Wrecking Ball Emote Giveaway - Deadline Oct 2

We are giving away 50 Wrecking Ball Emotes to a random player.

  • Tell us a crazy story in the comment section.
  • Deadline: 2024-10-02 Wednesday 23:59 UTC
  • Winners will be DMed here on Discuss.

Good luck!

We have distributed all the prizes today - please check messages to see if you’ve won! — thanks to everyone who has participated!


Crazy story?! been playing the game since soft launch crazy enough?

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Did quit this game for many times bcz of OP evo. Probably bcz of evo ED I’ve to quit again soon. Crazy I guess…


Just reached royal champ for the first time today.
E drag evo seems OP


I play Clash Royale 7 years and I never uninstalled game


The crazy story is that pekka was actually a nature spirit.

But if we go back in time to, clash-a-rama that’s actually false.

Also the lore drop of mega knight doesn’t seem true.

Let’s just leave additional info:
I got my first Legendary from a wooden chest and that electro wizard.

Pretty crazy isn’t it?


That’s pretty broken evolution tbh :zap::zap::zap:


Yayaya! Let’s go Shocktober🐉

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I think the crazy is The Champion Evo. Omg i can’t imagine how strong and OP they are when evoled !! They will have more HP, more dame and update their ability, maybe or we can you 2 Champions in the same time ;))) i think it crazier than they evo … you agree with me


After I finished 11th in the world a few months ago, I almost completely quit the game. That’s crazy for me because, obviously, after getting such a good finish, you’d want to try to beat that. I just didn’t have any fun after the season was over. I think the wizard is to blame.

Interesting fact: Morten lost to Surgical Goblin by 1 HP in the 2020 CRL World Finals. That was the craziest game I’ve ever seen.

Fact 2: If you play an in-game duel, and it’s 1:1 in the series, and the third game ends in a draw, the winner of the duel is decided by a coin flip. The first time I heard about this was during one of the CRL qualifiers in 2023, I believe it was between Boss and LordSeb.


I use to have a king tower level 8 account at 5000+ trophies


The mega knight evolution is crazy


Crazy? I was crazy once :zap:


I’ll tell my humiliation story, so i was like 6 years old at a graduation party for someone, and there was this fountain in plain view that i took a seat at, and i fell backwards into the algae water and like everyone saw.


Once I stayed awake for 46 hours straight.
It was about 5 years ago, and I was on my way home to Canada from Beirut.
But having 3 flights is bound to go wrong
The first flight from Beirut to Frankfurt Germany was delayed, and we missed the connecting flight to Toronto. Thankfully since it was the airline’s fault we missed the flight, the airline provided us free tickets, but it was a 4 hour wait.
The flight from Frankfurt to Toronto was delayed to land because the landing space at Toronto airport was overcrowded so we flew around in the sky for about 2 hours…
The last flight was Toronto to Calgary.
I was with my family. I was the only one that didn’t sleep at all
(Mainly because I love an airplane ride.)

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Crazy story? My whole family is playing clash: mum, dad, sister, uncle and my grandfather haha


A crazy Story? I play the Game since 2016 and my main goal is to collect emotes without buying gems. Already got over 230 :slight_smile:

Doing the same and I have only 190

Playing since 8 years got 3 accounts banned and my new one already lvl 69 again… prob spend more than 5k on this game.

Crazy story: I introduced this game to my little bro when he was 7. Now, he’s 8 and just hit Ultimate champ!

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