Work-in-progress Balance Changes - Clash Royale October 2022 (Season 40)

       This is kind of correct. I think that the card balences were correct,  but were overkill.  
       Also, all champs should be week cards, and it's should be their ability AND 3 card cycle that make them strong. They should be more skill dependent, and not add or right broken. Of course further balences would be required, only God is perfect. After champs are fixed, wheather it is by nerfing their stats, or taking their 3 card cycle, it will be easyer to see how other cards should be balenced. 
       Part of the problem is that you can only use 1 champion in each deck. If you caould use unlimited champs, ther usege rate would be over the moon. I think that ther should be CATIGORIES. Then they should balence the cards compared to all cards and the other cards in ther catigory. 
       Cayigoris should go as folows. Swarm, tank, glass canon, building, troop, sponer, win con, air, ground, air tergeting, ground tatgeting, camps, ect. Then all catigories should be evaluated by usage, win%, and deck success. Cards should be evaluated seperatly, tanks compated to tanks, swarms compared to swarms, ect. Then all cards should be evaluated together. Also, catigories should be evaluated agains eachother. 
        The way catigory usage evaluation would work is that this; card usage divided by potential catd usage equals real card usage. If a catigory is used 13% of the time and potental usage is 100%, then the real card usage is 13%. If a card is used 12.5% and potental usage 12.5%, then real usage is 100%. For the win condition catigory, the first cace is acurate. For the champs catigory, the second cace is acurate. Champs have a real usage of about 100%. 
         I think champs should have a real usage of about 50%. This would mean champs are non vital for competitive play or ladder. Card aditions should ba additions to the game, not compleatly change it, like champs have. 
          Bottom line is, champions should have 3 card cycle and good abilities. They should be weaker as units. Not unusable as units, just weaker.

Goblins Buff means 33% buff, which is too much. In fact all forms of goblins don’t perform well, just buff goblins hit speed is OK. If barrels get buff too much, just increase deploy time.
Elixir Golem needs more HP rather than else.
Cannon’s nerf on damage or hit speed may be better.
Others are good.

Something deserve changes doesn’t get touched, like wizard, goblin hut, furnace (all need a buff).

I agree with the Pekka part, however battle ram is actually really good in applying pressure, so much dmg potential and good kiting abilities. Unlocking this card’s full potential can give a really hard time for the opponent.

Although I may have a slight bias for these two cards, Mighty and cannon. Nonetheless the nerfs are a bit too harsh. MM is a tank killer like inferno drag. Unlike Idrag a lot of the tanks are able to target the MM because it is a ground troop. Because of that, taking away 8% of its hp puts it below skelly king in hp. This would make him much more ineffective against tanks like mk or pekka, and those last few milliseconds of his drill matters that much. Thats the difference between a half hp mk and a 1/10 hp mk on the field. If the jp is going to get nerfed, a 4% or maybe even 3% hp nerf would be better.

As for the cannon, it already has lower hp. Nerfing its hp 14% would basically make it unusable since hog rider would be able to almost kill it in two shots. In contrast, a fireball would be able to completely kill it. The best course of action would be to nerf the damage but making it still be able to one shot goblins of equal level.

Barbarian hut change is special. Spawning 3 barbs in 1 wave makes bigger pressure which is threatening pair with E golem especially hut’s cost -1. Plus E golem hit rate increase, E golem hut will shift back into the meta.

Stab goblin card has lowest use rate and win rate but +1 doot is kind of a overbuff as it’s equivalent to a 33% buff overall. It’s not possible to buff goblins themselves as barrels have been dominating under this cycle meta. Drills are fairly balanced though. Despite this, i still can’t find other better solutions, at least right now.

Gang go back to the first launch but they would not that strong as early 2017 as golden knight and splashes are still a hard counter.

Knight HP buff make sense as valkyrie outshines him.

Mortar decks have highest win rate among all win-con due to 3 card cycle but also its low cost, beefiness, sniping, long range,etc (aka versatility). The nerf is a must but -13% HP is quite harsh though. Nevertheless it has almost no effect at lower trophy ranges.

Cannon is under the same situation as mortar but it cost 1 less than mortar and it deal so much damage. I expected damage or hit speed nerf as it melt literally everything by itself. With -14% HP, it still be obnoxious if you have no proper counters, but fireball will ruin cannon thoroughly.

Cannon cart is kind of innocent but it’s still quite decent especially playing with mortar.

