WIP Balance Changes for April 2023 (Season 46)

Bro phoenix cannot be killed by a zap its a death damage nerf, nothing to do with hp.

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Rascals- I like the idea of the rework, but I think itā€™s worthless. I mean, it could be cool, but I think in the world weā€™re in now, I think itā€™s worthless. Maybe add some sort of small buff to the girls, like a hit speed reduction to 0.9 or 0.8. And maybe bring them a bit closer together. Ex. 2.5 tiles. I think that would make them usable.

Furnace- I like this Buff/Rework, Furnace has been one of the worst buildings in Clash for a long time. I think this may bring it back into the meta. (PLEASE NO SPAWNER META PLEASEā€¦)

Mega Minion- OMG heā€™s back! I canā€™t believe theyā€™re gonna buff him! I love the idea of this buff, but I think thatā€™s a bit too fast. I think -0.2 would be perfect.

Spear Gobs- I like this buff, theyā€™re trying to make spear gobs fit into more decks, kinda how the goblins did.

Archers- I think this change is not needed and their hit speed needs to go to 1 sec and call it a day. Because 1.1 made them crap, and 0.9 made them TOO strong.

Golden Knight- Iā€™m a bit biased about this nerf. As a GK user, I donā€™t think this nerf is needed, However, I know all you cry babies want this golden balanced boy to be nerfed because of his unpredictable dash. (and because heā€™s a knight. The meme never gets old.)

Miner- This nerf was 110% NEEDED, miner is so annoying and he gets way too many hits on the tower. So hopefully with this nerf he will get a lot fewer hits

Phoenix- Phoenix is completely fine the way she is right now, this nerf is not needed. The last thing we need is for her to go to 5 elixir

You weird dude, you weird for thinking about tornado nerf. Definitely weird.

Promising look for the balance changes! My input:

-Rascals change is on the right track, but the new spacing is too far apart. I use Rascals (yes, we exist) and Iā€™m afraid this will cause awkward interactions. With the girls so far behind the boy, the boy will take a lot more damage due to the girls taking more time to come into range. Currently, I can place them in position such that the girls begin shooting the target before the boy is within melee range. With that said, the girls should be placed just far enough behind the boy such that the units like the bomber, wizard, etc. donā€™t splash onto the girls while targeting the boy. Itā€™s also essential that, when split behind the king tower, the girl stays behind the boy.

-Mega Minion and Pheonix: This is the only part of the changes that does not look to be headed in the right direction. The two cards are becoming virtually the same thing, just scaled to a different elixir cost. A great solution is to dive deeper into the unique mechanic of the phoenix. The egg/reborn mechanic is currently making such a minimal impact on gameplay that the card can hardly be considered a legendary. Buff the hitpoints of the egg to 291 (survives log) and buff the reborn phoenix to make it 20-25% stronger than the current original form. Nerf the original form to be the same as the current reborn phoenix (20% weaker). In deck which the two are competing for the same spot, this would result in Phoenix being used in decks that are well equipped to protect the egg, and mega minion in decks that are not.

The rest looks great! Thanks!

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I think all of these changes are good and well though off.

I think the main debate is the archers nerf. I think archers was not super op as a card as pretty much everyone is running arrows now and the meta will kill it. However, considering the nerf, I feel this will be too severe. We saw what happened when we nerfed musky first hit speed by .3, archers may have a similar effect. If the first speed nerf is the path supercell wants to go then they should nerf it by a less amount and wait to see what the effects of it will be on the next meta

I think the miner nerf is completely unnecessary

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It needs a radius decrease IMO

I do not agree with the miner nerf.

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I think the low MM use rate has more to do with the spammy nature of the game than the Phoenix. Log bait dominated before rocket nerf, miner control is still big. MM is useless against decks like that. The Phoenix death damage helped against that even though itā€™s single target. A slow, single-target tank killer isnā€™t going to get a lot of use when you continually buff small, fast, spammy cards like spear gobs. Nerfing GK, archers, and Phoenix while simultaneously buffing spear gobs and furnace is only going to make the meta more spammy, which may drive MM out of game even more.

