WIP Balance Changes for June 2022 (Season 36)

they should buff the mega knight
Deberían buffear al mega caballero

Thoughts on Existing Changes

  • Barbarian changes are welcome

  • Mother Witch buff may be too drastic, Night Witch buff is fine

  • Maybe tone down the Electro Giant buff, it can be opressive

  • Log is too good, but 50% may be too much even so

  • Royal Ghost buff is not needed, Golden Knight is a much stronger alternative that needs a nerf

  • Skeleton King nerf needs to be more drastic, it is currently the most OP card

Changes That Need to Be Made

  • Lava Hound decks have been too strong for too long, forcing players to either play decks that are half air defense or take automatic losses

  • Defensive splash decks (Splashyard, Lumberloon) are too impenetrable, they can passively cycle high health AOE cards until a counterpush inevitably forms

There are many rg player in meta please nerf the rg not log, log is balance you don’t need nerf it like valk

Barril de bárbaro: Me parece mala idea acortar su distancia, ya es suficientemente corta como para acortarla mas.
El tronco: Creo que seria mejor ponerlo a -25%
Rey esqueleto: La habilidad de la carta es la mas cara de todos los campeones, creo que si le van a disminuir los esqueletos entonces la habilidad debería de costar 1 de elixir.
Fantasma real: es una carta que no se usa mucho y realizando el cambio creo que muchos dejaran de usarla, por que es suficiente con la velocidad lenta de golpeo que tiene.
Excavadora de duendes: Su velocidad esta bien, se puede diferencia a comparación del minero, ya que el minero va mas rápido que esta, al reducir su velocidad la carta volverá a ser inutilizable ya que al ser lenta la velocidad entonces el rival tendrá mas tiempo de obtener elixir y poder contrarrestar la carta.

Could you boost marcher health and damage a bit? Also, I want to know why canon cart is so underrated

Instead of a log nerf how about a small spell buff. Cycle is almost completely dead, so a Log nerf would kill it completely. Small spells should be able to kill stab goblins so there is a real reason to use them now against bait (only PART of the reason log is used). Also, since regular goblin cards are not as good on defense anymore, they could get a hit speed buff to increase goblin usage rates away from the overpowered guards that really don’t need a nerf yet.
Ttyl: dont touch log, buff snowball and zap damage, buff goblin hit speed, dont touch guards

I don’t get why log is getting nerfed and not mega knight? While log is a commonly used card (and a very good and balanced one too). mega knight is way to over used and over powered. Nerfing it’s spawn and jump damage heavily would be a good change.
Also the wrong goblin drill bug is being fixed (you can stack them if two are quickly played on the same tile).

They should make opening mastery rewards as quick as opening chests.

When you are opening a chest you can go really fast trough the cards is you tap.
But when you are opening mastery rewards it takes a few seconds and you cannot tap skip it. It really annoys me

graveyard really needs a buff
with mother witch stronger, and skeleton king, a great card to use with graveyard nerfed, graveyard isn’t going to stay in the meta. with barbs having higher hit speed, barb barrel actually provides a better counter for graveyard. log i don’t think the nerf is necessary. the usage of log is mostly to whittle down tower hp and pushback. for cycle decks, this nerf isnt gonna go well. if anything should be nerfed about log, it should be the pushback without log constantly dealing dammage to crown towers, it will be harder to win. e giant shouldnt be that buffed. a slight increase like 5 to 6 percent will be good. for night witch, i think we should give her like 2 bats when she dies instead of 4, so she isnt overpowered but not too weak. i think if any card should be nerfed, it would be mirror or rg. mirror adding 2 levels is too strong. rg has too much hp and has wicked speed and range. without a building, it is almost impossible to play a perfect d. royal ghost shouldnt be changed.

Nerf fire spirit i think he very huge damage to tower with 1 elixir and can kill goblin with 1 spirit i think rework he damage by 132(standart spirit) but give burn damage 132 by 1second ( nerf damage 300 to 264) and rework goblin he unpopuler card, rework elixir 2 to 1 and count 3 to 1 ithink he can fokus to cycle card like skeleton

Posted this on the most recent thread, but keen to see replies on here too:

I’m astonished that Royale is seriously proposing these balance changes and not addressing the significant and long-term imbalance in the game of low-skill decks. 6 indicative examples:

  1. Why isn’t something being done about the golem, night witch, some kind of dragon(s) combo? This is boring whether I win or lose, because I don’t learn anything from low skill players who plonk down overpowered cards or combos. I see night witch all the time in my matchups, and I can’t believe Royale are seriously considering a buff! My proposal: Increase golem to cost 9 elixir, leave night witch alone Then people might find more interesting ways to use night witch.

