WIP Balance Changes for October 2024

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://royaleapi.com/blog/season-64-balance-wip
  1. Bomber nerf: evo bomber bounce damage should be nerfed instead.
  2. Demolisher nerf: if it means 7s for bomb to explode then good.
  3. Void nerf: why nerf void first hit? it is supposed to be a damage dealing spell. If it must be nerfed then it should only be a small nerf.
  4. Pekka evo nerf: the nerf is too much. Pekka evo struggle when it does not get healed (or not healed enough), which happens a lot. I think the pekka should heal for each amount of set damage he deals to troops (in addition to healing per kills). Give the regular pekka and its evolution its hp back as it was before the hp nerf that happened years ago. An additional damage buff or faster attack speed is also appropriate and needed, the normal (non evo) pekka is not good.
  5. Tesla: no opinion.
  6. Evo wizard nerf: good.
  7. Cannoneer: good nerf but may still need a bit more.
  8. Goblin curse buff: the card usage is low, but not sure if the buff will make it overpowered or not.
  9. Goblin machine buff: very low usage rate. The buff is good but need a lot more (hp especially) because the card is an expensive (5 elixer) tank and feels underwhelming when it dies quickly. Its hp used to be so much higher (around 2600hp). Melee damage buff is also appropriate.
  10. skeleton barrel buff: the card often times feels overwhelming when its played with a bait deck so I am not sure if the buff is needed.
  11. Suspicous bush buff: the spawned goblins already deal a good damage. I like the speed buff.
  12. Goblin cage buff: the buff will make it very strong (or overpowered) in some different situations (especially against big tanks). I think the cage and/or the cage pulling mechanic should be nerfed because troops pulled inside it can’t do much.
  13. evo Goblin drill: no opinion.
  14. Evo zap: evo zap should not be changed, otherwise, will be one of the worst evolutions. Evo zap should be a viable option as an strong evolution, otherwise, people will use different stronger evos and different stronger and more popular spells than zap.

Additional cards to add:
15. Mega knight evo: pushback should be nerfed.
16. dagger duchess: is weak needs a buff.
17. Spawner building: need a buff or rework.
18. Golden knight: I like that its multiple dash range get increased and improve the dash so that it can kill enemy troops when the units are spawning around the golden knight.
19. Inferno dragon: the dragon only is good against big tanks and in most cases phoenix is a better option. I suggest a rework so it can reach its maximum damaging phase faster and also kill swarms a faster so that it can also be a viable card compared to phoenix while still maintaining the uniqeness of both cards.
20. Golden knight: I like that its multiple dash range get increased and improve the dash so that it can kill enemy troops when the units are spawning around the golden knight.
21. goblin giant: I still feel he need his hp and spear goblin damage back as it was before the last nerf. He feels underwhelming.
22. elixer golem: overpowered for long time. It gives you tower damage value more than the elixer you donate to your opponent.
23. graveyard: overpowered for a long time. It deals a lot of damage and forces you to spend a lot more elixer than your opponent to greatly reduce the damage recieved.


pekka nerf is not gonna change nothing, also will remain meta


Pretty decent changes. I think the brawler buff is unnecessary. The reason the evo cage isn’t used as much is not because the brawler is too weak but rather the evo effect itself. Just like with evo ice spirit there’s often better options.

Void needs a nerf, this may kill the card but it’s pretty toxic anyway tbh. Evo pekka needs a bigger nerf imo. The card is completely broken and it healing back from troops it’s supposed to be weak against is a huge design flaw. It should heal based on the amount of damage done.

I’m not sure if the demolisher needs a nerf. It’s a good card but it’s not oppressive. It’s only used in a couple of decks. Pekka is used everywhere and obviously op.

Evo Mk is also too strong. It should not knock back units that are considered heavy. That’s a ridiculous interaction.

Goblin machine is a slippery slope because of the rocket but lacking in DPS. It’s worse than a knight in terms of melee damage. So you keep giving it extra health until it becomes obnoxiously strong and therefore gets a lot of value from rockets. But it’s not designed to really counter anything in particular, so it’s either useless or overpowered.

Overall I think the changes are good. The evo tesla nerf is very good while reverting the hit speed nerf. Another thing I’d like to see added is a dark prince buff similar to the buffs the prince and ram rider got.


Void nerf is too much…it will kill that card… to balance void u can make it 4 elixir card

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I don’t like the zap rework.
At least compensate it with being able to kill goblins (again).

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Zap evo nerf would be really bad, only 2 stuns but would take 2 cycles to deploy, it just would not worth a evo slot
About that void nerf, it is so huge, no longer able to kill executioner and baby dragon which is really disturbing, and it cannot take down bomb tower anymore also can only deal around 3/5 inferno tower hp (not ideal to make some advantages). Void is already hard to use and now you guys want to nerf it to the ground fr

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Really like these balance changes, however since the tesla evo is being reverted back to its original state, it is going to be way worse from release. I suggest at least bring its high pulse damage back to 192 or buff the teslas damage back to where it one shots minions instead of the hitspeed increase.


Void spell nerf is just insane. I understand it’s too strong and required a nerf but this nerf is probably too much, dealing damage lesser than lightning is just would be so bad for a spell.(lightning can take out 3 troops with around 1000 damage and void can only take out 1 troop with around 900 damage is a very big difference)

Another thing I don’t understand is cannoner, it wasn’t that strong and some people prefer princess tower for easier counter to swamps. Cannoner is very meta based because of the evo mk and evo pekka is the meta rn and it’s good against it. Nerfing Cannoner wasn’t a good thing at all as it would be the same as the dagger dutches which is literally unplayable.

Evo pekka nerf is a much since it’s too powerfull, evo wizard nerf is solid and evo goblin cage is a must buff. Most of them are good but just void and cannoner are just insane for that, should rethink twice before making an adjustment just to kill a card.

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I love how the bomber nerf will only make the non-evolved bomber more useless, won’t put a dent in evo bomber usage at all because of how toxic it is when it locks on the tower.

Bro where is the golden knight buff


Buff golden knight


The Void nerf is a bit too much, I mean it does need it but maybe 20% and not 32%? as it would completely kill the card, as anyways the strong beam is the only thing keeping the void from being garbage.
Evolution Mega Knight is in my opinion balanced, but might need a small nerf, maybe instead pushing back troops 3.5 tiles instead of 4 tiles.
Skarmy needs a small buff although, with Goblin Gang dominating, it should have 16 skeletons instead of 15, but other than that there are no balance changes that I really think should be implemented.

huge nerf for evo tesla

the dmg of the shockwave and the normal telsa dmg are still nerfed and the stun time got reduced so removing the death shockwave is massive. Hit speed wont do much when the dmg nerf already changed the interactions.

Going to be way worse than it was on release also because it doesnt have the health bonus on top of all the dmg nerfs. IMO death shockwave is a better for the card than the extra health.

I think the dmg nerf and the hit spd nerf were too much at the same time.

CR just has to accept that until they release another better defensive evo building Tesla will have a high use rate…plus its the only building that hits air


Yeah it does less damage than lightning, it’s half the elixir you nimwit

WOW so unexpected but i do think all balance changes good, nice work!

Don’t worry it’s WIP let’s hope they don’t nerf that much

I like it in general but nerfing Evo tesla will kill this card it need the second death shockwave BTW where is megaknight ? it is so strong and it need to be nerfed ASAP


Maybe the golden knight needs a buff, he is the worst champion in the game, I would put 5,5-6 tiles.

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