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Dagger Duchess nerf is NOT enough.
Here me out do not nerf/rework any of the balanced evos right now like archers and firecracker or even royale giant. Just nerf the top 5 ones like bats, zap,knight and the drill. Do not nerf the pump!!! It’s normally a good card but it’s only overpowered because of the meta rn. Do not do any of the health nerf and reworks
yeah the hp should not be nerfed if it is it doesnt become like an evolution
Cannoneer needed a buff, not a nerf
The evolved battle ram is no longer different from the normal battle ram and this needs to be changed urgently. And dagger duchess nerf is not enough.And THE LITTLE PRINCE SHOULD DEFINITELY BE NERFED Please.
few cards needed the buff -
time duration increased for the barb hut gob hut and furnance by 5 seconds…
clone needs damage
hunter -hit speed buff
rascal boy -damage buff
heal spirit- range buff
wizard- hp buff
ice wizard- area damage buff
please discuss aren’t they good buffs .
if bomber gets nerfed to 2 cycles, the card will be nonexistent because fire cracker is exactly the same BUT can do air damage too.
i think rascals and heal spirit need much more buff. about wizard, it shold be 4 elixir and nerfed his hp and damage.
Please nerf dagger duchess
Dagger duchess will still be broken, but Pump getting ridiculous amount of nerf. that’s completely balanced card, use rate of which is more just because dagger duchess pairs wit it really well.
wont wizard not dying to poison or fireball zap make it balanced.
Please buff barbarian hut because it is trash right now it needs to reduce spawn time
no, it should be dying to poison or fireball+zap, but the value should not be negative when poisoning him. 5 elexir card dies to poison is such a trash.
wizard not dying to posion will increase its usage rate and also wont make it broken
İf supercell nerfs evolution firecracker and archers,players won’t play them any more please rework clon barb Hut goblin hut and furnace
Little Prince
Night Witch
only poison
The dagger duchess should probably get a dagger reload timr nerf, because right now it’s almost impossible to punish after the duchess uses all of her knives because the second another card crosses the bridge she already has 4 daggers, enough to kill 2 fire crackers.