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Why not give mega minion a movement speed buff? The proposed seems like it wants to make mega minion ā€œcheaper phoenix,ā€ but I think itā€™d be more dynamic to make it a hybrid between the strengths and weaknesses of minions and phoenix. I think nerfing its damage but buffing itā€™s movement and hit speed will let it fill a role that neither of the other cards fill, and allow for more options when choosing between the 3.

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agreed, gk wasnā€™t that bad to deal with, especially after his last nerf

I really donā€™t think any of that matters aside from the archers who obviously need a nerf. The main issue for like 3 years has been the 3-card cycle. Why nothing there? Also, the game is way too defensive. All buildings should be nerfed, and all spells should do less damage against the towers. The game has been slow and stagnant for years because the defenses are too strong and spells are too powerful.

Here are my stupid thoughts on the new WIP balance changes in detail. What am I supposed to do on a Tuesday afternoon? Touch grass?
Mega boy and the bird: Why are you making the mega minion more like the bird? just make it like mini p and knight, one is to deal heavy damage while other is to survive and be tanky. iā€™d give the change a 6/10
Miner and swarm: I know miner tanking for archers, goblins, wallbreakers, ect. was broken, but it was not all the miners fault. Archers were busted and gobos are still used over skellies in almost every deck. just nerf gobos and archers dps and miner will feel like a lot less of a problem. And if you still think minor is broken, then nerf tower damage. Because its not like the meta was minor poison on the tower whenever you had the elixir (sarcastic eye roll). this change should just be removed. 2/10
Rapscallions: I think that it is a good buff, considering that you can still just drop almost any spell on rascals and not have to worry about them any more. Iā€™m a little biased toward them (egor deck) but I think they will still be able to easily be countered between log, arrows, valk, gk, and basically every other mini tank. 7/10
Furnace: It will still be easily countered by eq and poison, but will now be a little trickery to deal with otherwise. Good change. 7/10
Spear gobos: I like the change. spears were being heavily overshadowed by bows and arrows. The range buff gives more survivability to the card so it can get more value over time. and it also sets up greatly for a future gobos nerf (the gang). 7/10
archers: why? First hit speed was never the problem, it was what made them unique. The overwhelming dps twas the problem. That is supposed to dart goboā€™s thing. 1.1 too slow? 0.9 too fast? Try 1.0. seams like an easy solution to me. 4/10
golden boy: seams like you guys keep on doing the same thing over and over again. I like the shorter dash length but if you want to buff it after thin, just make the card itself better, not the ability. current change is an 8/10
Phoenix: seams like a kind of useless buff. they donā€™t even give examples of changed interactions. feels like they could do a lot better change, but they decide to propose this. feels like they are just losing love for the game when they do this. 1/10
Archers nerf hit speed from 0.9 to 1.0, no other changes
Golden knight buff range from medium mele to long mele, keep current nerf
Furnace: keep current buff and/or give second spirit on death (better on defense)
goblins: nerf attack speed by 0.1 or 0.2, and buff first attack speed by about 0.2 sec
archers: nerf attack speed to 1.0, no other changes
Miner: no change. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease! :pleading_face:

donā€™t touch miner, nerf archers attack speed to 1.0, nerf gobos dps and buff first attack (for the drill and barrel), and do a useful change instead of 10% death damage nerf to phoenix. Other than that, I would be rather happy about the changes. Thanks for reading my brick of words. :upside_down_face:

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I get what your going for with the miner nerf. make it worse with goblins, archers and wall breakers to that that deck will stop being in almost every other battle. but by nerfing health, you also make it worse with all other bait, which it was hardly used with before, and makes it worse on defense. part of the reason it is used in slower cycle decks is that it works well on defense when you get a weird hand. this will make it so that miner will see almost no usage in heavy decks, and therefore it will just be miner wallers spam and miner poison spam.

