WIP Balance Changes for June 2022 (Season 36)

Rework the Night Witch and let her be able to target both air and ground units
-would make her the first ground melee troop that can target both air and ground troops
-she’s currently the only witch that can’t directly attack air units
-would help golem decks by making her a strong anti-air support
-harder to connect to tower with more distractions
Also buff the wizard by increasing his damage radius
-1.5 tiles → 2 tiles
This would increase his damage potential especially against swarms or clumped up units. While still being squishy

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Literally nobody has complaint about Royal Ghost, pointless nerf.

Supercell is killing log by doing this

Too much of a buff for the E-Giant, 6% is more than enough

And NEXT TIME ALL BALANCES SHOULD BE MENTIONED, because I’m still confused on how Supercell never said anything about that buff the drill got outta nowhere

My opinion on these changes:

Mother witch buff was needed, glad it wasn’t a health buff.
E giant buff makes sense, being hit is his primary gimmick.
I’m not sure the NW buff will do much for use outside of beatdown.
Barbarians buff I approve of.
Barrel range nerf I’m not sure about.

Log nerf is deserved, but from footage I’ve seen the nerf is too harsh.
Royal ghost doesn’t really need a nerf currently.
I know the drill nerf is a bug fix, but maybe buff it’s travel speed by a bit to compensate.
Skele-king nerf is about as effective as the -1 skeleton nerf was to graveyard.

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These are one of the worst nerfs I’ve seen this year, besides skeleton king. Does supercell have a hint of an idea as to why log and barb barrel are so highly used??? It’s a great cycling card , and is great for dealing with dart gob, princess, gobil barrel, graveyard, almost all of the swarm cards, skeleton kings ability, and possibly more. If anything it’s supercells fault for making log and barb barrel so used, log bait is still a viable stadegy, people are making skeleton king decks that involves a lot of swarm cards, dart gob is threatening to let it connect to your tower, grave yard can be hell to deal with, especially when combined with freeze, and etc. I am almost certain that the log nerf will barely affect usage rates. Not sure about barb barrel but this nerf was not neeeded, especially now that lvl 16 mirror exist, where a lbl 14 barb barrel can kill lvl 16 goblins. Moving on, never once did I think Royal Ghost needed a nerf, but I guess someone at supercell got mad that they lost because of it. Goblin drill idrc about, but again, since when did this card need a nerf? Despite how much the community has been talking about how broken freeze, graveyard, ebarbs, and mirror can be, they just suddenly thought that the perfect thing to nerf was log, barb barrel, and royal ghost. Absolutely digusting nerfs

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The night witch is quite useless. Give her back her bats when she dies. That’s what made her a good card

nerfing goblin drill is a very silly and weird move, it is to correctly OP as lava hound is, also, nerf mirror since everyone uses it and log does not deserves a nerf

I really disagree with the night witch buff. While it is weak, golem is already strong and too add to that is low skill. Also pump needs to be killed. There is one spell in the game that gets positive trades against it and that spell was just nerfed. The card cannot be viable without being toxic.


Barbarian Barrel (Rework),
Barbarians (Buff),
Electro Giant (Buff),
The Log (Nerf),
Royal Ghost (Nerf),
Skeleton King (Nerf),
Goblin Drill (Nerf / Bug Fix),
(and also with these “work-in-progress” balances with open-for-opinions phase!!!).


Mother Witch (Buff),
Night Witch (Buff).

I think that they don’t deserve these buffs not only because they are overused in this season, but also because these buffs will break them! The Night Witch+Golem is an overpowered no-skill-required META! At least the Night Witch must remain as it is! Also the Mother Witch buff will make her able to turn a skarmy into a nightmare! The witches should remain as they are!


Tornado (Nerf),
Guards (Buff).

The Tornado is overused and deserve a nerf to change the META (also with the Log nerf it will be way overused). The Guards instead need a little buff to make them more useful!

The two witches need some love, I think they might be a little too aggressive on the mother witch though.

Fixing the goblin drill bug just makes sense.

100% agree on the log nerf, I’ve always thought it provided way too much utility and that the knock back had a lot to do with that. Very frustrating, esp when trying to connect with Sparky or battle ram. 50% might be a little too much though, maybe 35%? Another thought would be to make the “stun” from knock back shorter in combo with a smaller knock back nerf.

Skeleton king seems fine right now, not sure if reducing the max summoned skeletons is even going to matter.

Barbarian buff is ok, but I don’t think it is going to be that useful. Battle ram is already a good card, this might make it too good. I don’t see this buff saving barbarians or the hut though.

