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when we will get litte prince buff ?
Looks great, buff the bad cards and nerf the op ones
DONT nerf goblinstein
Nerf miner
Nerf evo mortar
Buff little prince
Buff witch
Buff witch, wizard, spawners, an don’t nerf Pekka range plssss
There are at the moment 15 players using Evo Pekka in the Top 75. This crad is broken since release when will you finally do something?!
Golden Knight Buff-
Range: melee: medium → melee: long
The golden knight has been underused for a long time, I think he is in need of a buff. His stats are way too similar to the knight, yet he costs 4 elixir while the knight cost 3 elixir. This buff should help him out a bit.
The small spell diversity of the game is concerning. Arrows and Log dominate almost every meta. I think a void, goblin curse buff would be good to solve this, maybe even introducing a new small spell could be good if you can balance it. The evo snowball buff is a good idea but increasing the roll distance by 0.5 tiles might not be significant enough but lets see
Also base pekka needs the range nerf. This is important and definitely should be added.
Goblinstien the ability is what needs a 0.5s nerf
Also glad to see the chef nerf, that is deserved.
Have balance changes every month, That is necessary for the game.
No evo Pekka nerf?!
These balance changes are pretty good, I’ll share my thoughts here.
The dart goblin nerf seems really good, might balance it out just enough. The evolved one will definitely need more toning down, however.
The rune giant nerf is just a bit overboard. It needs a slightly smaller nerf than that.
The fire spirit buff is really good. Hopefully it can compete with the other spirits now.
The goblinstein nerf might be just too little. It just needs to be nerfed slightly more and hopefully it will be balanced.
The evo goblin giant nerf is really good. It might need slightly more nerfing, but it seems like it’ll be more balanced now.
The cook chef is overboard. It is just slightly better than the other tower troops and definitely does not need that much nerfing. A small nerf will do.
The musketeer buff is perfect. Hopefully the evo musketeer, regular musketeer, and 3M will see a bit of a comeback.
The lava hound nerf is a bit over the top. Its usage and win rate is pretty average, so if anything it should get a slight rework rather than the nerf.
The evo snowball buff seems like it won’t be enough. It’s the worst evo in the game currently and needs some more of a buff than that.
Now, for the cards I think should be changed:
The evolved pekka needs a nerf. It’s definitely still the best evo in the game and should be toned down, as pekka bridge spam is still way too prominent.
Arrows should be toned down a bit, but it should still be able to kill the stuff it kills right now. Maybe another crown tower damage reduction would be good.
The golden knight needs a big buff. He never gets value and needs some help to be balanced.
The barbarians need a buff. Every barbarians card is underpowered except the battle ram, which that card should be nerfed for a rework to it.
The evo Tesla needs a buff. It’s been really bad since it lost its death shockwave and it needs some more compensation.
The goblin demolisher needs a buff. It’s had its lifetime buffed multiple times and it’s still underpowered, I think it should get a different buff such as splash radius, health, or damage. Maybe even hit speed would help.
The void needs a buff. It was killed a while ago and seems like a waste of an interesting concept. It should get a buff of its one target damage, as that’s the best part about it.
The heal spirit needs a buff. It’s boxed out by every other spirit except for in some bridge spam and goblin giant decks. With goblin giant being nerfed, the heal spirit will likely be dead. It should probably heal more and have a bigger radius, as many times that it’s played, it never heals what you want it to, and even then it’s never big enough or heal enough for it to be worth wasting a slot for a better spirit.
Skeleton army needs a buff. It’s boxed out by goblin gang and guards. It should have more skeletons or maybe place differently so it’s harder to hit with a spell.
Goblin curse needs a slight buff. It’s a good concept but it needs to do more damage to troops for it to be worth it. Maybe it should also last longer, but not as long as when it first released.
Cannon cart needs a nerf. It’s way too good right now and needs some toning down. The nerf last season did nothing to it and it’s still really good.
