Goblins should be 3. So I don’t vote for this nerf because then we won’t have the next nerf
On the other hand, evo mortar and barrel are not widely used
The Giant Skeleton has a usage rate of 1% and a win rate of 38%. Those stats seem to be way too strong and a usage rate of 65% seems balanced (sarcasm).
Honestly little prince is already balanced. It’s gonna be so bad now.
The bowler shouldn’t be nerfed, because it’s really slow and it’s only used in 2 decks mainly.
Barbarian barrel is really well balanced already, so it shouldn’t be nerfed.
Archer queen shouldn’t be buffed.
Skeleton king shouldn’t be buffed.
Giant skeleton shouldn’t be buffed.
And I think the goblins nerf is ok.
When they were 3, they were useless .
Believe me, I checked : Best Cards for Grand Challenge in Clash Royale - RoyaleAPI
Edit : They’re used in Hog Exe Nado but they had terrible use rates.
Fix the champions dont nf goblins nf evos dont buff guards
I wouldn’t mind if the evo recruits got nerfed but i don’t want it because i just got them
We’re not voting for implements - we’re voting for the ones we like the most. And, no. Giant bomb boy is not OP he is just good when the player k owns how to use him. (Kinda like how fisherman sometimes feels like the best card in the game when in the hands of a skilled player.)
That’s a weak arguement while it probably shouldn’t survive fireball the thing is elixer doesn’t matter since regular knight survives rocket
balance change should be more based on use rate. nerf hog and buff lava
Where is goblin giant nerf
Nah evo archers will still be very viable. Still top 3 with knight and recruits
Every vote counts, if you have time vote. Rage needs to be nerfed, even after the nerf gobg is one of the strongest cards in the game paired with the rage, and lumberloon freeze is one of the best deck even without an evo. This shows how broken this is
I want to live in a world where bomber 1-shots spirits (besides heal spirit weirdly).
The damage nerf to LP makes him take 3 shots to kill goblins. I think that is a sufficient nerf.
I suppose you are right. Golden knight deserves an enhance.
I agree with the following, the champions aren’t in a good spot because Little Prince is too strong:
Guardian nerf
Skeleton king
Golden knight
Archer Queen
I don’t think the following are needed and cards are good as is
Goblins this nerf is too much
Evo archers I don’t think they’re too OP
Barb barrel this card is amazing let it be
Giant skeleton is already strong
Guardians they have pretty good value already don’t need a buff
Could take it or leave it:
Evo Recruits
Goblin drill
pls nerf Little Prince
And I think nowadays the heros are in an awkward circumstance. Compared with the evo cards’ special mechanism, their skills which cost extral elixirs are much more difficult to use. The ways need to be found to make it more flexible.
I just want them to buff mortar