I don't remember my email

Hi, I saw this article.

That You can found email of Account by telling Player-Tag.
So I played game mid 2021 or early 2022 I don’t know, really but I know at that time has 13 arenas, And I got really Big account.
Like I had every card at that time I was Challenger 2 Legendary Arena 5322 trophies. So I stopped becuase of phone.
And last year I tried to Log In into account, but the problem is I don’ know what email is, I tried to contact Supercell Support, but they will respond that they can’t find account, so I got angry and Delet Game and recently I start to Play Game again on another account.
When u go to statsroyale.com or any other website like that I put Player-Tag of that account and yeah it exist.
So tried to find solution to see can I see email of account without Login In into same account and I found this WebSite.
Please Help Me, I really need it. THANK YOU :heart:

@SML , this is my account

Nowhere in that post does it say anything about email addresses. Anyway, what you’re requesting isn’t possible. Please don’t make another post regarding this or account recovery.