The suspicious bush needs a big buff. It dies way too easily and will never connect. It needs to either do more damage, the goblins inside move faster, or it has more health.
This might be a bit risky, but I’d say clone and mirror need buffs. They really are never used. I feel like they would be nice to have as balanced cards, like if the mirror had a +2 levels but not in that e-giant meta. Clone can be interesting, maybe a cap to how many things it can clone but changing the elixir cost to 2. Just a thought.
Little prince needs a buff. The nerfs since it came out were a bit overboard and it would be nice to have it balanced rather than over or underpowered.
Those are all my thoughts. Overall the balance changes are pretty good.
[Dart Goblin].- It’s ok. Dart Goblin has been very used even before his evolution. So nerfing the damage would help a bit to be more balanced.
[Goblinstein].- Monster’s HP nerfs didn’t helped. They need to rework his ability because it gives way too much value.
[Lava Hound].- Lava Hound is not the problem. The card by itself is useless. They should nerf cards who are very popular in Lava Hound decks. Evo valkyrie has so many good statistics in every game mode. Why doesn’t buff valkyrie normal HP and removing the extra HP to the evolution?
[Runic Giant].- Very necessary. They took too much time to do it.
[Evo Goblin Giant].- Increase it directly to 2 seconds, not to 1.8 seconds so he can get almost the same value than without nerf.
[Royal Chef].- I’m always ok with any tower troops nerfs. It should only exist princess tower so the extremely low level of strategy of the game doesn’t dissapear.
[Fire Spirit].- Good buff.
[Musketer].- It maybe will make Evo Musketer a little bit OP but hey it’s a balanced card so OK.
[Evo Snowball].- I would prefer to increase it to 5 tiles. 4 tiles to 4.5 tiles doesn’t make any difference.
〔 Extras 〕
[Golden Knight].- Buff the HP by 5.5% (LVL 11. 1800 —> 1900) and rework the ability (Dash distance to troops. 5.5 → 6. Dash distance to towers. 5.5 → 5).
[Monk].- Make it 4 elixir and the ability 2 elixir or buff his ability time by 25% (4s → 5s).
Also, you can buff some death cards like the rascals or giant skeleton.
Sorry I forgot something…
[Arrows].- They have to do something about this card. It has been so popular for a long time. Even in Grand Challenge where Firecracker isn’t popular is one of the most played cards. Reducing the range or crown tower damage would help a bit so other spells have a chance.
Please don’t nerf lava hound my only deck
Don’t understand Lava hound nerf. It was good because of chef.
My suggestions for card rework:
Mirror: Removed 1 elixir penalty and removed level increase, this will help Mirror become balanced
Clone: ​​Adds a shield with 1 HP, this will make the clone less vulnerable to spells
Clash Royale these balance changes are good expet lava hound and the cheef nerfs are a little bit a overkill. I have some nerfs and buffs that you guys should do as a feedback, her me out:
Little Prince
Guardian’s dash damage + 48%
207 → 306
-L.Prince is the most forgetten card now by bow, You guys destroyed it like 6 months ago and nobody uses it. I want it to get a similar buff that i made, but pls buff this thing, everybody wants it to gett a buff. If not in february changes, than pls buff it for the march changes.
Damage + 20% (1 target)
320 → 384
-Void is the same as L.Prince, you killed it with that lasy nerf. And now you should give it a buff to mainain the card balance a little bit more in games. It’s like an F tier card. Pls buff this thing.
Bomber (Evo Bomber)
First hit speed + 100%
0.2 → 0.4 seconds
- Bomber and Evo bomber are pretty underrated cards. The first hit speed is so fast that makes the evo bomber to hit faster on his hit speed and conects to the tower faster. So if you guys reduce the first hit time a little bit just like a did it will be not that broken anymore.
