This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
Ice wiz could use a little more, but the void rework is more forgiving for people who did not drink 4 Red Bulls before playing.
E wiz and ice wiz need damage/hp buff or other type of buff. Radius buff won’t do much.
Cannon cart need more damage, and/or hp buff to be decent.
Hunter may need higher ranged damage and less close range damage (rework).
Additional cards changes options would be good.
These changes are good apart from the e wiz is already a good card so doesn’t need a buff.
I think there should be at least a few more cards getting balance changes as 7 doesn’t seem much.
What about evolutions? Evo tesla, evo wiz, and evo drill need nerfs. I would further reduce the 1 target strong beam damage for void. Otherwise, the rework for void is fine. I like the e wiz buff, but the ice wiz buff seems like it will be pronounced. Apart from that, another card that I would like to see balanced would be nado.
Arrows nerf was ok, but the main issue with arrows is the radius. A radius nerf of half a tile smaller would be a better nerf. It would make the skill cap higher for the card.
All of the other changes in the WIP balance changes are good.
However, some things definitely need to get added to the nerf section. Evo tesla, Evo wizard, and the best spell in the game as of right now ( Even higher usage rate than arrows! ), the log spell needs a nerf. All three of these cards are way too strong. Log has been strong for centuries, and no nerf has been given. A lot of people are biased and never say that log needs a nerf because it’s in their deck, but it 's been due for a nerf.
This is all for now, hopefully something gets changed a bit in the WIP balance changes.
ARROW’s usage rate is high because of his high pertinence so there’s no sence to nerf arrow.
His targeting of strong backline cards does not change because he is weakened.
Balance changes are overall good, though I feel the Ice Wizard could use an additional buff to his spawn effect (Kills Spear Goblins? Knockback?)
Besides that, any buff to the Minion Horde would be appreciated - they’ve been one of the worst cards in the game since… well, always, and some kind of rework would be well deserved.
Really, though, this is a fantastic set of balance changes. Keep it up!
The void rework is terrible. It’s making an overpowered spell even better, giving it less downside risk while it’s already too strong. Less single target damage is not going to change the already good interactions. Now you’ll be able to use void on swarms and still be rewarded. It doesn’t make any sense. Void should cost 4 elixir because the trades it gets are too powerful. Even when you block a void with troops you’re already at a disadvantage for the elixir spent. And they can use an additional spell like arrows and still come out on top. There is zero risk to using void, there is no risk reward there is only reward, and it’s really boring to play against because it’s way too powerful.
The only way to nerf that card is to either make it easier and more rewarding to block void, making it do less damage to multiple targets. And have the lowest damage happen at 4 targets instead of 5, because many troops come in 3s. Or you simply increase the elixir cost so that you don’t get game breaking trades all of the time.
Void rework is not that good imo. 2nd shot should get a tiny nerf so it has to 3 shot archers and big shot should get a very tiny nerf to not one shot magic archer, but basically do the same damage for all states
if you’re going to nerf arrows, then log should definitely get a nerf as well
buffs are good, but nerf broken evolutions thanks
- Log also needs a crown tower damage nerf of 15% or something they are more overused than arrows - crown tower damage nerf for spells also helps with the general issue of spell cycling
- Void does not need a damage weak beams buff but the damage strong beam nerf is required - If it gets better at dealing with swarms then it becomes very good in comparison to fireball, arrows
- Evo Wiz seriously need a pushback nerf
- Duchess and Cannoneer could use slight buffs
- Golden Knight buff people have been waiting forever for that
- Goblin Curse was also overnerfed so slight buff for that
- Healer is also pretty weak like most golem, egolem players arnt even having her so could use a slight buff
- 3M - not really sure how to buff them properly tbh since musketeer does not need a buff. I guess just make it spawn and attack a bit faster might help. It could be used to defend some things like that
- Witch is also pretty weak and only seen in very few Giant GY variations. Maybe spawn one more skelly every time, or increase witches hp a bit.