The right move is to do nothing. nerfing archers and nerfing gobos instead of miner will make miner cycle spam start going away. the reason miner is used over hog is for the poison to kill archers. the other part is that hog gets counted easily by ice spirit and goblins, and all of those decks have a building too. since building cant fully counter miner, miner is used over hog. nerfing archers and gobos will make hog more popular again, and miner will shift out of the meta. if not, than it will likely be because poison kills archers, poison+ log kills archer queen, and poison will damage mega minion, all of which will likely be vary broken cards.

just because miner poison inherently works well with and counters the most broken cards in the game dos not mean miner poison is the problem. there are much more broken cards that need to be delt will tike goblins. honestly, just nerf gobos, not miner.


archers: why? First hit speed was never the problem, it was what made them unique. The overwhelming dps twas the problem. That is supposed to dart goboā€™s thing. 1.1 too slow? 0.9 too fast? Try 1.0. seams like an easy solution to me. 2/10

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Three things

Firstly Furnace after the change would be worse not better than before left by itself because the shorter lifespan and faster spawn means itā€™s easier to counter with ranged cards for a better elixir trade with it not staying on the board as long, the inherent ā€œbuffā€ to it is as a reactionary card playing it in the same lane as an oncoming offensive approach, as more spirits will be able to spawn before the push reaches the building.

And secondly Gob Giant will not be getting a buff unfortunately, as his backpack spears already have a default range of 5.5 tiles due to a change he got in recent years.

Last thing is Archers, I donā€™t know if you remember when Musketeer got her first attack nerfed by 0.3 seconds but she went from the most popular and strongest ranged attacker to one of the worst and most unused in the game. A 0.4 second reduction is an INSANE nerf and will kill Archers without a doubt, the right thing to do is changing the problem they have as it is which is the damage, they never ever needed a 23% dps increase. They were fine even at 1.1 second hit speed but I wouldnā€™t be opposed to 1 second with maybe a 0.1 second first attack reduction if anything.

Tornado does deserve a nerf but at least give an idea rather than complete disapproval of GK getting nerfed when he still deserves one either way. Out of all champions right now his ability is the most cracked even without Nado. However he likely wonā€™t be nearly as good in decks without Nado after the change, and although I completely agree with the range reduction change, he should definitely get some of his hp back that was taken a while ago or something else to compensate, heā€™s much too reliant on his ability for value where otherwise he just dies too quickly without making much of a dent.

Miner is the soft win condition that is only ever strong when supporting cards are. The damage nerfs over the years have made it this way. So suddenly, when archers are buffed, they feel the need to nerf miner? This is honestly ridiculous. Archer nerf is ridiculous, just soft nerf hit speed, obviously. These changes basically rework the card for no reason. Other than that, I am waiting to see how the other changes play out. I donā€™t really know why supercell always picks the stupidest, most complicated way out of every self-imposed balance change situation when they know this is a delicate game.

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Good day everyone and my fellow clashers

Miner ā€¦ underserved nerf its the poison that is used to kill broken cards like archers that makes it annoying but the miner itself shouldnt be touched ā€¦ like at all

Spear gobs will like to see this buff in play

Pheonix dont use it but underserved imo it will be its 2nd nerf if im not mistaken the nerf isnt that big tho so we will see

Archers ā€¦ jesus i love the card but goddamn it was about time for its nerf a much deserved nerf

Mega minion ā€¦ its an ok buff might be broken but its a dead card it need resurrection

Golden knight is not a bad card ā€¦ yes hes annoying but again its the broken cards like tornado that make him op so im on the fence on this change because he is a good card

Rascals deserved buff

And supercell please listen to your fans and players

1 tornado needs a nerf
2 e giant does too much tower damage nerf
3 havenā€™t seen rocket in ages and also its not great buff tower damage
4 tesla could do with a 4% hp increase

Also again please dont touch miner please please please please ā€¦ miner isnt the problem if u open your eyes