Pekka (Evo Pekka)
First hit speed + 40%
0.5 → 0.7 seconds
-Pekka is the same situation as Bomber. The Evo Pekka first hit speed is faster so it get that heal faster even if is on low hp. So you just need to reduce the first hit speed so even a normal pekka doesn’t get one 1 to the tower with low hp.
Evolution Dart Goblin
• Poison damage to troops - 18%
51-307 → 42-252
• Poison doesn’t stack affter getting killed.
-Evo dart goblin is super strong with that poison effect. So you guys just need to nerf that poison damage to troops and make that when the evo d.goblin dies the poison doesn’t stay on a troop forever but only for 4 seconds. I think you understand me on that part. Just nerf this card.
Dagger Duchess (Option 1)
Damage + 23%
112 → 138
(Option 2)
Dagger stored + 13%
8 → 9 daggers
- Dagger Duchess need really a buff. Im not saying it’s that terribile, but she really needs a little bit of high damage as the meta is currently with decks that have mos tanks. BTW i made dy options of a buff.
Evolution Tesla
Shockwave stays for 2 seconds in the ground after surfaces.
-With this buff the Evo Tesla will be much better because when she surfaces the pulse will stay in the ground 2 seconds caughting more troops on the pulse. But pls just buff evo tesla, it kinda fell if with the last nerfs. Or just give back the shockwave after death.
Guards (Option 1)
Shield HP - 6%
256 → 240
(Option 2)
First hit speed + 50%
0.4 → 0.6 seconds
-Guard have and are strong these days. For 3 elixir you counter some great heavy troops. And they also survive arrows. If you decrase the shield Hp buff that you made 1 year ago arrows can destroy guards completly. Also the first hit speed of the guards is fast which results that they get alwasy a hit on the tower. So i gave the options for the guards, but nvm just nerf this little guys.
Total radius - 13%
4 → 3.5 tiles
-Arrows are currently the strongest card in the game. With that much damage and with that huge radius for 3 elixir is insane. If you decrase the radius a little bit it could effect on the card balancing then. I now that it sounds like an overkill, or a huge nerf, but pls they deserve a huge nerf. Their usage is + 50% soooo… nerf tjis card
These were my feedback so you can do what you want to do but please conseder this changes from my mind.
Analisi e proposte di bilanciamento su Clash Royale
Buff approvati:
Spirito del Fuoco: Trovo molto valida l’idea di aumentare il raggio d’azione da 2 a 2.5. Questo miglioramento lo rende più efficace contro carte numerose come scheletri, goblin e sgherri, aumentando così la sua versatilità .
Palla di Neve Evoluta: Finalmente un incantesimo poco sfruttato nel meta riceve il potenziamento che merita. Un aumento del raggio d’azione darà più opportunità per sfruttarne i vantaggi e riportarlo al centro delle strategie.
Critiche sui cambiamenti proposti:
Goblin Cerbottaniere: Non concordo con il nerf del 5% al suo attacco. Considerando che ha già pochissima vita, ridurre ulteriormente il suo potenziale offensivo lo penalizza troppo. Per fortuna la sua velocità non è stata toccata.
Moschettiere: Ritengo ingiustificato il buff alla velocità di attacco. La carta è già molto forte e veloce; un miglioramento rischia di sbilanciare il gioco.
Chef Royale: Il nerf alla velocità d’attacco mi sembra eccessivo, anche se capisco quello alla velocità dei pancake. Se la velocità d’attacco passa da 0.9s a 1.0s, preferirei che si compensasse aumentando il danno, ad esempio portandolo da 109 a 137 (al livello 11).
Proposte di modifiche aggiuntive (livello 11):
Gran Cavaliere: Ridurre il danno ad area (268 → 232) e il danno da salto (537 → 414) per bilanciarne l’impatto devastante in partita.
Fuorilegge: Danno in scatto ridotto (387 → 298), punti ferita ridotti (907 → 886), e un lieve nerf al danno normale (193 → 187) per ridimensionare il suo dominio.
