Global Tournament not displayed in profile

Hello. On March 2nd of this year I played a triple draft global tournament and got 23 wins in it. When I was looking back at the leaderboard for it today, I realised that I should have been on it, but didn’t receive the achievement on clash royale, or my profile on Royale API. Please respond as it might just be a glitch or mistake on Royale Api.
Tournament: Triple Draft Tournament GT #URP889UY8 (2022-03-02 to 2022-03-07 - RoyaleAPI
My tag: #YGJ29C80Y

Hello. On March 2nd of this year I played a triple draft global tournament and got 23 wins in it. When I was looking back at the leaderboard for it today, I realised that I should have been on it, but neither received the achievment on clash royale, or my profile on Royale API. Please respond as it might just be a glitch or mistake on Royale Api.
Tournament: Triple Draft Tournament GT #URP889UY8 (2022-03-02 to 2022-03-07 - RoyaleAPI

Please read this FAQ — which explains the discrepancies.