- Same for zappies, they are really strong to counter things but too less hp and most spells damage them too much so maybe increase their damage a bit or stun effect or something might be a good idea
- Another idea I think would be good will be a rework of spawners - I liked this persons post
- Also if possible think of ways to make mirror and clone viable or consider removing them from the game - An idea I thought for mirror might be worth trying would be same elixir as normal card but -1 level. And an idea for clone could be that they have the same health as the normal card but they disappear after 5s or something like that
Zappies, Witch, Spawners, mirror, clone, 3M, healer, curse, golden knight, there are like less than 1% of people in top 1k or so use them so all need slight buffs
and things like log, arrows, evo wiz, void are used by 30% of ppl there so need slight nerfs
Overall decent balance changes but a few things were missed out which might help
Also side note please be sure to release these balance changes on the same day as new season
E Wiz has been dying out of the meta for so long now, he’s anything but a good card, which saddens me because he’s one of my favorite cards in the entire game
Use API card stats to look up his 7 day rating in Grand Challenges, you’ll see he is ranked 111th with a 4% usage and a 38% win rate
He ABSOLUTELY needs a buff without a doubt, and a good one too, bigger than this baby buff they’re giving him
We NEED an evo Wizard nerf BADLY
Evo Tesla nerf is also desperately needed, and give base Tesla a 1.1s hitspeed again please! The damage nerf can stay since it was without a doubt the best building before the nerf, but now it’s so bad even Cannon has been seeing an increase in usage which says enough
The Ice Wizard buff is actually really good imo and will make him less reliant on Tornado to be viable, but I definitely agree with you that a damage buff would be more than appropriate for such an underpowered card
E Wiz buff I agree again, however I would rather he get a range buff from 5 tiles to 5.5 tiles than a damage buff, because his damage is 110 right now and at 115 damage he would 2 shot Minions, so 114 is the limit for that. The current buff he has for his Zap spawn is so minor though, and I agree that he absolutely needs more than that to actually be worth using
I don’t think Cannon Cart needs more damage than what it’s already getting honestly. I think the damage will be fine, as for the hitpoints however, I would like to see both Cannon and Cannon Cart get their original hitpoints back before the nerf they had last year, while increasing their first attack delay or something to compensate for that buff, since Cannon was super popular and good when it had that 8%/9% more hp
I think that’s a good idea for Hunter, it would be nice for him to have a higher range and bigger projectile size (easier for pellets to register damage on targets far away) but a slower first attack to compensate. I also am really upset they’re giving him 3hp less than Fisherman so Phoenix will still kill him in exactly 4 shots (217 x 4 = 868) Phoenix is already insanely strong and popular so Hunter will never be used unless they give us a reason to use him over Phoenix
I agree with the evo wiz nerf
But evo tesla nerf and tesla buff is not required. Cannon having an increase in usage is a good thing.
Tesla should not be the best building. There should be diversity and some decks have tesla, sometimes have cannon, sometimes inferno, bomb tower. Which is true now which is a good thing
What’s for the goblin machine buff??? Literally a card so broken and get nerfed to the ground and literally buff them again? the card is already balanced if used correctly and buffing the card make it harder to face against cause the rocket can literally keep hitting the crown tower.
The e-wiz is unnecessary. This card is very balanced and its just very meta based and buffing the card spawn radius just make it counter swamps easier, the original spawn is already good.
Last but not least the void damage weak beams shouldn’t be that much. It main weakness is against the swamp card but why making it counter swamp easier? It would be harder to go against void because of the weak beams and the strong beam nerf doesn’t even did that much
Some more balance changes:
Electro Wizard (Additional Buff) (Spawn Damage 192 → 202) (5%)
Giant Skeleton (Buff) (Hit Speed: 1.4 → 1.3) OR (Attack Range: 0.8 tiles → 1 tile)
Golden Knight (Buff) (Max Dashes: 10 → 12) OR (Hit Speed: 0.9 → 0.8)
Fire Spirit (Buff) (Damage: 207 → 213) (3%)
Goblin Curse (Buff) (Radius: 3 tiles → 3.5 tiles)
Mega Minion (Buff) (Hit Speed: 1.5 → 1.4) OR (Range: 1.6 → 1.8)
Void Spell (Additional Nerf) (Damage Medium Beams (2-4 targets): 160 → 148) (-7.5%)
Evolution Tesla (Rework) (Pulse Range: 6 tiles → 5.5 tiles) (Remove Death Shockwave and add a Shockwave at 50% HP)
Evolution Wizard (Nerf) (Shield Knockback: 3 tiles → 2 tiles)
Evolution Drill (Nerf) (Goblins Spawned Upon Activation: 1 → 0) (If not, at least fix it to where the goblins that spawn upon activation will lock onto the building rather than the princess tower.)
Buff clone please it could do damage. Like zap level