  2. Why isn’t something being done about the egolem, healer, some kind of dragon(s) combo? Again, a frequent (and mind-numbingly boring) matchup. Sometimes this is in combo with barbarian barrel, so I welcome this slight nerf, but really a much more urgently needed proposal is reduce healer’s heal frequency by 0.1 secs or something like that.

  3. Why no mention of the (again boringly frequent) hogs, earthquake combo, often exacerbated by mother witch? EQ requires incredibly little skill, as it acts incredibly quickly, has a huge radius requiring no placement effort, destroys any/all ground hordes, and is not particularly high cost for all of this… simply rotate until hogs and EQ again and again and again…booooring! Add mother witch into the mix and this further imbalances things. So: leave mother witch alone, address the speed, damage and radius of earthquake

  4. Why no mention of graveyard + [insert tank of choice]? Again, because of it’s wide radius, long lasting effect, and random placement of a high number of skeleton popups, this is difficult to deal with, especially when any responses can be easily and quickly taken out by very low cost spells. Reduce number of skeletons in graveyard, or leave it alone but increase the cost

  5. Why no mention of the xbow at all? It is used in a great number of low skill deck combos, and it’s main issue is the decay time. Easily taking 1,000 hp off a tower with only a QUARTER of xbow lifebar left is balanced?! Speed up the decay time of xbow.

  6. A buff for electro giant, seriously?! The issue with electro giant is that there are far too many lightning strikes (or whatever they’re called) coming off his backpack which can hit ground, air, multiple units and tower - in addition to punching the tower hard… equals overpowered!! Yes increase giant health, but reduce the number of backpack lightnings, or increase the time between their frequency

There are so many other things to mention which are similar to this but I should probably stop there to give chance for responses, but overall: I’m disappointed and astonished at how out of touch Royale is with low skill decks.

If I wanted to play opponents who just plonk down card after card with no timing, placement or strategy, I could play against the computer on any low quality Tower Defence game which is very, very limited fun, and I may as well spend my time on something else (I’ve been playing Royale over 5 years, so this is not a non-invested rant). I play Royale to compete against intelligent, challenging HUMAN opponents who will change and adapt to what I do. Royale, make this possible, PLEASE.

Yes, Golden Knight is ridiculous at the moment, so many dashes, not much range limit on the dashes, very low cost, easy to take everything out and get to the tower with good hit speed and health = overpowered!

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Yes, agreed it is very commendable for the team to open things up to discussion like this

I am waiting for season 36. If anybody knows that tell me please.

I know. It’s bone pit season!

The Balance is massive, I’d like to see new changes in Clash Royale!!!
Good things are got to know are the fireball, fire spirit, Skeleton King, Ice Golem, Prince, and Executioner did a great job.
However, I do not think this is a perfect balance.
First of all, the mega knight buff is too small. It is just slightly better on the card itself but not do too much on it, a tiny buff back on his jump damage seems to be a good way to balance the mega knight.
Secondly, the Golden Knight is over-nerfed. By decreasing a 200HP at all, it is hard to use it against the ground killer. I think just nerf 5-8% Health and buff maybe walking speed or 2-3% dash damage will be fine. Egiant nerf is also over-nerfed, maybe the CR team can cut less on the zap damage will be perfect!
Other than that, there are a few cards I think should be nerfed right now. The mirror is too overpowered, considering using the same elixir but +1 level should be a good choice. Skeleton Giant must get a nerf on his HP, he is too strong just like a Pekka carrying a bomb, don’t touch his bomb damage will be fine. Also, Mortar having too much HP, considering to have a slightly nerf on it is better.

Thx for listening to my ideas!

Electro Giaiant nerf doesn’t fix how players use mirror EG
Pekka decks are not counterng EG mirror deck
Barb hut doesn’t counter e-giaiant too

Buff ram rider, now is so weak, with hog rider decks now is very weak

Fireball 1.8->1.2

You forget the knight and the Xbow itself.

Giant Skeleton (which I use) has the same problems it did which lead you to nerf it last time.

Mirror is too strong.

Skeleton king still too strong. I agree with Morton who suggests needing the minimum # of skeletons.

There is too much bait. Please do something to bait decks.