Arciere Pirotecnico: Diminuire i punti ferita (304 → 256) e il danno totale (64x5 → 64x4). Anche la velocità di colpi (3s → 3.5s) e la portata (6 → 5.5) dovrebbero essere ritoccate per renderlo meno dominante.
Drago Elettrico: Meno punti ferita (950 → 862) ma più danno (192 → 232) e una portata maggiore (3.5 → 4). La velocità dei colpi potrebbe essere leggermente ridotta (2.1s → 2.3s) per bilanciare.
Barbari Scelti: Aumentare il danno (384 → 434), ma rallentare i colpi (1.4s → 1.7s) e ridurre la velocità (rapida → media). I punti ferita scendono da 1341 a 1241 per bilanciare l’aumento di danno.
Cavaliere: Incrementare il danno (202 → 272), ma ridurre i punti ferita (1766 → 1721) e rallentare i colpi (1.2s → 1.5s). Inoltre, portata modificata da media distanza a distanza ravvicinata.
Stregone di Ghiaccio: Aumentare il danno (90 → 181), il danno iniziale (83 → 109), e i punti ferita (688 → 721). Migliorare anche la durata del congelamento (1s → 1.3s) per aumentarne l’impatto.
Sgherri: Migliorare i punti ferita (230 → 257), il danno (117 → 131) e la velocità di colpi (1s → 0.9s). Aumentare anche la velocità generale da rapida a molto rapida.
Strega: Potenziare il danno (134 → 158) e i punti ferita (838 → 924). Ridurre il tempo di generazione degli scheletri (7s → 6s) e aumentare la portata (5.5 → 6).
Mini P.E.K.K.A: Incrementare i punti ferita (1361 → 1771) e cambiare la portata da ravvicinata a lunga distanza, per renderlo più competitivo.
Spaccamuro: Migliorare i punti ferita (331 → 398) e il danno (392 → 414), rendendoli più resistenti ed efficaci.
Spirito della Cura: Aumentare la cura al secondo (400 → 432), migliorandone l’utilità nei mazzi di supporto.
Queste modifiche potrebbero portare a un bilanciamento piĂą variegato e stimolante. Spero che verranno prese seriamente in considerazione.
-Evo Dart goblin. Poison should not stay forever and should have much reduced time. It is broken for an 3 elixer card, especially since it can splash damage to surrounding troops.
-mega knight evo. Pushback every 2 hits.
-Electro dragon evo. Reduce his chain damage more. Still broken.
-Goblinstein ability. Gives too much value.
-Regular firecracker first hit speed and pushback. She keep pushing back for so far, and she attacks wizard and execution and witch quicker, and these units cancel their first hit to firecracker when firecracker does her first shot.
-Evo firecracker overall nerf, especially the slowdown effect.
-Graveyard always was op and tough to defend without spending too much elixer.
-Elixer golem. Does a lot of damage.
-Spawner buildings.
-Wizard More hp and and faster first hit speed.
-Evo wizard buff maybe.
-Dark prince. faster charge distance.
-Sparky maybe.
-E wizard. Dps is weak. He split the damage instead of damaging one target so he does not take targets out fast.
-Baby dragon more dps maybe.
-Magic archer. There are better alternatives to use than him.
-Golden knight. Same. There are better alternatives to use than him.
For the love of god please just nerf Pekka’s range already.
Evo Snowball is the worst evo in the entire game since release. It needs a more substantial buff.
I still have 0 clue why evo Gob Giant spawns Goblins? Make him spawn Spear Goblins instead.
Chef tower needs the hp buff threshold up to 50%, 33% is still too low. And don’t nerf the histspeed if you’re already nerfing the cook speed after a tower falls. It should be one or the other. Personally, I’d rather have the permanent cook speed nerf once a tower goes down.
Dart Gob evo is the problem, not the base version.
Everything else is good (finally Fire Spirit buff ).
Pekka range nerf will kill the card, eve is the issue