Work-in-progress Balance Changes for March 2025 (Season 69) - Clash Royale News Blog - RoyaleAPI

Less than a day ago · February 21, 2025 · 2 min read

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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By completing these polls or commenting, you’ll be participating in a giveaway for 1 Diamond Pass Royale. More details available at the end of this post.

The Work In Progress (WIP) changes for March 2025 have arrived. For now, 9 cards have been picked to receive buffs and nerfs, but the final list may be different. The results of these polls will be sent to Supercell and will be taken into account for the final list of changes.

Let’s begin!

1/9 - Arrows nerf:
Nerf to the Tower Damage: from 93 to 39 Hit Points (-58%)
  • Not enough
  • Great nerf
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters

2/9 - The Log nerf:
Nerf to the Tower Damage: from 58 to 29 Hit Points (-50%)
  • Not enough
  • Great nerf
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters

3/9 - Cannon nerf:
Nerf to the Damage: from 212 to 199 Hit Points (-6%)
  • Not enough
  • Great nerf
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters

4/9 - Rage nerf:
Nerf to the Effect Duration: from 2.0 to 1.0 Seconds (-50%)
  • Not enough
  • Great nerf
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters

5/9 - Electro Wizard buff:
Buff to the Damage: from 110 to 116 Hit Points (+5%)
  • Not enough
  • Great buff
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters

6/9 - Evolved Giant Snowball buff:
Buff to the Slowdown Duration: from 3.0 to 4.0 Seconds (+33%)
  • Not enough
  • Great buff
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters

7/9 - Royal Chef buff:
Buff to the Max Cook Frequency: from 1/24 to 1/21 Pancakes / Second (+14%)
Buff to the Min Cook Frequency: from 1/40 to 1/35 Pancakes / Second (+14%)
  • Not enough
  • Great buff
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters

8/9 - Princess bugfix:
Nerf to the Deploy Time: from 1.0 to 1.2 Seconds (+20%)
Buff to the First Hit Time: from 0.5 to 0.3 Seconds (-40%)
  • Not enough
  • Great bugfix
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters

9/9 - Void rework:
Rework to the Hit Speed: from 0.8 to 1.0 Hits / Second (+30%)
  • Not enough
  • Great rework
  • Too much
  • Unnecessary
0 voters

Lastly, pick your 3 favourites!

  • 1 - Arrows nerf:
    Nerf to the Tower Damage: from 93 to 39 Hit Points (-58%)
  • 2 - The Log nerf:
    Nerf to the Tower Damage: from 58 to 29 Hit Points (-50%)
  • 3 - Cannon nerf:
    Nerf to the Damage: from 212 to 199 Hit Points (-6%)
  • 4 - Rage nerf:
    Nerf to the Effect Duration: from 2.0 to 1.0 Seconds (-50%)
  • 5 - Electro Wizard buff:
    Buff to the Damage: from 110 to 116 Hit Points (+5%)
  • 6 - Evolved Giant Snowball buff:
    Buff to the Slowdown Duration: from 3.0 to 4.0 Seconds (+33%)
  • 7 - Royal Chef buff:
    Buff to the Cook Frequency: from 0.042 to 0.048 Pancakes / Second (+14%)
    Buff to the Cook Frequency: from 0.025 to 0.029 Pancakes / Second (+14%)
  • 8 - Princess bugfix:
    Nerf to the Deploy Time: from 1.0 to 1.2 Seconds (+20%)
    Buff to the First Hit Time: from 0.5 to 0.3 Seconds (-40%)
  • 9 - Void rework:
    Rework to the Hit Speed: from 1/1.3 to 1/1.0 Hits / Second (+30%)
0 voters

Thanks for participating! Remember that if you’d like to see a different balance approach for some cards, or even balance for cards that aren’t listed here, you can write a comment below with the details and reasoning of your suggestion.

Giveaway details

You should complete the poll before 2025-02-23T23:59:00Z in your local time (2025-02-23 23:59 UTC).

  • If you are selected as a winner, you’ll receive a direct message in this forum with further instructions. You’ll need to reply within 48 hours to this message in Discuss; if you don’t, we’ll pick another winner.
  • We do not publicly publish a list of winners. If you do not receive a direct message, it means you haven’t been selected as a winner.
  • Users who attempt to participate in the giveaway with more than one account will be directly disqualified from this giveaway and all future ones, forever.

Other cards to change:

  • evo dart goblin poison not stay infinitely.
  • goblinstein ability nerf
  • evo e dragon nerf

I thought you will buff normal Pekka after you killed her with that unnecessary range nerf.


I think the snowball evolution could give double damage to the enemies like the evo zap. Otherways there is no sense, u cant push the enemies to the bottom and it cant counter princess


Cards that need a nerf:

  • evo dart goblin
  • evo electro dragon
  • goblinstein ability
  • rune giant maybe
  • evo mega knight
  • royal recruits
  • firecracker pushback

Cards that need a buff:

  • barbarian hut and goblin hut
  • golden knight
  • dark prince. Quicker charge
  • base pekka hp and/or damage
  • little prince maybe
  • freeze
  • wizard and evo wizard

Good balance changes, but chef needs more buff, like return his 0.9s attack speed, because he is more useless against pushes and hordes of units than dagger duchess. Evo wizard needs a shield buff, after million of his shield nerfs its so easy to break, and again, where is the witch, barbarian hut, rascals and little prince buff? Everyone is talking about the buffing these useless cards with 0% pickrate even in top 1000 and <50% winrate


Good balance changes. Comments about it:

  • Royal chef also need his cook time greatly buffed when one of its towers gets taken out. Or remove the idea of slowing the cook time when one of your chef towers is taken out. Because I experienced it and it is extremely slow and bad when that situation happens.