Barb Barrel.
Barb barrel is fine, I don’t think the range decrease is warranted. I’ve never seen even one complaint about Barb Barrel. I realize this is to balance the hit speed increase, but it’s also going to decrease the number of units you can hit with the roll which I think is too strong a nerf.

Electro giant buff.
I think egiant is fine where it is and would be a very oppressive and unfun card to play against if it was stronger. I think rather than buffing health they should consider buffing move speed instead, this would allow it to connect more often but not make it harder to kill.

Royal Ghost nerf.
Royal Ghost is definitely a strong card, but I think he feels fair and balanced to play against. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone complain about his current state. I also think the nerf is too large as his time to invis matters quite a bit. If you are going to nerf do 1.7s instead of 1.8s. As is, this might make him fall from over to under powered.

Please don’t nerf log. It’s a bad nerf and is going to create a beatdown, low-skill meta.

Agree with
Barb barrel and barb buff in general : if the barbs are getting a buff to dps then I think it is fair for the barrel to get the distance nerf although it will make fighting log bait harder

Night witch: change will be interesting, makes her high damage output better and could make her an option for a tank killer in more decks, although I think what she needs is a buff to health or spawn speed so that she either will be put more into a mini pekka type role of high threat but still manageable to deal with

Gob drill : still a worse barrel, not much defensive use and still will be outclassed by barrel in most decks, maybe increasing the duration of the drill will make it better as it can have more time to deploy more gobs and be more useful for a kite of a card like hog rider or giants

Skeleton king : the nerf will do nothing of note, if he needs a nerf to anything it should be hp

Royal ghost : slight nerf but I don’t think it will effect him to much, he will still be solid but less spamable at bridge

Disagree with
Mother witch : first hit buff fine, hit speed buff bad, I already think she is either a make or break card that she doesn’t need the hit speed buff because of how hard she can punish

E giant : should not get as much health back as he is getting but I agree he needs buff just not as strong of one 6% health back at most or whatever percent makes it just below 5000 or at 5000

Log : this nerf is to much as it makes the thing about log that is unique to it pretty worthless, all it will do is buff log bait which does not need it, it is still gonna be a requirement for most deck just to deal with log bait as it will only buff those decks. Log and barb barrel are the only things thank cam one shot goblin barrel for positive trade and they are both getting nerfs

Stuff they should change

**Buffs **
Goblin giant : for six elixir he is to squishy and the upsides he has are pretty negligible, the spear gobs attack to slow to effectively kill anything other than bats and skeletons because of how the spear gobs don’t always target the same enemy troop, it can effectively let cards like goblins and especially goblin gangs to still effectively counter the goblin giant with out that much support and especially if the defender has put down a building, without support he can’t really do much and even with the support he still barely does anything, I think in order to buff the goblin giant while not overcompensating we only have 3 good options, Option 1 is to give the goblin giant more health to bring him slightly below the health of a giant skeleton to around 4600 area around max level while also changing his spear goblins to either have more range to around 6 or 6.5, while they are on his back, allowing him to damage threats from further away.
Option 2 is to lean the goblin giant into a more damaging counter push unit by upping the damage he does from the main attack up to around 270 or decreasing his hit speed to 1.3 seconds while keeping the current damage of 233 at max level, another idea I had for pushing him into this more damaging role is to give him another spear goblin on his back to better protect himself and to deal more damage to tower when he connects, while also decreasing his health to 3800 to 4000 range to make him slightly less tanky than a royal giant but to make it so when he connects he does more, this could be to strong of a change and in thank case I would lower the spear gob range to 5 if three spear goblins is to much. Any of these changes I think will move him to a counter push card and give him a more defined role
Option 3 is to lower his cost to 5 and by doing so making him easier to get onto the field and lowering his stats accordingly if needed but honestly I think with his current stats a cut to the cost is the only change he needs to be balanced while more viable. I just want him to be used more outside of the goblin giant sparky combo

Barb hut: it is already getting a buff because barbs are but I think even with that it will still be bad I think the health should either get a buff to 1800 or for when it’s destroyed it drops another barbarian. Adjust spawn speed accordingly so you still get the same number of barbs

Mirror : the extra level bringing the mirrored card up to level 16 is ridiculous and needs to be nerfed, mirroring something makes so that player can effectively bait you into using your counter and then punish you with the same thing but stronger, it’s really dumb and was a bad change. I say revert it to how it was or make it so it doesn’t increase the cost or level and just allows you to play the same card twice or change it so it will let you play the card you just played or the one coming up by hitting a ability button like the champs have, only give mirror this option when it no longer increases card level. It will make it more versatile and I think a more respectable card choice

Ballon : the ballon was a card I liked to use a lot before the rework and I think should be reverted to act how it used to, the change made it so the only decks it could used it were ones like lumber and lava loon or with a freeze to tower and I think that has made it more trusting to play, most decks already had good options to deal with it and I think the way they changed it made it way stronger in lumberloon which wasn’t the gallons fault but more the fault of rage as a mechanic. The change made it a card that only works in two decks anymore because you can’t do the hit and run style of ballon decks as effectively anymore because of damage nerf.

