WIP Balance Changes Poll - Clash Royale February 2025 (Season 68)

Nerf pekka
Nerf egolem
Nerf arrows
Buff void but nerf first hit time
Buff evo tesla or tesla

Small balance changes for some cards:

  1. Pekka: Range nerf.
  2. Mega Knight: Jump Time 0.9 β†’ 1.05 s. Jump Speed 250 β†’ 230. Jump Splash Radius 2.2 β†’ 2. Jump DMG 444 β†’ 422 (-5%). Spawn DMG: 355 β†’ 300. Can’t jump on towers.
  3. Recruits: Hit speed 1.3s β†’ 1.4s. DMG 146 β†’ 139
  4. Electro Giant: Zap Radius: 3 β†’ 2,5. Stun Duration: 0,5 β†’ 0,45
  5. Elixir Golem: Golem speed: 45 β†’ 42. Golemite speed: 60 β†’ 56. Blob speed: 90 β†’ 84
  6. Minion: Hit speed 1 β†’ 1.1
  7. e-barbs: Speed 90 β†’ 75 (Make it easier to defend)
  8. Sparky: Range 5 β†’ 4,5


  1. Dagger Duchess: Dagger Charge: 0.9 s. β†’ 0.88 s. Range 7.5 β†’ 8(Range is very important for this tower)
  2. Tombstone: Hit Points: 250 β†’ 255
  3. Suspicious Bush: Speed: 60 β†’ 75

Pekka, noway

Pekka nerf, that is way too unnecessary

Well, he is still stronger than many other cards and this will allow him to be at least a little bit leveled out.

Pekka OP? Sure, but what about the Firecracker Evo Mega Knight Evos? Are we just gonna pretend they’re balanced? Nerf hammer needs to swing wider

Firecracker can be defeated easy by spells. I suggested to nerf mega. Peka counter a lot of units, also with some spells or support it can counter spam units

Work-in-progress balance changes for Clash Royale - March 2025, Season 69.


:red_circle:Guards (Nerf)
:red_circle:Arrows (Nerf)
:red_circle:Berserker (Nerf)
:red_circle:Rune Giant (Nerf)
:green_circle:Void (Buff)
:green_circle:Little Prince (Buff)
:red_circle:Evolved Lumberjack (Nerf)
:red_circle:Evolved Dart Goblin (Nerf)
:red_circle:Goblinstein (Nerf)
:green_circle:Royal Chef (Buff)
:green_circle:Evolved Tesla (Buff)
:green_circle:Golden Knight (Buff)
:green_circle:Goblin Machine (Buff)
:red_circle:Evolved Pekka (Nerf)
:red_circle:Balloon (Nerf)
:red_circle:Bomber (Nerf)

Shield HP - 6%
256 β†’ 241

Total radius - 12%
4 β†’ 3.5 tiles

HP - 8%
831 β†’ 765

:arrow_down:Rune Giant
Bonus damage - 20%
220 β†’ 176

Damage + 20% (1 target)
320 β†’ 384

:arrow_up:Little Prince
Guardian’s dash damage + 48%
207 β†’ 306

:arrow_down:Evolved Lumberjack
Ghost duaration after getting out of the rage - 50%
2 β†’ 1 second

:arrow_down:Evolved Dart Goblin
β€’ Poison damage - 18%
51-307 β†’ 42-252
β€’ Poison doesn’t stack anymore after getting killed.

Ability cooldown + 18%
17 β†’ 20 seconds

:arrow_up:Royal Chef
Damage + 23%
112 β†’ 138

:arrow_up:Evolved Tesla
Pulse damage + 30%
148 β†’ 192

:arrow_up:Golden Knight
β€’ Damage + 20%
161 β†’ 193
β€’ DPS + 20%
178 β†’ 214 dmg/sec
β€’ Dash damage + 15%
335 β†’ 386

:arrow_up:Goblin Machine
Rocket crown tower damage + 33%
196 β†’ 261

:arrow_down:Evolved P.E.K.K.A
Heal per death - 25% (heavy troops)
565 β†’ 423 (2Γ— β†’ 1.5Γ— multiplier)

First hit speed + 100%
0.2 β†’ 0.4 seconds

:arrow_down:Bomber (Evo Bomber)
First hit speed + 100%
0.2 β†’ 0.4 seconds

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Code: RoyaleAPI