  • e wizard may need more dps buff (5% wont fix it) since he does half of its damage when there are multiple opponents near him, and this make it difficult for him to take out flying troops quicker.


Maybe nerf recruit’s range and make them have a bigger sight clip so they get pulled by more things
Also I don’t know what the bug fix is for princess but I think a first hit speed nerf might be needed
Logbait has been way to strong over the past few months and even the past year, it’s pretty clear that something needs a nerf. I recommend nerfing goblin and spear goblin first hit times to nerf the goblin gang and goblin barrel

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Awful, awful, awful. PEKKA is dead and nothing is being done about it. Why nerf the base card when the evolution was the real problem? It’s literally useless now, the range was all it had going for it and of course it was taken away.

Not competent enough to nerf other stats other than the one thing that was keeping it from being thrown into oblivion? Or better, why not nerf the range without completely reverting the buff that finally made it a viable card? It was entirely possible to nerf the range from 1.6 to 1.4 or something like that, but I guess reverting the buff completely takes less effort than testing different values to see what’s balanced.

I’ve never seen such an incompetent dev team being in charge of a massive mobile game. You always expect the worst and yet they somehow always find a way to disappoint.


If you decided to kill the spell’s tower damage, you should have added poison’s tower damage too. I hate drill + poison deck which is annoying. There is a few card to need balances;

Evo electro dragon should be nerfed
Drill should be nerfed
Evo dart goblin’s poison should be nerfed
Royal recruits should be nerfed

Thanks for reading.


The arrows nerf is definitely unnecessary. Yes, arrows have high usage, but that’s because they’re versatile, not overpowered. The arrows nerf will make it significantly harder to get spell cycle damage in overtime, requiring another spell to be put into your deck.


Pekka was broken the second she got that long range 6 years ago, then they gave it back and to nobody’s surprise she was broken again

It’s not possible to have a 1.4 tile range because long is 1.6 and medium is 1.2

You cry about the evo being the problem when they already nerfed it into the ground and she was still broken. There’s no such thing as a healthy Pekka when she has a long range, they shouldn’t have ever given it back.

The only changes that make sense are for her to get are damage buff to 1 shot Royal Hogs, and possibly a small hp buff

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Terrible balance team. Touches like 5 cards (3 no one asked for) and then will nerf or buff them 3 months later when they realized it was fine in the first place. This is why I won’t play this garbage game. Nerfing cards like Log and Arrows? What the hell is going through their minds. Those are staples of the game and SHOULD have high use rates. How about buffing the other spells you guys haven’t touched for years. Long gone are the days were you can play this game and beat anyone because of your skill. The last year I’ve seen stupid decisions like these that make 0 sense. “And look guys we finally buffed the Ewiz!!!” 5% damage!!! Buff the other unused cards in the game instead of just nerfing stupid options.

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The crown damage nerfs to Log and Arrows are wild, they need actual stat nerf changes, that’s just a bandaid considering how broken of spells they are

Here’s what they should get:

Arrows: -0.5 Tile Radius (4 > 3.5)
-2 Waves (3 > 1)
Damage +200% (122 > 366)

Log: Damage -6% (290 > 272)
Pushback -0.2 Tiles (0.7 > 0.5)
Range -0.5 Tiles (10.1 > 9.6)

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Electro Wizard Evolution Idea:
2 cycles for evolution
Level 11 Stats:
Damage: 110 x 2
Hit Speed: 1.8 sec
Damage per second: 61 x 2
Spawn Damage: 192
Death Damage: 192
Stun Duration: 0.5 sec x 2

The evolution electro wizard not only enters the arena (spawn damage) with a zap he also leaves the arena (death damage) with a zap. He also will be better if he is only attacking one target with his attack. If he is only attacking one target it stuns for 1 sec, otherwise if he is attacking two targets the stun will be split and stun both targets for 0.5 sec (same as regular electro wizard).

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Golden Knight Buff Idea:
Range: melee: medium melee: long

The golden knight has been underused for a long time, I think he is in need of a buff. His stats are way too similar to the knight. This buff should help him out a bit.


I really like the nerfs to the arrows and log tower damage and hope that more spells will get nerfs to their tower damage in the future. I also really like the princess nerf for the reason that it will be more possible to prevent her from getting a shot on the tower by placing a unit to distract her. As for the buff to the giant snowball evolution, I would prefer a buff to the regular snowball to make that viable as an evolution or non-evolution. I think that the direction for buffing the royal chef is spot on, just not enough of a decrease to cook time to make him balanced. I like the change to the electro wizard. It will allow him to one shot all of the spirits if both of his lightning bolts target them at once.

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