**Nerf **

Hog rider : hog rider is a card I see a lot of when I play the game and has honestly made the game way less fun because of how prevalent it is, 2.6 and hog quake are still really frustrating to fight against even after the buffs 2.6 hit and the nerfs hog quake got, hog rider is a card that needs one of two changes, he either needs a health nerf to make it more reasonable to defend or a damage nerf so he doesn’t do a tenth of your tower health per swing, because at this current moment of you don’t do those changes he is gonna need a speed nerf and I don’t that should happen, he is to easy to support with how much he can do. Swarms are counters that don’t really work because every hog deck has a spell that can delete them, they are almost always running log, EQ, zap or arrows to kill swarms and then almost always fire ball and the occasional poison, he needs that health nerf because almost every hog player has a way to deal with swarms of either air or ground and a good way to deal with building’s, he needs a good health nerf so that there are more options to counter him with because a swarm is to risky at this point and high dps things like mega minions hunters can’t counter him with out him hitting tower, even a pekka can barely do and can only really do it with perfect placement or timing. He needs a health nerf badly because with how fast he moves you have to over spend most the time to counter him if you don’t have building in cycle and even if you do it’s gonna get hit with EQ or fire ball, there is almost no circumstance in the game where you can make a positive trade against him

Freeze : it’s not a fun card to play around because you could defend properly and still lose because they have this card and stops your defense for 4 seconds. honestly I think should it be removed, I don’t think there is anywany to have this card be balanced, it either does nothing or wins you the game. It can stop a push by letting defense get hits in for free and stop a defense by letting a push go through. It’s dumb

Rage : the speed buff is to good and it also kinda falls into that same camp as freeze where I could see it removed but since other cards like lumberjack use it I don’t see that happening. I think if it were to stay make it only a 20% buff to speed so that lumberjack has it to drop and so the buff isn’t as hard to deal with. Although the actual rage card I think should get the spirit treatment because I think it would be more interesting than just dropping it for 2 elixir, it will make so the rage effect won’t be unavoidable like it is in spell form, make it a sport and make the effect last for 2 to 3 seconds

Both princes : i think they need a slight health or damage nerf of 1 to 2% I feel like they got the river jump ability for free, if not that then make it so they lose charge when they jump, I think it’s too strong that they can just obliterate some troops musketeers and and stuff like magic archer from across river then start their charge again.

Honestly i agree with the buffs but the nerfs definitey need to change. Royal Giant and Lavahound are so prevalent in the meta. Royal Giant especially has way too mych health and damage, and has gone under the radar for far too long. Also log is absolutely underserving of a nerf, and is only used so much because of the prevalance of bait decks

NERF hog rider because it does more damage to the tower and it has more hit points and all this costs only 4 elixer. SO NERF HOG RIDER.

And also buff goblin drill it is a good card and it also needs skill to use. So plz buff goblin drill.
And NERF hog rider

Lavahound is too OP and it has been having a so good win rate for too long time and it espacially counters some decks like 2.6 and that is the deck I play. Plz nerf lavahound plz it is too OP!!! I can’t suffer it anymore

Log doesn’t need a nerf. Just because a lot of people use it doesn’t mean it needs a nerf. The pushback is what makes the log unique from the barbarrel, and if we go through with these changes, people will probably start to use Barb Barrel for the extra barbarian.

Nerf Miner

Nerf Miner 2

I think the Skeleton Kong needs a bigger nerf. You could nerf his radius of his ability. I dont hink you guys should nerf Royal Ghost. I think that he’s very good, but he doesn’t deserve a nerf. The Motherwitch buff is honestly good. The Barbarian buff is perfect and is probably the best balance change made here. I don’t know about the E-Giant buff. The log nerf seems good, because the knockback of the log is just too op. The Barbarian Barrel is fine.

Log should not get nerfed as the knock back is not too much and if log is nerfed, barb barrel will be better as the log will only have a 0.5 tile knockback which will make it trash

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