Might miner deserves this nerf. Cheap cost, high damage, high health, deadly bomb and freaking 3 CARD CYCLE make him overpowered. However I don’t think -8% HP kill him. It’s still a viable card.

Finally, Royale hogs slower retargeting time doesn’t affect too much since fireball and buildings are nerfed. They are still usable.

There are many other cards deserve a slight tweak, they are:
-Goblin hut
-Heal spirit
-Battle healer

I really hope my comment will be taken in consideration.


Mortar nerf is way too much.It doesent deserves it.Actually they could nerf the hp like %5 if they really want to kill the high skill cap decks

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Mortar MM abd cannon nerf is so harsh. Ok they do need nerf but not that much. Maybe mortars hp can decreased by %5 and Cannon hp nerf is so ridicilous the main problem about cannon is the 3 card cycle but they dont want to nerf 3 card cycle so they want to nerf the cannon but with the wrong way they should nerf his attack damage. Lets talk about the MM the hp nerf it is OK but it can be lesser like %5 so it will be as powerfull as the other champs. To be honest all the champs are way better than the other normal cards so they all should get a nerf to be equal to other cards they are better than the other card even without their abilities.By the way the Elixir Golem deck will be so powerfull with the both e golem and barb hut buff so the buff about elixir golem should be like %7.

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The 13% hp nerf to the mortar was pretty extreme, It would be much better to have a 9% hp nerf instead, so the mortar doesn’t die completely!:grin:

And the canon needed a nerf, but instead of nerfing the hp we should nerf the hit speed to 1,1 seconds (Same with the canon cart).:slightly_smiling_face:

But I don’t see why we should nerf the royale hogs, I think just by nerfing the first hit from 0,25 sec to 0,30 sec is enough.

And I’m positive about the the rest of the balance changes.:smiley:

Cursed hogs are an entirely different troop. They will remain the same. You can check the stats for the curse hogs and compare to the royal hogs, they are different.

Actually Magic Archer and Spear goblins and Fisherman needs a buff.Magic Archer has a low use rate and he can die so easily he needs a little hp buff.Spear goblins will be trash if the 3rd spear goblin is back from the gang.And you can’t play the Fishermen unless you are playing RG.Fisherman is one of the deck based card so he could get a little buff to solve this problem.

Maybe its time to move on to a different deck. But if you are using 2.6 hog because those are your highest leveled cards, continue playing 2.6, but level up other cards for a better hog deck. I would say the 2.6 is pretty off-meta right now, and the only reason it is not completely dead is that you can win some matchups on autopilot.

Cannon needed a nerf. Log bait, x-bow, and miner players were preferring cannon over inferno, tesla, and bomb tower. It was indisputably the best defensive building in the game in almost every deck.

On you points that it is completely the three card cycle, I disagree. Here’s why. Having the three card cycle actually doesn’t make the FIRST cycle any faster, but only the latter ones. Here’s the math. For 2.6 hog you play cannon, then use the 6 elixir cycle and then play cannon, that is 12 elixir. For log bait, they have to play mighty, and cannon, so 7 elixir, then the 5 elixir three card cycle, and then cannon, or a total of 15 elixir. If you had to cycle back to a third cannon, then the three card cycle would be more elixir efficient than 2.6 hog.

But this is why the three card cycle is more op for offense, rather than defense, unless if you already had the three card cycle before the defense.

Most of these are decent (in my opinion) that being said there are a few flaws. Champions allow such a fast cycle that the new best champion will simply replace the mighty miner. Next season, we will have a meta just as champion dominated as the previous. I play mortar as my challenge decks so I am biased, that being said 13% is a huge nerf. I think a nerf is necessary, perhaps 5-7%? I have the biased opinion that cannon deserves a nerf. That being said it is strong because of the meta, not necessarily the card itself. That is one heck of a nerf, perhaps a little too drastic. I am no more than a noob who can barely clear a classic challenge, so take my words with a grain of salt :slight_smile:

I do believe all the nerfs are pretty fair besides the cannon and mortar health nerfs as I feel they will kill the buildings more than intended. A nerf is required, but maybe not 13 for the mortar but something like 8-10. As for the cannon, it should get something else nerfed like hit speed or dmg as it already has very low hp and lowering it by another 14% will probably kill the building


  • Mortar: health -10%, damage +5%
    Less defensive but more rewarding when it’s locked on tower
  • Cannon: health -7%, damage +3%
    14% HP nerf will simply kill the card

New balance changes:

  • Wizard: reduce to 4 elixir, HP reduced so it can be one-shot by fireball
  • Witch: HP increase so it does not die to fireball + log
  • Mirror: +2 lvl, cannot be used right after a champion is played

Ladder PB: 6600
Global tournament PB: 21 wins

I think a more reasonable buff for the goblins would be a hit speed buff from 1.1sec to 1sec. Since this would also be a buff to the goblin drill and barrel, the goblin barrel’s deploy speed and goblin drill’s spawn speed should both be reduced by 9% to balance it out.

