1st one, where colt is chased by the hay day chicken.

I have tried Squad Busters and I think it’s a funny game, that could give me hours of entertaining while I’m trying to collect gems and busting chickens and goblins xD

i like the first one the most

damn the fourth one is lit, thanks for your work !

I like the First and second one the most nevertheless they all are pretty cool though
Can’t wait for squad Busters

I like the first banner the most but they’re all pretty cool. Can’t wait until the global release.