WIP Balance Changes for January 2024 (Season 55)

royal recruits need a bigger nerf (lower hp )

recruits dash speed nerf will be cool

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if it will be for real buffed the next meta could be one of the most toxic and annoying of the last year, take in consideration the other choice pls, this card is already OP donā€™t make it more

I strongly support this method to determine what should be buffed or nerfed. Good job supercell

No nerfs, only buffs


Bowler does not deserve a nerf and is only meta because of little Prince when little Prince is gone so is bowler


Pekka buff too please +5.021276595744681%hp - I did the math and Pekka survives 2 more princess tower hits. The new cannon tower troop will reck Pekka so needs this buff.

Idk, because if a card is too strong/popularā€¦ it can be not nerfedā€¦ this method has that downside.

Please nerf GOBLIN GIANT

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If drill is being buffed, they should fix the glitches with it. Currently, if you use knight (or any mini tank) to counter a drill placement in the front, it will stop the spawned goblins every time on one tower, and never on the other tower due to an AI inconsistency with true blue/ true red. You can try it yourself with a friend. This glitch made drill extremely frustrating to play against when it was strong.

Necessary Buffs:

  • Giant Skelly
  • Skelly King
  • AQ
  • Golden Knight

Unnecessary Buffs (I donā€™t care much about these cards, plus interactions wonā€™t change significantly):

  • Guards
  • Bomber
  • Gobdrill (Might be necessary, but I think it would become too similar to Gobbarrel if changed)

Necessary Nerfs:

  • Lilā€™ Prince
  • Evo Archers
  • Evo Recruits
  • Goblins

Unnecessary Nerfs:

  • Rage (Itā€™s not even that good of a spell. Changing half a second duration will be mostly insignificant)
  • Barb barrel (Who asked for this??)
  • Bowler (Itā€™s already a slow enough card as is)

Fisherman, bandit, royal ghost, knight, and guards are all 3 elixer cards that survive fireball


-Graveyard RNG and Drill True Red True Blue have a much higher priority

-3 card cycle removal

-Tornado Nerf?

-Goblin Giant of course

-Earthquake Rework? Itā€™s the only thing enabling the fast win cons Hog and Royal Hogs

-Miner and / or Poison Nerf

-All Evos nerf / rework to +1 elixir or a similar balance

Hereā€™s my thoughts on the WIP changes.

  1. Little Prince nerf would be good, it would encourage more champion variety especially with the other WIP balance changes to the other champions.

  2. I understand Evo Archers are currently still very strong in the meta, however they just received a nerf and I feel as though every time a strong evo comes out, it gets nerfed considerably. Theyā€™re not the hardest evo to counter so I feel if anything, maybe a delay in the first shot would be a better change.

  3. Goblins recently received a nerf to their first hit time speed. I do feel that goblins are strong but not overpowered. It would be a bit of an annoying change as many people use goblins.

  4. Rageis in a balanced spot, I donā€™t see any need for it to be nerfed in the duration. The range is already much smaller than it was before and it would have a big impact if the duration got decreased.

  5. Barbarian Barrel is already used way less than The Log and a damage reduction would hurt it severely IMO. I think it should stay as is.

  6. EVO Royal Recruits are a strong EVO, a small damage reduction wouldnā€™t be a bad idea. Theyā€™re already very strong as they are when they rush as quick as they do when they loose their shield. Perhaps an alternate change could be a delay to their dash time. Increasing the time it takes for them to dash after they loose their shield would be a better change IMO.

  7. Bowler has been seeing a lot of popularity lately. A nerf in the first hit time would be minor considering how strong of a card it already is. I donā€™t see that nerf changing the usage of Bowler much.

  8. A Giant Skelly HP buff would be scary. Seeing as how he already is very tanky, adding HP would make it take longer to take down. It could be the difference between winning and loosing a match.

  9. I would love to see a Guards shield buff. They are a very underrated card and I feel it would introduce variety to decks that use swarm cards like Goblins

  10. Skelly King buff to hit speed would be a great change. Again, thereā€™s been a lot of Little Prince in the meta and more variety to champion picks would be fantastic. As it stands, thereā€™s no reason to pick Skelly King over Little Prince when Dark Knight is a great substitute to it.

  11. Bomber buff would be huge! I think the Bomber is a very underrated card and thereā€™s big potential for it to be used more with a damage buff.

  12. Golden Knight needs a buff ASAP. Ever since the dash nerf and Little Prince came out, I barely ever see any Golden Knights anymore. I donā€™t even see ** Golden Knight** in any E Giant decks anymore.

  13. Archer Queen aswell could use a buff. Iā€™ve noticed itā€™s very easy to counter the Queen in this meta and an increase to the duration of her Royal Cloak would go a long way.

  14. Goblin Drill is a very interesting card. It actually used to be one of my favorite cards but itā€™s so easy to counter it. Iā€™m not sure if the rework/buffs that are WIP would be enough but it definitely needs some sort of buff regardless. I would love to be able to use it more as itā€™s such a fun card to use.

Yes but theyā€™re all melee troops

I think the Lava Hound -6% hit points and Magic Archer first attack hit speed from 0.5 to 0.8 sec nerfs need to be reverted because the Lava Hound and the Magic Archer had a healthy use rate of 7% and 13% usage rate respectively in Grand Challenge mode pre-October.
Proof : Best Cards for Grand Challenge in Clash Royale - RoyaleAPI
They were killed by Democracy. Letā€™s choose our balance options based of stats.


Lava hound in Barb decks is still opā€¦ like 57-59% winrate GCā€¦ magic archer yes defo needs a buff.

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So you say mega minion should die to fireball?

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The Goblin Giant had an 11% usage and a 60% win rate pre-October balance changes : Best Cards for Grand Challenge in Clash Royale - RoyaleAPI
And nobody complained.

Goblin nerf is ridiculous. Dagger goblins may be strong on the meta but the first hit speed decrease just ruins evo mortar and goblin barrel decks,which are not in the best place right now.