As many people have said, a 14% hp nerf for the cannon is absolutely ridiculous. It’s a cheap and versatile defense, it’s main downside is it’s inability to target air, and that’s a good enough drawback for a 3 elixir building with high dps. There are only 2 3-elixir buildings right now, cannon and tombstone, and in most instances cannon is better for defense.

Not entirely sure about the mortar. I mean, in my experience mortar can be slightly harder to defend than x-bow because of it’s deadzone and it’s cheaper cost, giving the mortar user more elixir to protect it. But I rarely encounter mortar nor do I ever use it in any of my decks, so I can’t come up with a solid opinion.

Mighty Miner takes skill to be effective, this combined with the fact that he is unlocked at king level 14 when all the other champions are unlocked means people are almost never gonna use him. As some other people have suggested, his hp should be reduced by just 4%, this would give him the same health pool as the skeleton king.

Additional Balance Changes:
Night Witch: Even with the recent hit speed buff, Night Witch is still not in a very good spot. I don’t think I’ve seen her in any non-golem deck. At least, I think she should have her death spawn added back, but have the amount of bats spawned from it reduced to 2 from 4.
I also have an idea for a full rework of her. In addition to the change above, I’ve thought of maybe turning her into a ranged troop like the other witches, reducing her damage per hit by 25% and her hit speed back to 1.5, while of course giving her the ability to target air with a range of 5 tiles(0.5 tiles less than the other witches for balancing). She would still be single target, and therefore still countered by the other witches in a 1v1.

Wizard: People have been asking for this card to be buffed for a long time now, and yet they still go unanswered. Despite the wizard’s high dps and relatively large splash radius, He’s outclassed in both range and single-target dps by the musketeer, while the baby dragon has nearly double the health and faster movement speed in addition to the advantage of flight, and yet the wizard is more expensive than both of those cards. His elixir cost should be reduced to 4, his splash radius reduced from 1.5 to 1.3(still relatively large compared to most other splashers), and his hit speed reduced from 1.4sec to 1.5sec. This way he’d be a more versatile alternative to the musketeer, still having less single target dps, but with the same hitpoints and the advantage of doing splash damage.

Ice Wizard: This guy also is in need of a buff. He not only has the lowest health, but his damage output is so pathetic it’s not even funny. Even with his recently added spawn damage, I rarely see him being used. I think his spawn damage should be slightly increased by 9% so that it actually does the same damage as his normal attack, and his hit speed increased from 1.7sec to 1.6sec.

Ice wizard really needs a buff.
So does e dragon
Wizard is overused and he needs a damage nerf

Bro, according to IceWiz you need to consider something. This is defensive card, can not make hIgh DPS. Next thing this is only 3 eli card, what do you expect? Ice Wiz was boosted a few seasons ago by respawn damage which is little bit to strong in my opinion. I think this card doesn’t need any buff.

Gob giant needs a buff: 3-4% hp increase. I want to play him outside of sparky decks

i think mortar doesn’t need a nerf. This card is only strong with a mighty miner and skeleton King. if you remove these champions it will be very weak. i don’t think it deserves exactly 12% nerf.
as for lava. it is the strongest card in the game which is not nerfly 4 years old. People throw 1 card and because of the cycle people can not do anything.
I would also like to see a tesla buff. It’s a building that will do nothing against heavy cards for example the golem lava and royal giant. it is bad very against air cards although it is a building that hits the air. The card is slow and looks very helpless.
I also consider it a strong spells its rage spell. it needs to be rework into a spirit. It easily dominates with sparky mini pekka and giant. people can’t do anything when opponents put a giant goblin mini pekka and sparks and everything underneath rage spell.
the least used card is a goblin in a Cage. I find the building considered useless with a small amount of HP. And in fact 4 elixirs is not a building but a goblin one cost. for 4 elexir goblin very weak. I believe that it is necessary to add hp to the cage.

cannon nerf was overkill. it’s literally just calling for a pekka bs and egolem healer meta.
cycle decks are like half the core of the game and basically a 15% nerf is killing it.
try numbers under 10%