WIP Balance Changes for October 2022 (Season 40)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://royaleapi.com/blog/season-40-balance-wip

Could we maybe add two more balance changes?
Wizard Buff- Damage radius from 1.5 tiles to 2.0 tiles
This buff would make him better at countering swarm troops or units that are clumped up. But he would still remain a glass cannon, as he has the lowest health among all 5 elixir card.
Witch Buff- Spawn speed from 7 seconds to 6 seconds
This buff would help the witch as her spawn mechanism is very good on defense and offense. But it’s pretty slow as it currently is. So maybe reducing it to 6 seconds, which is faster but not as fast as when the witch was meta with a 5 second spawn. And cards that hard counter her will still easily stop her, cards like valkyrie or bowler.

This also won’t change their usage in mid-ladder. But would hopefully allow both these cards to see more usage in top ladder.


I believe that a Buff of -0.5 elixir cost to both will be better.

Goblins should get a buff by decreasing its elixir cost by 0.5. It will then cost 1.5 elixir. In fact, multiple of 0.5 elixir should be considered when balancing cards such as wizard, witch or firecracker.

I also do not agree with the Mortar nerf when Lava has the same problem i.e., popular in Grand Challenge but not played in mid ladder. Either both should get a nerf or neither.

I also was expecting a revert of the last Tesla nerf which completely killed the card then a nerf to the cannon which was expected but a bit too much.


pekka or battle ram should get buffed


Imo wizard should be reworked to a 4 elixir card, and make him have around the same dmg as the musk. This way, we’ll have the musk which has way more dps and range, but wizard having good dmg as well along with splash.

Wizard has been one of the worst cards ever since the game started, never been used in any meta deck. Reason is because of his cost, for 5 elixir he barely has some hp and useless compared to other ranged units. So, making him 4 elixir and making him do around the same dmg as musk will make him a good dmg and a splash dealer, mb will be seen more in some control decks.


PEKKA as a card is good if beatdown is the meta and bad if it isn’t. We’re currently in a cycle meta, so PEKKA is a bad card, but stat-wise it’s a balanced card. PEKKA will be good if all the cycle cards got nerfed, not if PEKKA got buffed.

Battle Ram, however, could do with a buff, maybe to health of the ram? +5% ram health or something


Firecracker is uselless right now, please increase the damage


Why is mortar being nerfed? Its literally just a worse x-bow, the only good thing about mortar is that it somewhat counters E-giant. Aside from that one thing it’s just a bad card.


I think the only changes I don’t like are the hp nerfs to mortar, I use the card so I admit there is some bias but I feel the hp nerf is too significant, I think a more fair amount would be 7 to 9% range
Also buff the goblin giant he is so bad compared to every other giant. I want to be able to use my boy outside of sparky decks


I get that for continuity’s sake, they want the cannon cart to be nerfed if the cannon is too. I’m not a fan of this because I think the cannon cart is in a really good space and doesn’t deserve a nerf just because the card it’s based on is getting overused in the meta.

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Cannon, MM, Mortar and Goblin balances are absurd.

Cannon does not need an hp nerf (at all), and needs a damage nerf of about 5% (maybe 6).

MM needs a 4% hp nerf, 8% will absolutely kill the card if I’m being totally honest.

Mortar’s 13% hp nerf is completely unjustified and makes 0 sense. At most, it needed a 7% hp nerf, which would make it a balanced win-con, instead of absolute garbage.

With the addition of 1 goblin, goblins receive a 33% buff. 33%. While I get this is the only way to balance the card, they HAVE to nerf the damage each goblin does (3%) as this would balance Goblins themselves, and make win-cons like Goblin Barrel and Drill much more balanced and less OP.

Also, knight needs a 5% hp nerf, as 3% isn’t enough.


I think nerfing royal hogs is a bad call. In a meta already dominated by hogrider, nerfing it’s only replacement pushes more re players to jump on the hogrider band wagon… any other option will be far less superior.

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Furthermore, the question will be, is that a stealth nerf to cursed hogs or would they remain the same?

OH MY GOD. Some amazing changes right there. Great work for this one, much better than the last balances. Though, i would argue with the cannon and mortar nerf. They definetly should get nerfed,but Mortar should get max. 8-9% and cannon should be just getting hit speed nerf, since it already has pretty low hp, making it even less would be super easy to get through it. Other than that, amazing stuff the team did on this one.


Cannon nerf is reasonable but 14% is a bit too much.
It should be either 12% or 13% just like mortar.

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I think Skeleton King needs a nerf to the radius of the 2 elixir graveyard so cards like Executioner can destroy the troop and the skeletons unharmed.

Also, make the Ram Rider immune to knockback, at the cost of some health.